2 - NOX, U.F.W.

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Hathor was lost. She'd never admit it, but she was.

After that apparently Creation-wide shockwave, she and her friends had stuck around on Thara to help with rescue and recovery. Thankfully, damage had been fairly minimal and there were no deaths nor missing people, only a wide variety of small injuries which were quickly fixed. That had been yesterday.

Now they were on Nox. They were only here because Amneris asked them. And it was possible that Hathor was maybe worried about her brother. Just a little. She'd only known him for a little over a year, but she knew it wasn't like him to never call back. So, here they were, on Nox, searching for an underground bunker Hathor had forgotten the directions to.

"Just admit you're lost," Maddie said, lounging on a boulder.

"I'm not lost."

"Totally lost," Imogene called, going to sit beside Maddie.

"I'm not lost. The entrance is around here. Somewhere . . ."

Why did secret bunkers had to be so damn hard to find? And how was it no one else ever got lost on the way here? Then again, there was always someone to guide them every other time and now they were trying to find it on their own. Great plan, Hathor scolded herself.

"You guys lost?"

"We are not lost!" Hathor exclaimed, turning. "Oh. Um, hi." She was standing face-to-face with Mel.

Mel smiled. "Hello to you, too. Come on in."

The ground beneath them moved, creating a ramp down into the ground.

Hathor stormed ahead of her friends. "Told you we weren't lost." She ignored their muffled laughter.

The bunker looked pretty much the same as the last time they were there, only with a few additions. Now that the group got visitors on a more-or-less regular basis, there were more seating options. There was even a rug under the lounges, covering the entirety of the small living area, and a few more storage areas in the kitchen.

Troy counted the group before them. "I thought there were ten of you. Where's the other four?"

"We don't know," Sol answered.

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"We were investigating a phenomenon in a nearby system which happened shortly after the weirdest planetary quake ever," Mel said. "Shorty after they reached it, Horus, Selina, Jax and Jinx vanished. We haven't been able to reach them since."

"Two things," Sky said. "One: that was a Creation-wide quake, not planet-wide. Two: what happened just before they vanished?"

"Horus yelled something about a Void Beast." Brayden shrugged. "Never heard of them."

If Hathor's heart was beating, she thought it would've stopped there and then. "He yelled something about Void Beasts then vanished?"

"Pretty much."

"Oh, Gods!" She collapsed on the lounge, hand over her mouth.

Troy sat beside her, placing his arm around her shoulders. "Come on, Hathy. That doesn't mean for sure that he's—"

"What else could it mean!"

Iridia braced her hands on her hips. "If someone doesn't start explaining things soon, I will no longer be held responsible for my actions."

"Do you know what the Void is?" Imogene asked. They all shook their heads. "Right. Sky, you're up."

"The Void is the place outside Creation and home to the Void Beasts, anti-matter beings which sometimes enter our worlds," Sky explained. "Think of it as the emptiness surrounding everything we know."

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now