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Kayla was used to things being crazy, but this was beyond that. And that was saying something. She'd received several phone calls asking if she was okay—she was—before ultimately being told what had happened by Amneris. Quakes never happened in Atlantria. To say many of her fellow Zer were shaken by the experience was being nice. The Walkers weren't coping much better, the quake having caused several tsunamis and triggered eruptions planet wide. Things were insane!

Kai, the Zer Ambassador, had tracked her down not too long ago. The two swam around the city's boarders as they compared notes—Kayla from her workmates and Kai from an earlier meeting—and took the liberty of assuring those they came across that everything would be fine. This was just a freak accident and it was being sorted as they spoke. The people, thankfully, were assured. Kayla, not so much. She couldn't stop the nagging voice in the back of her head telling her to go back to Lyriumia where she could actually do something to help.

"These are strange times indeed," Kai was saying as he swum, hands clasped behind his back. "A Creation-wide quake able to be felt in every world, every reality." He shook his head. "Had someone told me centuries ago I would be allies with Gods and Beings from a Higher Plane and alternate universes, I would have had them committed!"

"I know the feeling," Kayla said.

"Do you get used to it?" he asked.

"Afraid not."

There were some perks to the whole ordeal, Kayla thought. It had taken place during the yearly Healers' Convention meaning everyone was able to get hands-on experience and be helped very fast. They'd all split up and made the rounds in record time, patching up those they could on the spot and moving those who needed extra help to areas well out of the way from the currently sealed-off 'danger zones.'

Kai's golden-brown tail shimmered in a ray of sunlight as they made their way toward the Shallows, the water around them growing lighter and warmer as they headed for the surface. "Thankfully our damage was fairly minimal," he was saying. "It was kind of your boss to send help with reconstruction."

Kayla couldn't help a shy smile. 'Kind' and 'Amneris' in the same sentence didn't happen often. "If we were not allies, she would have done nothing."

"Is it bad I would expect nothing less from her?"

"Actually, most people think that about her."

They broke the surface. Despite the day's events it was a bright, clear day. Not a cloud could be seen anywhere. They closed their gills and moved to Land Breathing, climbing up on a large rock in the Shallows to sit on. From here, they could see all the way to where Walkers rushed around their costal city. Even with the distance, they could see the damage done was far greater there than to Atlantria.

"Perhaps we should help them . . ."

Kai leaned back. "The Leaders did send help. The Walkers rejected it."

Kayla's nose wrinkled, her blue-green tail tapping the moist rock. "Walkers are strange creatures," she said, more to herself than Kai. "Since they discovered us—well, they think they discovered us—they rarely accept our help with anything."

"The Walker Leaders see us as nothing but lazy creatures who lure and kill," Kai said with a sigh. "There are lower class Walkers who are kind to us and are attempting to change their Leaders' minds."

"Strange how Walkers always become corrupt with power and fear the unknown."

Okay, so it wasn't entirely untrue that the Zer had killed Walkers in the past, but that was a fairly small minority. Not all Zer, mainly Sirens, killed Walkers. Though was it really their fault if mostly Male Walkers just happened to walk toward the first Female Zer they thought they had a chance with? Of course the Zer would get pissed about constantly being hit on and insulted for their apparently 'sexual nature'.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now