Chapter Seventeen

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I stood up after Syn left feeling the awkwardness coat the air, no one other than Otr knew what we had discussed. He was going to take them and I would have to stay behind to help Atlas with the pack. They could be in a lot more danger there than here and her dad would definitely put up a fight. It felt like a knife had been impaled into my chest, if they fought she would leave again and I know exactly where she would be going.
I began to self loathe while waiting for her to come back to me. This all came down to the fact she met me in the woods not too long ago. It hurt knowing that her whole world, other than the kidnappings changed. Just because of me and her meeting. She would have been safe. She wouldn't have her abilities. She wouldn't know what she was.
"Earth to Luna" Ryder waved his hand across my face "Are you good? That was heavy"
I shrugged "I'm worried about them going. We don't even know if these wolves are there"
"Alice, Clara, and I are going with. Along with four dragons and Otr. Evander will come later if we lose contact. You, Ezra, Val, and Atlas will be in charge here. Amoura will help where she can, she's refusing to slow down. Bane is going to go home for a bit. His beta needs a break apparently his wife had a pup"
"Thank goodness, I cannot do three alphas in one room sometimes" Clara joked "It's a bit too much power for even a human to feel"
"I thought I was the only one who felt that way" I peered out into the living room where everyone had moved to "What's the plan for the daylight demons so far?"
"Right now we have some wolves, and some of Adalia's fellow witches watching over and monitoring the camp Ezra found. They're waiting to see if anyone else escapes and how it works." Atlas spoke up and picked up a sleeping Amoura "I'm getting her to bed, we'll talk more. I'm looking forward to this test run, Luna."
I gawked at him "Test run?"
    "Yeah, since the alpha is going to be away you're the unofficial official pack leader" Clara smiled "Too bad we won't be here to see it"
    "I'm glad! I won't have to see my home burn to the ground and become nothing but rubble" Ryder smiled "No pressure though, you got this"
    I groaned and put my face in my hands "She was going to tell me this right? She is going to let me know the power is literally in my hands when she leaves?"
    "You know our alpha, who knows what she's thinking or what she's going to say ever. She keeps everyone on their toes" Ryder grinned
"You haven't been announced as our luna so don't be too worried. Atlas will help you through it and share the workload." Clara placed a hand on my shoulder and looked towards Ryder "Come on babe, I want to see if my brothers awake now"
Ryder got up to follow her out of the room "Wish me luck, she may try to kill the man. For a human she most definitely has the upper hand."
"He literally got kidnapped, it's not his fault he didn't come back" I eyed the window waiting to see two paris of red eyes but they never came
"Oh somehow she will find a way to blame him. I'm not sure how he even got caught, he's one swift wolf" He waved and went into Syn's office.
I decided that I didn't want to join everyone else watching movies and getting to know each other. I wanted Syn to come home so I knew she was safe, but something told me she wasn't.
I sat on the same chair as always and waited for them to come home. It was eerily too quiet even with the house buzzing with people. I slowly started to drift off to sleep when Atlas came out and sat beside me.
"You sure you're ready for this? It's going to be a lot if Evander and Syn do decide she can go"
"I think I can, you're showing me the ropes right?" I grabbed the glass of whiskey he brought out "Why do you have this stuff when you guys really can't get drunk?"
"Sometimes like now the humans and witches like to have it. It helps keep them calm" He took a drink "I just like the taste"
"My pa used to say the same thing. He had a stash underneath the house I lived in. He always used to call it his liquid gold."
He laughed at me "I mean the way you guys had it, yeah I could see it being that way. But yes I'm going to teach you how to conduct the pack. Alice when she gets back will teach you how to be the luna"
"Teach me how? What does that entail?" I took another swig of the bitter liquor and regretted it instantly.
"As the luna you are the alpha's only equal, other than Ev. That man will never fully retire yah know?"
I nodded and prompted him to go on "You'll basically play peacemaker when Syn becomes too hot. You can instantly calm her wolf down which I mean as mates helps but as an alpha's mate? You do more than you realize"
"What do they like stop wars or something?" I joked looking back at the woods for Syn again.
"Actually, yes. You'll also be in charge of more diplomatic stuff too which is cool. Like meeting with other packs, when the alpha leaves you'll be in charge of day to day decisions. You also get to divvy out punishments if things go awry."
"So that's why Syn allowed me to handle the teenagers? Huh. I would have thought she would do that stuff"
"No, normally alpha's can be too hot headed or busy with bigger issues to handle day to day things. You also get to ensure power and food producers get enough resources and are running smoothly. Syn said you like solar energy right?'
"Yeah. My pa always talked about it. Val was supposed to teach me about it but I haven't had a chance to"
"Clara's teaching you herbs and wolf history right? Makes sense she's a hard teacher to have to learn something else on top of it."
"I mean it's not like she's testing us, it's just not something they don't have in history books." I joked
"History books?" His head cocked "You didn't have normal school though? How did you have those?"
"My pa was a huge history buff. Though he said he majored in history and medicine. They went hand and hand to him, I would have thought science did that. He was obviously too smart for his own good. Look what he did to keep me alive."
"Oh that makes sense. I'm surprised he saved his books when the uprising happened."
"He got to keep a lot of things actually. He had a lot of supplies back home. As Evander and everyone says he knew it was going to happen and prepared for it. My home had been built prior to the uprising."
"You said he was kidnapped when you were like eleven right? Then Ash showed up not too long after?" He pondered the thought
"Yeah, she helped me through it. I was broken at first but she really helped. Along with the wolves of course. It was nice not always being lonely." I shrugged
"That's odd" He took a drink "I'm going to talk to Evander. Are you good out here by yourself?"
I nodded and looked towards the treeline again. I knew we were safe here now with all the alarms but I couldn't shake the eerie feeling I had. They couldn't have gone far, but before I knew it I had passed out.
A loud heart wrenching howl was let out which caused me to jump up and scan the area. I couldn't see much but a singular pair of red eyes. My heart dropped when I only saw the one, who was it? Where is my mate?
"What happened?" I walked closer to the wolf, I knew it was Orsan by the size alone.
He set Syn on the ground and shifted back into his human form "We accidentally went outside of the boundary line chasing a deer. Someone came up and took some of her blood. She tried to fight her off of them but they injected her with what I assume is wolfsbane."
"Is she awake?" I frantically ran to her side, the beast's chest rose and fell softly. It was like one wrong move and it would stop.
"Link the others. Now." I told him "Get them out here now! We need to have Dr Harrison assess her. Does wolfsbane affect you guys the same as normal wolves?"
"We're already here. He linked us once he got closer home" Atlas came up "Dr. Harrison is coming now. Herb is getting supplies ready inside. No it doesn't but it weakens them, but it cannot kill them."
"How could you both be so careless? She should know better! And you both should not have gone outside of the boundary!" Evander yelled at Orsan "Where the fuck are the gaurds in that area? They are in a world of trouble. I'm talking about stripping ranks, Ezra!"
"They were following a scent leading the opposite directions. They had a couple call out so we were short." He rubbed his chin "Don't worry about punishing them I have it under control. No more leaving your designated posts without alerting me or Atlas."
"Good. They are lucky she wasn't taken." Alice came up beside Evander "They took the real blood, I hadn't enchanted it yet. Ezra can you come with me for a moment? Once we get her inside."
"I know god dammit! They know what she is now and know that the boy is with us! Both boys. They knew this whole time who he was to Syn! We thought we were ahead finding one of their hidey holes. Apparently they like playing with their prey!" Evander kept yelling till Dr. Harrison showed up.
"With all due respect sir, I know you are angry but this energy isn't going to help me heal my patient. Now if you need to go cool off, go." Her tone was threatening and Evander shifted and took off no doubt to go see if he could find remnants of the scent.
"I'm going with him" Atlas shifted into his wolf and took off in the same direction Orsan had come from.
"Will you three help me get her inside?" Dr. Harrison looked towards Ezra, Ryder, and myself. "We set everything up in the other office. This house might just be the new hospital extension."
"Extension?" I eyed Atlas and Ryder while grabbing Davina's large head. She instantly relaxed even unconsciously with my touch.
Once we got inside and had her on the table Alice forced her to shift back. "There you go Doctor. Take care of my girl. We will be outside if you need us. You three, out we go"
"Again a hospital extension?" I looked at the three of them "What does she mean? Why do we need that?"
"Once we attack the demons, we need a place to heal the wolves and humans captive there. I'm sure they need more help than we realize, so Doc suggested we add another few wards to help with the influx."
"How many is a few?"
"About ten of them. We should be starting construction soon, and it's estimated to be finished in a few months. Wolves build things fast" Alice shrugged "We will need rooms for misplaced wolves"
"Atlas. When were you going to tell me about this? You said I look after that stuff." I shot daggers at him
"You were going to find out from Syn. She was excited to have you and I oversee it as your first project here in the pack." He sat down in one of the chairs
I took possession of my normal chair and waited for Herb or the doctor to come  out of the room. After an hour I realized they wouldn't be out anytime soon. I knew she was still alive because the link was alive and well.
Before I sat down I noticed that Alice and Ezra left the house. They took a few wolves with them and headed in the direction that I had watched Orsan bring Syn back home. I found it quite odd she didn't say why and only asked him to go.
It was morning before Herb walked out of the room "She's asking for you, Onyx. Would you like to come in?"
"I would love to" I walked through the door and patted Odin who was sleeping beside it peacefully.
I entered the room to see Syn perched on the bed watching the IV pump drip fluid slowly into her arm. She seemed enamored with the subtle flow and beeping of the machine. She didn't notice me at first but when she did a wicked smile crept on her lips and I noted that her eyes were red. Brighter than normal,
"They found DNA under my fingernails, we're going to see if there is a match in our system and Bane's. If there is then we'll know who is actively doing this"
"I thought you knew it was the daylight demons?" I cocked my head wondering why this was such a big deal.
"So Davina can personally rip out their throats. They took her blood and now she wants theirs"
I eyed her and cautiously came closer "Davina are you in control right now? How's that possible? Wolves can't use their human side to talk. They can only mind link, or have the human say what they want."
"We're special, you know this. Odin taught us how to, since Orsan has been reading those books. I gained this because we met you, before I could only use Syn. But now both she and I can take over in either form"
"But wolves fight their humans for control?" I sat down beside her on the bed "I've seen you do that"
"Wolves can force a shift, we just can't speak. I noticed a change when Syn and you were getting onto those young pups. The alpha command she thought was hers was mine"
"Oh. I guess that makes sense. Weird though that I get to talk to you" I felt sad that I wouldn't ever be able to mind link Davina.
"I see you're sad. Why?"
"I want to talk to you even when you're in wolf form. It's not fair that I can't honestly"
"Once you become Luna you'll be in the mind link. It's a lot to block out but I will teach you how to control it. Clara is a part of it too, but she only uses it to talk to Ryder and myself. It overwhelms her."
"That makes sense. Have you given much thought about what you're going to do? You and Orsan are not safe here anymore. Well not safe near the boundaries"
"We decided that we need to go get help. See if there are others like us who can help us stay safe and fight with us. This battle isn't going to be an easy one to win as you know"
"But you leaving can put everyone, even me, at risk. You know the pack and I both need you alive."
"I have to go, Onyx. I will most likely be safer there than I am here. They'll be back to collect me and Orsan once they get the blood tests back."
"If they get the chance to" Ezra strolled in "I don't think they'll make it back. Pity their little witch friends couldn't save the sample"
"What do you mean? How?" Syn's eyes turned back to their beautiful green color and her body relaxed.
"Alice was able to track them, they didn't have a witch with them. So she was able to get to them and enchant the blood. It had to be within a certain range so she could see the properties to be able to change it."
"Did they notice you?" my heart skipped a beat, they could know we tampered with it and come back again"
"No, they were too drunk to notice us" he shrugged "whoever sent them sent a bunch of amateurs"
    "Not if they were able to get that close to me! You know better than to underestimate someone like that group" Syn scolded him "That buys us time though. Thank you, Ezra."
    "If you're going to leave my daughter, you ought to do it soon" Evander and Orsan were standing in the doorway "Blair has agreed to use her gift, and give you the ability to become invisible"

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