Chapter TwentyFour

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Nissa woke up just outside my pack boundary line, she was shocked she slept the whole way here. Me on the other hand didn't sleep a wink. Davina was angry that someone like Ash could have been allowed into my land. I was angry at Blair for allowing it but I knew it wasn't her fault.
My father, Atlas, and Onyx were all going to hear my wrath. I was sparing Amoura, Val, and Ezra since they were the ones that told me. They didn't want her there as much as I didn't. Especially since Ezra knew how sneaky her and her little troops could be. They very well could be waiting in the shadows for a moment of weakness.
I wasn't going to give them that. They didn't deserve an easy win. However I silently hoped we could come out of this with as little blood shed as possible. I wanted to negotiate with them before I brought in all my reinforcements.
When I finally made it home the connection to this land surged through my veins. I couldn't relish the feeling for too long. I had one young witch to settle the score with. One of us was dying today and I knew it wasn't going to be me.
The witch had tried to keep my mate from me. Used my mate for her own game. I know their breakup hurt him, and my wolf didn't like that. I honestly wished she would have physically hurt him, that was more forgivable than what she did. However, he was in the dog house, for thinking that talking to her alone without me was anything close to okay.
We landed on my lands and said goodbye to the dragons. Otr would be returning since his mate was stuck with me for the time being. My grandparents made it clear to the three of them that they had orders to protect me and Orsan. I appreciated the extra man power here.
"Alpha Syn! You're back!" Jane came running up to me pulling me into a hug. I had grown fond of the girl. "Where is my mate?"
"He's over there" I pointed to him and Paavo both kissing the ground dramatically "He doesn't like air travel"
She laughed and ran over to him excited to have him back home. Paavo shifted and growled at her. That caused Odin to come out and throw a threatening growl at him and he took a protective stance in front of her.
Jane looked at both of them and started laughing all over again. Orsan had to explain who she was and that she was okay to touch him. Paavo's wolf rolled his eyes and decided she was safe. He didn't like that Orsan picked her up and spun around like a mad man. I found them to be quite adorable.
I waited with the rest of the group for my father to come out of the castle. My nerves getting the best of me, Davina let out a loud roar. It warned them that she had had enough of the games and this wasn't a happy reunion. She was going to demand answers for not being consulted.
"Davina sure knows how to call people" Rafer chuckled and ruffled my hair earning a death glare from me.
"She's impatient and has a thirst for blood at this current moment. My father, beta, and mate are all in deep shit"
"What did they do? Go to a strip club?" Rafer taunted my beast for his own entertainment.
His sly smirk made me want to rip out his throat as well. Davina was not in the mood for his games. He was distracting me from my main goal right now and my mind was already scrambled.

Why did he have to come?
"You know I thought you were a strong warrior, apparently you should take up being a comedian when you retire" Ryder broke the tension, as always.
My father suddenly made his way out of my home with the rest of them in tow. Atlas had a stoic look on his face, knowing my wrath. Amoura and Val were in the back hoping that I would leave them alive. I looked around for Onyx but he was nowhere to be found.
"Hello, father" My eyes cut to his and he looked taken aback by it "Where is my lovely mate?"
"He's currently busy, Alpha" Atlas glared at me. It was a warning not to push him too far. His wolf was threatening to come out but Davina wasn't going to have it in any capacity today.
"Oh busy doing what? Preparing your funeral? Or his own?" I growled bitterly at him.
"Don't forget your own fathers" I looked over my shoulder and scowled, Ryder really needed to learn when to keep his mouth shut during times like this.
"Thanks Ryder for the gracious reminder." I turned to look at Atlas again "What were you three thinking? Allowing her onto my land without my permission? Do you know how idiotic that is? With what just happened over there? She could have been playing you all. She could have been lying to get close to all of you. To my mate."
"She needed help Syn. You of all people preach about helping humans and supernaturals alike when they need assistance. You allow them to stay here all of the time. She was a person in need of our help" Atlas stood his ground
"Do you not realize who her family is working with? Here is another gracious reminder the Daylight demons! Just the ones that want to take the literal whole earth for themselves! This could easily be a trap and you three imbeciles just let her walk in here like it was nothing!"
"Her mark was removed, Syn. She was beaten to the brink of death, Dr. Harrison said she was left for dead. I don't know why they didn't kill her but I'm looking into it. I'm assuming the leaders let her family take her to put her to rest but they let her go"
"Why would they do that?" My anger was only increasing, I work with a bunch of turkeys, not wolves.
Where were their backbones and survival skills when they were needed the most?
"She let you escape. When she saw the dragons leave she went to her family, they allowed her to be the one to help Anita capture you and Orsan. However she knew if you felt her presence you would bolt. Which you did."
"Did she mention warning my pack about them coming?" Rafer eyed my father with respect.
"No she didn't but I wouldn't doubt it. She must have known where to find them just like we did. Those books I have aren't the only copies" Alice looked at her mate with disappointment "You should have told your daughter your plans to allow her to come here. You needed to ask the reigning alpha their permission. Not to mention mine, I'm the supreme witch. You allowed her here without my permission as well, this is my territory to practice magic"
"It was better to ask for forgiveness. She was going to die if we didn't save her right then. She may be able to help us. She told Onyx and myself that she wants to be on the winning side here, and we are the winning side according to her."
"Speaking of him. Where is he? I will not ask again." I spat at them, using my alpha command.
I hated how it made them look at me, but in this instant it was needed. If he was where I thought he was they would hide it. Which would have been smart on their part because I was having trouble reining Davina in and leveling out my own emotions. Staying grounded with so many people, and high emotions was still difficult.
"He's with her" Amoura spoke, not trying to fight the command "He has been there since last night. They've been talking."
"Thank you, Beta female. Thank you for your loyalty" I eyed Atlas "Now was that really that hard? You know how I feel about doing that. You of all people know the reasons why."
"I apologize alpha. I think we can use her as a pawn, I think we can try and rationalize with the demons" He tried to rationalize his decisions, like he didn't just risk my pack's safety.
"I will think about it, I don't want any more bloodshed than there already has been" I turned on my heel and walked in the direction of the hospital "Nissa, Rafer, if your job is to protect me let's go"
I heard them shift and follow behind me. I smiled at there being more of me here, they understood why I acted the way I did. I was more feral than my father even was. I was half wolf, meaning I was half a wild animal. I was no longer alone in being different. I loved the people in my pack but I never felt truly understood like I did with them.
"This isn't going to end well, is it?" I heard Orsan and Paavo following behind me as well.
"No, you do not want to see this alpha angry. Onyx has really done it this time. For a female she is just as protective and possessive of her mate as a male alpha is" Orsan whispered to him
"I can't wait to see this. Do you think they have popcorn? Dinner and a show" Paavo whispered back, Davina found his amusement slightly entertaining.
I walked into the sterile smelling building causing my nose to turn up. It had been awhile since I stepped in here and I wasn't used to the scent anymore. I eyed Herb who was sitting at the nurses station watching the cameras.
"Hello, Nurse Herb. Where is he?" He looked up at me with large eyes noticing my eyes flashing red.
"He's in room 45" he looked down at his paper "He's with one of my patients at the moment I can go and-" I cut him off
"Thank you, Herb. I would appreciate it if you could disperse the guards. They can go to lunch. I can handle it for the time being"
He nodded nervously and walked briskly down the hallway so he could beat me down there. I hoped he wouldn't give away the fact I was back already. I watched as the guards walked past me nodding their heads in respect. They eyed the group I had behind me but didn't say a word. You could definitely feel a dominant energy surrounding us.
I stood in the doorway watching my mate sit in a chair at Ash's bedside. She was eating lunch I assumed, laughing at whatever my mate was saying to her. Davina pushed through and threw me to the back of my mind. She hadn't done this fully before and it slightly worried me. I could feel how angry she was already, and I didn't have the power to take back control.
I watched as she flew the door open and let out a growl that I had never heard come from us before. The beast was angry and only blood would satisfy her.
"So little mate, how was it while I was away?" She asked him, practically snarling and showing her canines elongating already.
"Syn! Welcome home, I was just talking with Ash waiting for your arrival. How was your visit? Meeting your grandparents?" He tried to play it off like this was an okay situation and it honestly irritated me more than my wolf.
Davina wasted no time with formalities "I find it funny, really. I leave and the little witch herself weasled her way back to you. Funny. Really funny."
Onyx gulped "Davina?"
"The one and only, little mate. Now that that's out of the way. Why is she here? Why are you here with her? Alone, might I add?"
"He was trying to comfort me. I went against my whole family to protect him and the world. They want to-"
"Was I speaking to you? Oh right, No. I was asking My mate the question." Davina pushed through more, showing her fully extended canines protruding from my mouth.
"She was explaining to me their plans, they want to see if they can summon one of your old gods. To see if they'll help them take over and give them power to do so."
"We knew that before, what new information can she bring us?" Davina was slowly forcing a shift. "Nothing, that's right"
"She knows how they are doing it. She agreed to be a pawn, she already agreed that she would help bring them here to have a conversation. They will come because of the knowledge that she possesses about them."
"Odin? You mean the brother to the one that started my lineage?" Davina softened slightly"Why would they do that?"
"They know how he felt about Loki's children, they know he would help take out any descendants that are left. Meaning you and your home pack." Ash said softly, I hated the fact she wanted to help. "Atlas said that they could send for them tonight, if Alice helped"
"I don't want to attack them, but I suppose we could use her as a messenger to tell them I want to have a meeting. I want to see if peace is an option"
"Trust me, it's not an option for them. They want you so that they can be stronger, so your blood can make them stronger so Odin will be more likely to aid them in their fight"
"Was I speaking to you? Again, no" Davina shot at her feeling disrespected all over again "And trust you? Witch, I have half a mind to have Alice take every ounce of power in your being and cast you outside without any protection"
Ash sat back in the bed twirling her hair in between two fingers. Tears welled into her eyes slowly and she looked at my mate. She was silently begging him to help save her from me. Davina rolled her red eyes at this and ignored her little show. Onyx turned and looked at me with daggers.
"Get out, Davina. This is no way to talk to someone who is willing to go against their whole family and everything they've ever known to help YOU!"
Davina recoiled and took a step back, feeling rejected by her mate. She gave me back control and threw her own wall down so she would be alone.
I peered over at Rafer who was suppressing his own wolf. He wanted to protect me from my own mate. He didn't like that he was making me upset. Nissa was starting to take an attacking stance in case this got any worse. The boys just stood there with their eyes glowing, angry as I was.
"You know what? Fine. But when she betrays you again I don't want to hear that I was right." I silently hoped rejection was a thing "Because I have a feeling I will be"
Onyx grabbed her hand and looked at me, cutting the knife deeper "She won't do that to me. She loves me and I her"
That one sentence was enough for Davina to stop having her pity party and take full control. She forced a shift and let out a menacing growl towards him and then looked towards Ash. She jumped over the table of food so that she in her large form was on top of Ash in the hospital bed.
She kept growling at her and Ash scrambled to scoot out from under us. Davina let out one more menacing growl and went to rip out Ash's throat when another large black wolf let out a low growl. Challenging me.
I looked over and Nissa and Rafer had both shifted into their wolves. They were low to the ground with their hackles raised, showing that they needed me to calm down. I looked once more at Ash and growled in her face.
"You better learn your place, I will not hesitate to rip out your throat" She looked at Onyx "You will never feel the way you feel with me with her. Remember that, Mate. If rejection was a thing, I would have done it already. Unfortunately you are who I have"
Davina growled again and jumped through the window, shattered glass filled the room and we took off into the woods. She let me come to the surface once we got far enough away.
We ran for hours, chasing game, destroying anything in our path. I was angry. Betrayed. Hurt. Rejected. However if Onyx really wanted her like he showed me today, he could go and be happy. I would be perfectly fine without him.
Davina whined in response, wanting to go to him. I forced her to think about the blatant disrespect. I know we shouldn't have lashed out, but she is a threat to my pack. It was only normal for me to want her gone, and not to trust her.
I stared out the window that my mate just jumped through, it was a few stories high so I hoped she wasn't hurt. I was angry with her for how she was acting, it wasn't rational or level headed. I know alpha's can be possessive but that was a bit much.
"Nyx are you okay?" Ash asked in a small voice peering over at me from the bed that was now destroyed because of my mates size.
"Yes." I grumbled "Let's get you a new room and some new guards. I don't want her coming back here to finish the job"
Ash gulped but nodded standing up on unsteady legs "Let me help you, Ash. It's the least I can do bringing this mess into your room. Where you're supposed to be healing"
She looked down at her feet, tears dripping down to the floor "I shouldn't have come here. I knew better. I should have just drowned like they told me to"
"No. That's not an option. We need your help, you heard Evander. You are an asset to us. You already agreed to set up a meeting, using you as bait will be the only way they'll come out of their hiding spots"
"Yeah but you just basically rejected your mate, and showed me affection in front of her. If she didn't want me dead before she definitely does now"
I nodded at her and had Herb help me get her into another room, one with more guards and closer to the nursing station. If Syn decided to come here she would have to go against her own members, which is not something Davina wished to do.
I walked out of the room after kissing Ash's temple and promising to be back the next day. The cool brisk air started to wisp around my face, I enjoyed fall. It was peaceful, showing that everything has to come to an end.
I made my way back into the large castle, with three angry women staring at me. Clara, Amoura, and Val stood in the doorway with their arms crossed eyeing me. If I had half a brain I would have run away from the scene, but Ezra and Ryder wouldn't have allowed that after hearing their low growls.
"Hey guys?" I looked around "what's going on?"
"How dare you do that to our alpha. You are supposed to be the one to calm her when she gets like that. She is part wolf! Literally she is half wolf." Clara yelled at me waving her arms
"You are the only one that can keep her calm. She wasn't being rational, but no wolf can be when it comes to their mate. She's also an alpha which makes the need to protect you even worse" Amoura looked at Atlas who was coming from Syn's office, sending me a scowl.
"Well, I warned you that wouldn't go well. You shouldn't have gone to see her, Ash's scent on you alone is enough to send Davina into a frenzy. Now we have one pissed off and rejected feeling alpha"
I rolled my eyes at them "I am valid in wanting Ash to be okay. I cared about her long before any of you came along"
"You may have, but it was a lie." Ezra rolled his eyes "you can admit that she said in the beginning it was"
"You heard that? That was a private conversation!" I felt betrayed by the wolves that I learned to call friends.
"My warriors tell me anything that pertains to my alpha, and now you. Get used to it. I am the delta. I protect. I lead my warriors. You can take how I lead them up with Syn because she okayed it."
I grunted and walked past them heading to my room. How dare they think that her behavior was anything but uncontrolled. She let her own beast take over and let her threaten harm to someone that was trying to help her. I didn't even want to be with Ash, I just know how it feels to be alone in the world.
My wolves growled at me when I walked into the room. Tera sniffed me and barked at her pups to follow her. One by one they walked past me and down the stairs to the others. At that moment I realized that maybe I was wrong to touch Ash in front of her to make her angry.
I went to bed that night feeling disappointed in myself. I knew that how I felt was valid but I should have handled it way differently than what was done. I knew Syn hadn't come home yet, I didn't feel her presence. I also hadn't heard the door being opened or slammed shut.
But then I heard voices and steps leading outside of the house. I rolled over and decided to stay out of it.
"Do you all think this will work?" I eyed my father who had a stoic mask over his worried and anxious one.
"Yes." Atlas replied to me picking up Ash from the wheelchair so we could move faster.
We shifted and made our way to the pack boundary line. Davina watched the treeline, hoping someone would show up. Alice had sent them a message that we had Ash in our possession and that the alpha requested their presence. Being the supreme witch had some perks, they had to listen to her.
After an hour of waiting and watching I saw one. The dead man walking, Khaled. The leader of the daylight demons right hand man. I found it amusing that they sent him for such a small little witch. Too bad the actual leader didn't make an appearance, I had some choice words for him.
"Hello alpha Syn. Come out and play little wolf." His voice was thick with a romanian accent. It sent shivers down my spine "You know I won't hurt you, I just want to talk about the little witch you have. The one that should have been killed when she betrayed us."
Blair took down her disappearing spell, and Alice left up the barrier. He couldn't come in here without permission. However he could now see us all, I heard growls coming from behind me, no doubt from Ezra and some of his warriors.
"Hello, Khaled. Nice evening we're having" Davina stood tall with her chest out eyeing him.
"Oh looky! A true wolf. I knew it, even without your blood. Seeing you here now proves it." He peered behind me "You found more I see, can they talk in this form too?"
I didn't reply to him and his cryptic smile made my stomach churn "They are some pretty wolves. They shall make fine blood bags"
I growled at him, warning him not to push it. Rafer came closer to me and got into an attack stance. His hackles were raised and his ears were slicked back. He looked menacing and ready to rip out Khaled's throat.
"Not yet" I shot him through our link feeling the tension and aggression radiating off his wolf.
He stayed tense but got up from the stance. Nissa and Paavo moved to either side of me and Orsan. Making it known what their purpose is being here now. We knew the truth now and had the backup to help us stay alive.
"Oh I see, you found out about your little mothers. Pretty little wolves were they, too bad they both had to die. Oh Orsan! You have grown to be a strong wolf, indeed. It was unfortunate we didn't know who your mother was when we found you. Pity, you would have never been found if you were moved just a few miles north"
In a split second Orsan let out a blood curdling growl, and jumped through the barrier and attacked Khaled. The vampire was too fast and dodged his attack moving to the left. It caused Orsan to go flying back hitting the ground with a loud grunt of frustration.
In the meantime 15 other vampires jumped out of the trees, claws and fangs fully engaged. Khaled picked Orsan up and was met with Paavo latching onto his arm. The pup wouldn't let go and almost ripped off the vamps arm. Too bad he would have been able to reattach it.
He dropped Orsan when he realized Paavo wasn't going to let go. He had two large wolves circling him. I waited till the vampires started circling them as well to give everyone my signal. I needed to wait till they were all focused on the blood thirsty wolves to realize we were coming through. We pushed through the boundary line attacking anyone who came at us.
Khaled regrabbed Orsan by the throat, holding him like a young pup "Oh like you didn't know little one. We've been feeding on many of your own mutts"
I jumped towards him before he could latch onto my cousin. Rafer joined me in attempting to rip off his head, or rip out his heart. The vampire was older, more skilled meaning he could move faster than any of us.
Which is what he did, he dropped Orsan and went on the defense trying to fight off me and Rafer. I distracted him by snapping my jaws and Rafer in his wolf came up behind him and grabbed hold of his shoulder. I realized he had him handled and turned to the battle ground.
There were fights going on everywhere, leaving everyone in a bloody mess. Atlas had a vampire pinned to the ground ripping out flesh from its stomach and chest. Paavo had one hiding up a tree, my father was chasing another one up a different one.
Orsan was triumphantly ripping out their throats as they came towards him with his powerful jaw. Through the mist of the chaos, Khaled got away from Rafer, who was on the ground coughing up blood. I took note that he didn't have any puncture wounds.
I turned and saw Nissa was in human form fighting them, ripping out hearts left and right. If Otr saw her here right now I would be a dead wolf. His mate was in danger and it was because of me.
From the far side of the field I noticed Khaled running away from the fight. His vampires were slowly being taken out by my wolves. Meaning he would have no protection left and would be a huge target for five true wolves.
I took mental note of the bodies that had been slayed so far before taking off after him. Davina moved as fast as her legs could take her, wanting to tear his heart out of his chest. I personally wanted to kill him to show his leader what he was walking into the next time he wanted to fight us.
Alice was standing just behind the boundary watching it all go down. She was waiting to feel the presence of other witches. If she did she was going to take their powers so they couldn't help save the vamps they came with. It was better safe than sorry when it came to this situation.
Ash stood beside her watching Khaled be chased by me. She seemed to enjoy seeing him be chased like this. Davina was irritated by entertaining the witch, but she was why we got them to come here. She took pride in being the one to chase him down as she was hot on his heels
Davina almost had Khaled's ankle when she heard large flapping wings overhead. A loud roar caused the ground underneath my paws to shake. Backup had arrived. In the form of the dragon prince, they were the element of surprise. Khaled looked up in horror watching Otr land in the middle of the battle field.
"Dragons? How do you know them? They don't get involved in these affairs!" He stopped and Davina circled him watching his every move.
"Retreat! She has the dragons on her side! Retreat!" He yelled at whoever was left after the slaughter that happened. He jumped into the trees and zipped away.
There were about 3 vampires that were hiding in the trees while the battle went on. The cowards that they were caused me to chuckle, even though I knew not to underestimate them. Especially now that it was confirmed they found a way to use wolf blood to become stronger.
Davina reluctantly let them go, knowing it wouldn't be the last time we saw them. She would have her vengeance and enjoy every second of it. They knew our strength now, not having a full army with us even. Khaled running away with a metaphorical tail between his legs brought us joy.
I ran back towards the group proud of them for what they just did. We won the first battle against the demons. I was certain there would be many more.
Tonight we needed to celebrate this and get back to work. Train harder and work on ways to get around them using wolf blood to their advantage. Ash may have done us a favor tonight, I didn't trust her yet. However they wouldn't have come without her being used to get their attention.
"Good job wolves, Alice. Thank you Otr and dragons for coming. I appreciate your aid in this fight"
"Nissa shouldn't have been here, Syn" Otr glared at me holding his mate bridal style in his arms
"She was sent here to protect me. She has a job and she knows it. She chose to come here and fight tonight." I growled "You don't understand the amount of training those wolves go through."
I looked to Ash "Thank you, witch. I appreciate your help tonight, but don't think this one thing makes up for what you've done"
Nissa thanked me silently for standing up for her. She had trained her whole life to be in the position she is now. She will take over as the lead guard when Rafer steps down. I doubted she would be able to now that her mate is set to be king in a few short months.
Davina looked towards Ash "Thank you for your help tonight, but don't think it makes up for what you've done to my mate"
Ash nodded and looked at Alice for support, support that she wouldn't be getting till she proved herself. My pack doesn't trust easily and if they found out she was on my land they would revolt against me and my wolf. They knew that she wasn't to be trusted, and that was her own fault.
"Come, let's get some food and showered" Alice clapped her hands and looked at me "You need to go talk to your mate"
Through Davina's eyes I looked at her in disbelief "I will when he apologizes for trying to use his relationship with her to piss off my wolf"
"Syn, or Davina whoever has control right now. I truly don't mean any harm" Ash's honey voice rotted my stomach "I really do want to help"
I looked at her "I'll believe it when I see it, Witch."
I truly apologize for my absence. I felt like I had abandoned this book, and my idea to even try to write. This last month has been a battle for me mentally, but coming back has been something I've been excited about.
Thank you for reading 🤍
P.s I feel like this is the longest chapter I've ever wrote.

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