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Hetsipara wasn't as empty as they thought. No one realised it until it was too late.

Bast and Colt were the first to be attacked. The only reason neither were killed on the spot was because Colt's instincts kicked in. Before he realised what he was doing, he had grabbed Bast and pulled her out of the way of a giant tentacle. The two went tumbling down the slope beside them. They came to a violent stop at the base, both starting up at the top of the hill. A Void Beast stared right back.

"What is that?" Bast cried.

"You can see it?" Colt asked, surprised.

She shot him a glare. "The giant thing at the top of the hill that looks like a demon? Of course not!"

"You should not be able to see it." He grabbed her hand and began to run. "They are called Void Beasts. We need to get out of here."

Her legs barely able to keep up with his, Bast was dragged along. "What is a Void Beast?"

"Remember how I told you about the Void? They are the creatures that live there."

"And we are running from it because . . .?"

"Because nothing in Creation can beat them!"

"Oh." Bast glanced back over her shoulder then ran faster. The Void Beast had begun its chase. "As much as I like this running idea, we may have to find a way to beat the unbeatable demon."

"Void Beast," Colt corrected. "Unless you have a mass amount of matter on you, we do not stand a chance."

"What is matter?"

"Never mind."

Bast skidded to a stop and pulled her staff from her spine. She held it in front of her like a sword. "I am not going to run."

Colt tossed his head back with a groan as he slowed. "Bast, now is not the time for one of your heroic feats. You cannot beat a Void Beast!"

"Watch me!" With a battle cry, Bast ran forward.

Behind her, Colt pinched the bridge of his nose. Why did I ever let her meet Amneris? There was no way Bast would defeat it. She would get herself killed. Quickly, Colt summoned his sword. He channelled his power into it, the blade glowing with a soft golden light, and ran after his friend.

* * * * * * * *

Across the system, Leo and Nikki were having their own Void Beast problems. Unlike their friends, the pair were focused on actually getting away from it. They ran as fast as they could, both firing their blasters behind them. It was doing nothing to the Void Beast. Hell, the thing appeared to enjoy the blasts.

"This isn't working!" Nikki yelled.

"I noticed!" Leo shouted back.

"Then why are we doing this?"

"Because we have no better plans!"

Nikki returned her blaster to its holster. "Literally anything would be a better plan." She let out a frustrated cry. "Where's a powerhouse when you need one? I knew we should've asked Dan to come with us!"

"You're welcome to call him – look out!"

Nikki dove to the side as the Void Beast's jaws clamped down where she had been standing. She gawked at the hole left in the sand as it turned its attention to Leo. Nikki muttered, "Right, now I'm mad."

She rolled up her sleeves. Nikki charged toward it and shifted into her eagle form. Her talons clawed at the Beast's eyes. It roared, moving away from Leo to give chase. Nikki cawed loudly, flew higher into the air before diving back down, moving at full speed and slamming into the Void Beast head-first. It tumbled to the ground.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now