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Amneris stood on the famed Rainbow Bridge Bifröst, the bridge connecting the realms of Ásgardr and Midgardr, looking into the cosmos as she searched for her lost daughter and her friend. Amneris had been called by Imogene, the Firebringer explaining how Hathor and Isaiah had failed to check in at the agreed time and have never returned to the base on Nox. After checking out the rift on Astra—with Zoe's help, of course—they'd determined the rift went to Niflheimr. Zoe had made a comment about the Norse Nine Realms that shocked even Amneris, and that was saying something. And so, since Jay was busy with his own issues, Amneris now stood alone on the Rainbow Bridge searching for her daughter.

Okay, not entirely alone.

"When you appeared, I thought the giant invasion had begun!" Heimdall laughed heartedly, a pale fist pounding his armour as though what he'd said was some inside joke between the two. It wasn't. "I almost reached for my horn!"

Amneris rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you didn't notice a Lyriumian and Glacis wandering the Nine Realms. Isn't it your job to notice shit like that?"

The God looked outrage. "It is not my job to babysit children." Amneris rolled her eyes again.

Heimdall was certainly not what she'd expected the first time they'd met. He was a very pale white with long ginger hair, golden teeth and stormy grey eyes. He was boisterous, kind of obnoxious, good with a sword and predicting the future, but also kind of an idiot when it came to things like common sense outside his job. He had a tendency to make really stupid jokes and spy on people. If one ever had the feeling they were being watched while doing something idiotic alone, there was a very high chance Heimdall was watching. And mocking. And laughing. Not that he'd ever admit it. He wore armour made of gold and had his famous horn Gjallarhon strapped to his belt. In short, this particular God was an acquired taste, one Amneris certainly did not have but tolerated when necessary.

Gods, she wished Jay was here to deal with him.

Wow that was a depressing thought.

"Do you know which of the Realms your child is in?"

Amneris huffed. "If I knew where she was, I wouldn't be here, now would I?" She shook her head and muttered, "If this guy's the 'wisest of all the Gods', then I'm straight." He glared at her. "What?"

Heimdall knew better than to answer. Instead he asked, "How do you lose two children?"

"Interdimensional rift." Amneris tipped her head back and sighed. "Knew I should've asked Odin if I could borrow his throne instead of coming here. It's far more effective."

"How dare—"

"Probably would've saved time too," she continued, sighing dramatically. "What was I thinking coming to you for help. You're clearly incapable."

Heimdall made a show of rolling up sleeves he didn't have. "I'll show you incapable." He looked out over the rainbow.

Amneris smiled to herself. Works every time. Oh, sure, her powers had been developing steadily and she could see into quite a lot of Yenari from her own throne, but Amneris knew she wouldn't be able to see everything for quite some time yet. That day was still to come.

"A-ha!" Heimdall yelled triumphantly. "One Lyriumian and one Glacis. Currently in Vanaheimr. Wait, no. They found the way into Yggdrasil. They're climbing. Climbing. Still climbing—"

"Yes, I get it!" Amneris moved to stand beside him, peering into the darkness. She could barely make out the tree, let alone the two small blobs moving through it or the one bigger blob coming toward them—wait. "How far away is that?"

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora