Chapter Eighteen

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... and we're back? I'm sorry for my absence, I've had a lot of mental/physical health setbacks. I truly hope to start writing again soon(: Enjoy chapter 18&19! I possibly will have 20 up this weekend!

    I let myself and Orsan rest for a few days after our run in with the demons. Davina needed some time to recuperate and come to terms with the fact we were leaving our mate for a while. I didn't know when I would be returning home.
    "Hey, love. I'm proud of you." Onyx came into my office "You're going to do great things out there"
    "Like hopefully find out if we have more family?" I teased, "That's the whole point goof."
    "I know, silly. I know you are, I have a feeling" He sat on the edge of the desk and cupped my face to look up at him "You're beautiful you know that?"
    My cheeks darkened and I felt hot "Thank you, mate. I'm lucky to have you. You're going to be a great alpha while I'm gone"
    "Only with your Beta's help that is. That whole hospital project is a lot. Plus making sure the pack is protected? And missing you?"
    "Oh you'll be fine. The dragons are going to stay and help protect the pack while Otr is gone. They know how important this is to us, if demons gain any more power it will quite literally be the end of the world as we know it all over again.
    "You won't let that happen though. We won't let that happen." He smiled at me and kissed the top of my head "Are you all packed?"
    "No I still have to do some- What is that?" I eyed the suitcase behind him "What is that?"
    "Amoura and I decided to pack for you. You'll find something I think you'll like in there"
    I grabbed the bag from him and set it on the desk. "What is it? You better have packed me one of your hoodies. They're the best"
    "Open it, little mate." He smirked and pointed at the bag.
    Inside I found two of his shirts that smelled like him. My home. I also found a hoodie of his and my other essentials. Underneath it all was a small paper bag, with a velvet box tucked inside.
    "Onyx what?" I slowly opened it to reveal a dainty gold chain with a black stone beautifully wrapped in gold wire.
    "It's onyx. Get it? Like my name" His eyes lit up at the little pun "I thought it would help you keep me in mind. Plus Clara says the stone is for protection and I hope that I can protect you when the time comes."
    "Onyx, this is beautiful. Can you help me put it on?" I handed him the necklace and moved my hair to the side.
    I felt his large hands brush against the sensitive part of my neck and I felt my body heat up. He clasped it slowly and leaned down tickling my skin. He painstakingly slowly kissed the nape of my neck causing bolts of electricity down my spine.
    The small touch of his caused me to feel like I was going to pass out if it stopped or even kept going. I didn't know which I wanted more at that moment, I pondered if he could feel the same thing.
    I jolted and my knees felt weak and he stepped away from me "Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry I don't know what I was thinking."
I smiled at his concern "You're fine love. Did you feel that too? I didn't mean to make you think that"
"Oh okay. I didn't mean to go that far. I just got lost in the moment and you're leaving today and"
"Onyx you're fine. It's okay. Did you feel that? I've never felt something that intense before"
"My whole body felt like it was on fire. You were like an oasis in a desert and I was dying of thirst. I couldn't help but want more" he admitted and waited for my reaction.
"You felt like a jolt of electricity. I almost passed out when you backed away" I closed the gap between us and our lips were centimeters away when Orsan barged into the room
"Ew gross! Lock the door next time! Horny teenagers!" He covered his eyes "I came to tell you we're leaving. Now"
"We'll finish this later" He winked at me "Let's get you out of here, unless you want to stay"
"Oh I want to now" I teased "But I have to go love"
He shook his head and grabbed my hand "Lead the way, alpha. I'll follow you anywhere you go."
We made it outside and saw Ryder and Clara climbing onto one of the dragons. They were large like Otr but not as muscular. They were from the earth tribe because of the sage green and gold accents on their wings. Otr walked up to me and bowed, Onyx shifted beside me and pulled me close.
"Someone jealous I see" I whispered and turned to face him "You have nothing to worry about. I want you."
"I know, I have no reason not to trust you. I know he won't try anything with you because I'm around"
Otr huffed in annoyance and motioned to Orsan and Alice climbing onto a dark blue dragon. It was finally time to actually go and leave my pack in my mate's hands. Ezra and Atlas had specific orders not to leave him alone.
"Goodbye, Syn. I'm going to miss you" Amoura came up with tears pooling in her eyes.
"She's coming back, aura. You know that right?" Atlas comforted her "Plus you and Val need to make sure we don't burn the place down."
"He has a point." I shrugged "You six keep the pack afloat while I'm gone. It's not goodbye, it's see you later. Remember that"
I went around giving each of them a hug, leaving my dad and Onyx last. The others had already said their goodbyes before I came out. My dad was the hardest, I knew the risk as much as he did. We both knew how important this was for me to do.
Onyx came up after my dad was done trying to convince me to cancel the mission saying that he would send other wolves to find them. I refused knowing that whoever we're going to find will only trust those who are like me.
"Go do great things. Just come back in one piece" Onyx smirked and pulled me into a bear hug.
"Help. Cannot. Breathe." I teased him. "I'm going to miss you and your messy hair"
"Stop that! You're going to ruin it" he pouted swatting my hands away from his head "I'm going to miss you too"
He softly kissed my lips for what felt like forever before he shooed me off to Otr. He rolled his eyes at the romantic site and smoke came out of his nostrils. I giggled at the unamused dragon prince. He was easy to irritate sometimes.
I took one last look at my pack before I gave the okay and we took off. I grabbed hold of the saddle fearing falling once we left the ground. Onyx blew me a kiss and my eyes filled with tears as he went out of view. My stomach knotted and I ached to go back, but we had people to find.
We flew for about 10 hours before we decided to stop for the night. The earth dragons in the mountains were gracious enough to let us stay for the night. They enjoyed being able to host their future king.
Some didn't appreciate the fact he had brought wolves with him so we left early the next morning. We should make it to what was known as the united kingdom by nightfall where we would crash with some of Amos's friends he had gone to school with. By the time we got there my face hurt from the amount of wind it had felt with two days of straight travel. A plane would have been nice at this point.
Orsan kissed the ground and cheered "We made it over the ocean! I didn't become fish food!"
"I wish you would have gotten eaten by a whale" Ryder rolled his eyes "Why did he have to come?"
"Because it was my idea, old wolf man" Orsan ran up to the castle and knocked on the door.
"Ah the travelers! Welcome to our home" Anita shook my hand "Let me know if we can do anything to make you feel at home. Come in come in!"
I stepped through the door and my stomach tightened. I didn't like the feeling I had here. I decided that it was only one night and we were all tired from traveling over the atlantic.
"We appreciate the hospitality, ma'am" Otr motioned for his men to follow but two stayed guard outside.
"Why does she smell funny?" Orsan linked me, "Do you feel that? Odin doesn't like it here"
Davina stirred and nodded in agreement, "It's only one night" I replied hoping the feeling would go away.
"Come eat, lovelies" Anita ushered us into the dining room "I hope you find everything appealing"
My stomach dropped as everyone sat down to eat "Orsan, don't eat the food." I linked him, "We need to go. Now."
I eyed him and looked at Otr. He nodded knowing my look when we needed to leave. We used to always miss getting caught with something because I knew when to leave.
"I think we're going to go visit a friend of mine. He has land a few miles from here and would like to meet Syn and her pack members"
Ryder shot me a look and stood up slowly "I agree, I want to see some more of your kingdom, come on hailee"
I stood up and followed them out of the house, but not before noticing a shadow following us out of the house. Once we excited my face dropped in horror, Ash was standing there yelling at Anita while we flew away.
"Did you see her too?" I linked Ryder hoping it was just my mind playing tricks on me
"Ash? Yes. I alerted Evander already. They're bunkering down there now. Everyone is staying in the castle for the night. No way anyone can get into it now with the dragons and witches there"
"Ryder, that was Amos's friend's castle. What if he's working for the daylight demons too?"
"Evander gave him a truth serum, he knows nothing about it. No one does. Blair is going to use one of her new abilities. She can quite literally make home disappear."
"Disappear? What do you mean?" I cocked my head and tried to remain calm. "Does that mean she knows what I am?"
"We don't know but Ash followed us here. So they might. But yes, instead of a boundary she can make the place we live look empty, like there isn't anything there."
"When did this little ability come into play?" I furrowed my brows in frustration. We could have used this way earlier than now.
"It was her birthday yesterday, she gained a new ability. Witches earn more as they get older" Clara piped in and quickly shut off her link.
"We need to make this a quick trip, you and Orsan aren't safe out here. You have two days per your father and mate"
I rolled my eyes at the two of them being overprotective. I knew it was for a good reason but I know that we'd be safe. Orsan wouldn't be happy we would have to cut the trip short but we were running out of time. We needed to be where Blair was so they couldn't find us.
We finally stopped after we made it to Norway where Orsan thought the pack was hiding. In the viking ages way before the beast rising it was one of the main countries of scandinavia. They believed in the norse gods, and were called pagans by people who believed in the christian god. They were a part of my heritage and I hoped to find wolves who were like me.
Otr and the dragons started setting up camp in the lush woods we had found. The cities here were rubble, not touched since the beast uprising. My heart ached to have seen it before, it must have been full of life.
"Camp is almost ready, Syn. Are you doing okay?" Otr asked me and sat down on the same log.
"Yeah, that could have been a close one. I should have trusted my gut. I felt off the second we set foot in the castle."
"Trust your gut, Syn. You know that you should and that most of the time you are always right"
"You're right. I'm tired though. I think I'm going to go to sleep now" I stood up and left the beach.
"He's lucky you know, you're amazing. You deserve nothing but happiness, Syn. I hope he makes you that way"
"He does, Otr. More than I ever thought was possible" I smiled at him before going back into the woods.
I made it to my designated tent and slipped inside hoping to avoid any more social interaction. We had been flying for eighteen hours straight and I needed to sleep off the cramp my hands felt because of holding on so tight.
I didn't know how long I was out for but by the time I woke up the sun was setting again. I groaned about wasting a whole day away by sleeping but my body obviously needed the rest.
"Good night, alpha" Ryder taunted "How did you sleep?"
"Fine, thank you. Anything interesting happen while I was down and out?" I sat down and took a cup of instant coffee.
"Orsan thinks he's found some sort of temple but we don't know. I took him to see the city" he shrugged "He's there trying to piece things together"
"Take me to him?" I shifted into Davina and followed behind him through the woods.
It was only a few miles before we hit an old fishing town. There were still large boats bobbing in and out of the water after all this time. They were rusted and covered in green sludge. They wouldn't be fishing anytime soon with their condition.
We walked up to a large building that had collapsed on one side, the structure barely holding up the weight of the roof. The door creaked loudly when Ryder opened it and the floor gave away when I stepped into the room.
"He's in there" He pointed to a room down the hallway that was dimly lit "it's like a horror movie in here I know.
I eyed the artwork on the walls "Was this a church or something?"
"It was like town hall, actually. I wouldn't be in an abandoned church, your mate watches too many horror movies."
I rolled my eyes and walked into the room where Orsan was backed into a wall and snapping his jaws. In front of him were three large black wolves with red eyes snarling. Davina took over and forced a shift and ran to protect him.
The three wolves stopped in their tracks and sat down cocking their heads, Orsan took the opportunity to shift into Odin and snapped his jaws again. The wolves took in our wolves and barred their necks, showing respect. Davina and Odin sat and did the same.
"What the fuck just happened?" Ryder looked between the five of us "There's more. Orsan you were right!"

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