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It was a gorgeous morning. A beautiful morning. A perfect morning.

The Sun rose over the Lyriumian grassland as Amneris, Leo and Jay emerged from the forest on their usual morning run. Birds and dragons flew overhead. Fish jumped from the river leading to the Great Lake and sparkled in the sunlight. Wai'u and unicorns grazed happily on the morning dew-stained grass. They lifted their heads to watch the three figures dash across the path along the cliff edge, leading down to Lapide. Seeing no threat, they quickly returned to eating.

Amneris laughed when she noticed this, slowing her pace to wave at the animals. Jay tugged her long braid as he passed to catch up with Leo who was ahead of them both. Amneris growled at her friend, giving chase down the hill, quickly passing both males with a triumphant laugh.

The three entered Lapide, following their usual path through the city, down to the beach, over the sand and River, and back up the other side of the city. They jogged uphill, waving and saying hello to the few other people awake so early as they made their way up to the Palace.

They slowed to a walk as they reached the large Palace doors. The guards outside let the panting three—well, two. Amneris wasn't tired at all—inside. They knew them all well and had for centuries now. After all, Amneris was Queen, Leo was her main General and Jay was one of her two main Advisors. It was far from uncommon for the three to arrive together early in the morning. They did it at least once a week.

Amneris collapsed into her usual chair once they reached the main dining room on the lowest floor. Leo and Jay looked like gasping fish as they sat, almost keeling over. Amneris couldn't help but laugh at their struggle. They promptly flipped her off.

The usual morning buffet was yet to be made available as almost everyone was still asleep. Even so, the Palace Cooks knew well enough the three often showed up at this time on this day and made sure to have their breakfasts ready to go. It didn't matter how many times the three insisted they could cook it themselves; it was always prepared for them.

Amneris sighed as a mug of sahlab appeared on the table in front of her, sent straight from the kitchen with a few pieces of toast and butter. All was hot and steaming, just the way she liked it on a crisp morning.

Things were good. The world was good. Oh, sure, there was the occasional attack from the few remaining—and frustratingly stubborn—Rebels who had to be dealt with, but there hadn't been one for months. Unfortunately, "months" wasn't a long time for immortals.

The powers of the Photon and Silent Cores were back where they belonged and the Walls of the Worlds were, thankfully, still in one piece. Quite honestly, the stunt Kek and Jennix pulled could've caused a disaster, but nothing seemed to be happening. Thank the Gods for that.

All things considered, things on the God Worlds were good. Peaceful even.

Gods, she was bored.

"Oh no. I know that look."

Amneris' gaze snapped toward Jay. "What look?"

"Your bored face," he said around a mouthful of cereal. "You always do it before something bad happens."

She let out a disbelieving laugh. "When has that ever happened?"

"The attack on the Academy," Jay answered.

"The time you and Nikki stole that diamond which turned out to be an exploding star in a carbon shell," Leo added, pointing a piece of cut fruit at her. "Almost started a war."

"The day Thor challenged you to a fight."

"The time Jennix stole your powers."

"The time you almost destroyed the Duat."

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now