Chapter Nine

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    "Come on little wolf! You can do better than that!" Otr yelled at me from above, damned dragons.
    "You have an advantage! You can fly! And talk in that form!" I yelled back coming out of my hiding spot, his red and gold dragon flew down towards me.
    His dragon was beautiful, which is what drew me to him in the first place. He had blood red scales over most of his body, with gold scales on his feet and along his back. You could sense the power radiating off of him, which is why Davina saw him as an equal and she doesn't with anyone else.
    "Yeah yeah yeah, you say that but have you seen your wolfs' size?" He taunted Davina, his favorite thing to do.
    I growled at him and rolled my eyes. "Your turn, beast"
    "Oh we both know you'll never find me" he shifted into his human form and ran deeper into the valley.
    Most would consider him a god among men. His chiseled jaw, toned muscular build. He had an olive tint to his skin, with dark eyes and hair to match. Every dragon had large tattoos, each tribe had their own style for what element they could control. He had one from each, meaning he could control each one. They gave him the bad boy appearance, whoever his mate was is a lucky girl.
I had thought he was mine before, our connection was deeper than any friend I ever had. When I was about fourteen we fooled around a little, drunk off fae potions he got from his dad's cellar. Onyx would not find that particularly appealing, why I hoped he did not find out. We hadn't done anything since then, luckily it didn't mess up our friendship.
    I shifted into Davina and we waited 20 minutes before starting to track the dragon prince. As kids we had played this all the time, it was a good distraction from everything going on then. Davina and I  had lost our touch and he had learned new tricks on hiding from us. Plus Davina was distracted, the pull to Onyx was getting worse the longer we stayed away from home.
    I searched for hours for him, davina huffed in defeat. Till she all of the sudden felt a surge of his emotions. She could follow it like a scent, pulling her in faster. She felt his adrenaline rush, and that's how she caught him.
    She stalked him from behind, watching his body movements. Cautiously she attacked him. Causing them both to roll down a hill and smash into an evergreen tree. Davina tried to make us shift back so she wasn't the one being covered in snow but I didn't let her.
    "Curse you, you horse! How did you do that?" Otr shouted, causing more snow to fall on him.
    Davina rolled her eyes and trotted back to the spot where we had extra clothes. Once I was dressed I walked out to a very angry dragon.
    "What?" I asked, trying to stifle a laugh, his eyebrows were pinched and he was seething in anger, poor loser.
    "How did you do that? You've never found me that fast!" oh so he was offended
    "I followed the feeling of your adrenaline. Vina was somehow able to sense it, like a smell, but not? I don't know how to explain it" I plopped down into the snow
    "How did you do that? I know about feeling others emotions but not THAT in depth." he questioned
    "That was the first time that's happened. You know I can't control it" My voice came out sharp.
    "Well I consider it cheating!" he pouted "Wait."
    He grabbed my arm. "What happened?"
    "My mother let your pack know you're here. I told her to leave it alone" Fire shot through his nostrils and I fell back.
    "I have been here awhile, I thought they would know!" I defended myself
    "You said they knew! That's why I told her to stay out of you being here!" he yelled "Now your dad is going to think I kidnapped you!"
    "Him and Onyx both will think that' I huffed
    "Onyx? Your mate? Oh I'm dead! Hydra take over for me" He fell back into the snow, always such a performer.
    "Oh please, he's human, remember?" I was annoyed "Hydra wouldn't take over anyways. You know your brother wants your tribe"
    "Ha. Tough luck! I won it fair and square!" He stood up and looked determined "I can handle a pack of pissed off wolves, I think."
    "Please, you're a dragon. You know you'll be fine" I rolled my eyes "let's go home before they get here. I need to shower anyways"
    I had spent two weeks with Otr and some of his family. I had always been close with him and his younger sister. His twin brother on the other hand, I couldn't stand. He tried to hide the vampires from us, he was supposed to be the messenger and he refused saying they shouldn't get involved in our matters.
    Eventually Hydra had enough, and betrayed him. Leaving Otr to clean up the mess and help us clean up ours. That's when Otr and his tribe truly became a second pack to me. When I was a teen, before I took over the pack, I would always run away here.
I figured my dad would know I would call Otr home, even though the dragons should be halfway across the world right now. He heard mate, and my dad being an issue and came flying home as soon as he could. His dad was unhappy but understanding. He was to take over next year, over his younger twin. I was so proud of him for doing it.
"Hey Sinner!" Otr called "Your dad's on his way up here. Ace and Everett do not seem happy, the guard said!"
I threw my hair up into a ponytail feeling refreshed after a long warm shower. I wasn't ready to face the music. My dad and I needed to have a conversation that I was not ready for. Davina perked up at the thought of Onyx being with them. We missed our mate or friend at this current juncture. Otr found the fact I was friends with my mate and not jumping his bones entertaining to say the least.
"They're at the end of the valley, entering the gates! Get ready princess" He taunted me yelling up the stairs again. My heart skipped a few beats and I got a little dizzy, I debated on just jumping out the window and running away but I decided against it.
I came out and walked down the stairs. My heart rate increased every step I took. I internally thanked Hydra for letting me wear her clothes, I had run out with the amount of shifting I was doing here. Otr and I always trained together, learning new tactics. Her white hoodie and sweat set was comfortable and it gave me a feeling of safety. I adored her.
"Syn. You better have a damn good explanation for this!" my father shouted, their anger hit me hard.
"You don't think I do?" I challenged "You my friend better have a good explanation of what happened in the hospital that day!"
"I do! You don't need to know it yet! You are not ready for that! Orson is your cousin. Your mother had a sister, who was taken by her mate. I thought she died, Syn. But obviously she didn't if she had him." He explained "Your mother gave birth to you, was killed, then your aunt met him. She may still be alive, I owe it to your mom to find her."
"Wouldn't you be able to tell if she was dead?" I deadpanned
"No, your mother and her came from another pack, a different world than ours here now. Only she would know if she did, the tether of packs is tedious as you know." He solemnly said "Dr. Harrison confirmed it."
I was trying to focus on what he said when Onyx's scent hit me like a ton of bricks. He stood by Ezra and Atlas, and all had stoic, angry looks plastered on their faces. Atlas growled at me when I looked at him, without fail I snarled back. Which caused him to launch at me. Ezra caught him mid shift and he bared his teeth, his wolf threatening to come to the surface.
"Syn. Enough!" Ezra's tone was angry, with a command coming from it.
"Do not disrespect me beta. Gamma. I am your alpha!" I scolded them both
"Then act like it for once. You left us. You abandoned your pack! That is grounds for you being removed from your position!" Atlas snapped his jaws at me, his wolf taking control.
"Do you not realize what I went through? My father is still not telling me about what my mother is! What I am! All he's giving me is this bullshit about my aunt!" My voice broke, sadness rushing in.
"We all have shit Syn. That isn't grounds for leaving your pack, especially with the kidnappings!" Ezra's voice was cold and hard.
"We are here to help you and support you. You refused to let us" Atlas sat down on the front porch steps. "We handled Bane, and Alice is letting her coven stay with us. We are however waiting for her aunt Jade to come to us"
I slowly came out of the doorway, and nodded at Otr who followed me out. Onyx shifted uncomfortably glaring at my friend. Otr grabbed my hand, squeezing it three times. Telling me it's okay. Onyx on the other hand had a complexion of anger and resentment. The rejection on his face broke my heart. I wanted to run up and kiss him. We hadn't kissed yet and I refuse to let it be now because of his jealousy.
"Otr" I smiled at him "Meet my mate, Onyx"
"Nice to meet you, I see this princess finally found a prince that wasn't a frog aye?" He teased "I'm just kidding, but if you can make her calm down I may borrow you for my sister"
I elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to fall backwards "OH you little mutt! I am the dragon prince, how dare you!"
"Dragon what? Hm didn't know that." I rolled my eyes and walked to Ezra and Atlas "Thank you for keeping order in the pack. I'm ready to come home. I have things to take care of."
I walked towards Onyx who was still shaking with rage and staring Otr down like he wanted his head on a platter in front of him. It wasn't the reaction I thought he would have at all,  "I'm sorry my love, I didn't mean to hurt you"
He wouldn't look at me, and instead climbed on my dad's back, who had shifted amidst the arguing. I watched as the others shifted, ready for the run home. Otr waited for me to come and give him a hug, I pecked his cheek and thanked him.
He let me know if I needed help again to allow him to be there for me, we spent days searching before trying to find any signs of the camps like before. We came up with nothing, I needed to share this with my council and Bane as soon as possible. It meant that the witches could be helping them by using their shield abilities, if they had them.
Once we made it to the pack lands Davina immediately felt the pack bond surge through her. I could feel their rejoice as we got closer to my home. They would want an explanation as to why I left, and I wasn't sure what to say yet.

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