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Xix, Maddie, Troy and Hathor flew above the Terpolite Wastelands on the back of Xix's dragon. His large, smooth black wings tore through the air like it was nothing. Xix pet the beast's head. She could swear he smiled.

A clap of thunder. Electricity sparked around the dragon's body, making everyone jump.

"Easy, Rai," Xix said.

"Is he okay?" Hathor asked.

"Yeah." Xix gave Rai's head another gentle stroke. "He's just not a fan of this place."

Troy snorted. "Who is?"

Xix smiled but couldn't blame Troy for feeling that way. Ilsbrook gave her the shivers, and it wasn't just because of the residual Photon power. Her sister had destroyed it, brought it to ruin and murdered the inhabitants in cold blood. Just the thought of going there . . . If it weren't for the sake all of Yenari was at stake, Xix would never have considered coming back here.

Rai let out a roar. Xix looked down. The ruined city was coming up quickly, the remains of a few towers reaching high. Xix pointed to the ground. Rai changed his direction. The three kids yelped, grasping tighter as they made a quick decent. Rai flapped his wings strongly as they reached the ground, landing heavily in the dirt.

Troy was first off, running to the side and bracing his hands on his knees. He looked kind of sick. Sky helped Hathor from the dragon's back before she ran to check on Troy, Sky quickly following as he rooted around in his backpack.

Xix place her hand on Rai's snout. "Thank you. You can wait here if you don't want to come." The dragon nuzzled her hand. Xix cooed and scratched under his chin.

"Interesting pet you got there," Troy said, still looking pale.

"Oh, he's a sweetie." Xix rubbed her cheek against Rai's. "Aren't you? Yes, you are. You're an adorable dragon." Rai roared proudly.

Hathor braced a hand on her hip. "Nice to know we have a lightning dragon for if any of those plant monsters come up." She shivered, starting toward the city. "I hated those things so much."

Troy and Sky exchanged glances.

"Plant monsters?" Sky asked.

Troy went after her calling, "I think you need to tell us something!"

* * * * * * * *

The four made the trek toward the city. As they entered its boarders, a chill overcame the group. It just felt wrong. They knew they shouldn't be here, but they didn't have a choice. Just like the last time, they had to make sure Yenari remained in one piece. Xix tugged the bottom of her jacket. She seriously hated this place. The less time spent here the better.

A deep fog slowly descended upon the city. It begun feeling like something straight out of a horror movie. Xix rubbed at her armour-covered arms. She would never not be grateful to Zoe for making something so useful. Inbuilt heating protected her from the cold, as did the armour the others wore. One could never be too careful in Ilsbrook. Many angry spirits haunted this place.

"What are we looking for, exactly?"

Xix turned to her niece. "I have no idea."

Hathor's eyes narrowed. "So helpful."

"This city is massive," Sky awed, holding a holographic map. "It will take days to search all of it."

Troy crossed his arms. "I don't like that idea. This place gives me the fucking creeps. Can smell the death."

Wolves were known for their keen sense of smell, Xix remembered. Even so, being able to smell the millions of deaths five thousand years after they took place, that was pretty impressive. Almost as impressive as that girl who could actually see the spirits trying to keep them here. Xix shivered. She didn't want to feel that again. Surely it wouldn't be long until the angry dead made their move.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now