6 - Terpolite Monitor Station, Intersection

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After the absolute failure that was asking the Ævum for help, Amneris and Xix took it upon themselves to check things out. Since the Terpolite Monitor Station was the first place any form of evidence had come from, that's where they went.

The place was completely trashed! Part of the roof had caved in, crashing down on all the monitors, and an entire wall was missing! There was evidence of a fight everywhere, burn marks from energy blasts all over the station. Even gouge marks from Terpolite blades marked the floor. The far wall—still intact—looked like something massive had been thrown into it. One of the piles of roof had teeth marks on it.

Amneris tossed aside a brick and muttered, "This will take forever to fix."

Xix, however, had her attention on the missing wall. More specifically, what was in its place. Where there should've been open space, there was just . . . nothing. It was unsettling. How could there be nothing? That was impossible. Xix reached forward, wanting to know what it felt like, if there was any form there—

Amneris grabbed her wrist. "Bad idea."

Right. If that was the Void, the last thing they needed was to fall into it.

Xix shivered. "I thought these tears closed once the Beast returned."

"Hmm. It's more a time limit thing than anything else, though that is known to happen." Amneris crossed her arms, looking over it. "You got sent those readings not even a day ago. It's not that surprising it's still open."

"But we should find a way to close it?"

"Oh, definitely. Don't need someone else trying to touch it." A pointed look.

"Yes, yes. I get it."

Amneris pulled a small pouch from her belt, digging around. As she did, Xix took the opportunity to see if any machinery was still working. She thought it would be hopeless, everything was too badly wreaked, but under a pile of rubble was a light. With some effort, Xix shifted it out of the way. She pulled out the broken computer – a laptop. It was one of the older models, something she hadn't seen in years.

Xix sat on the pile of rubble, resting the laptop on her knees. Having no idea what to do, she began pressing random buttons. The screen flickered to life. It wasn't password protected. How convenient! A screen was already loaded, showing an image of the Station in current time. A security feed! Looking around the room, Xix found a camera in the corner closest to her. She hadn't noticed it before. The red light told her it was still active.

After finding the correct button—totally not an accident—Xix was able to rewind back to before the Station was destroyed. "Hey," she called to Amneris, who was placing stones at strategic points around the tear. "Come look at this."

The two women watched the video.

* * * * * * * *

The three watched the computer, the two men leaning over Ali's shoulders. Spikes were appearing on her screen at regular intervals, the three unable to do anything but stare. Another spike—

The Station shattered, blowing in a wall and throwing the three across the room. The dust settled; the Station was in pieces. Tentacles slithered through the wreckage as the Void Beast pulled itself into Creation from the Void.

"By the Gods . . ."

"That's not possible. There's no way . . ."

"But how . . ."

The Void Beast stared at its target. The three activated their powers, casting what remained of the Station into multiple colours of light. The Void Beast roared and leapt forward. The three jumped out of the way.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now