12 - DJEW

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The desert felt like it went on forever. There was sand in shoes, in her clothes, in her hair. A hot wind blew from the west making the heat even more intense. Kayla was so over this desert but there was no way to leave. Her new friend's powers were still acting up and the two mountains were still quite a walk away. Yinepu had said they should head for the west. He called it Manu and said something about it maybe being able to strengthen his powers. "Death is on the West," he'd explained. Kayla had no idea what he was talking about, but hey, any plan was better than no plan in this situation.

Kayla was grateful for the supply pack she'd picked up from home before leaving. Zer weren't exactly created for desert conditions. They were made for water. She could feel herself weakening despite the supplies, and there were still plenty of those to get through. The bag on her waist was a gift from Jay when they were still dating. She would've tossed it if the damned thing wasn't so useful. A charm meant all her supplies were stored in another dimension only accessible through the bag. She had an entire survival kit in it. After all, one never knew when something like this would happen.

Ammit trotted happily between the pair. She was unconcerned about anything. If anything, she looked happy. Every time she spotted something sparkly in the sand Ammit would begin rolling around, yapping. Yinepu now had a small collection of priceless gemstones in his pocket and no idea what to do with them. It only continued to grow as they walked.

"For a Devourer, she's not very scary," Kayla said.

Yinepu shook his head. "She is scary when she does her work. Her name is feared."

Ammit yapped at Kayla's feet. She picked her up, scratching under the creature's chin. "How could anyone fear someone so adorable?"

"The hearts of the wicked. She feasts on them if they fail the final test."

Kayla grimaced, pulling back from the creature nuzzling her. "Ew. Your world is strange."

"I think it's nice." He shoved his hands into his pocket. "You follow the path of Sekhmet?"


Yinepu frowned, trying to think of the right words in Lyriumian. "A Healer. You are a Healer?"

Kayla nodded. "Is it really that obvious?"

"You do give off a certain aura. But it's a good thing," he quickly added. "It's always good to have a Healer around."

"Especially with a group of Immortals who enjoy getting killed." She sighed. "Oh, yeah. My life isn't complicated at all."

"We all have our roles in the world, Kayla. Not everyone is lucky to find theirs, but you did." He smiled. "Be proud of that. Oi!" This was to Ammit. Yinepu held up a silver gemstone. Ammit's tail wagged happily. He tossed it toward the mountain. She gave chase. "I'm sure the others appreciate your talents?"

"They do." Kayla reached into her pouch for another bottle of water. "I don't do it for the praise. People need help and I provide. Simple as that." She took a long mouthful and sighed. "Is there anything I should know about this mountain."

Yinepu looked to the sky as he thought. "There should be a Guardian. A lion named Aker. Well, there are two. One on each mountain. Sef and Duau. That is what the stories so it would be safe to assume they are there."

"One for each mountain?"

"Peak and I would assume so. If we are headed for Manu, I believe that means we will encounter Sef."

"What do the stories say about them?"

"Aker is either two lions at each peak or one lion with two heads. I think." Yinepu scratched the back of his head. "It has been quite some time since a living one has been encountered by anyone but the highest Gods of my people. I would ask but . . ." He shrugged helpfully.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now