Chapter Six

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    I stormed out of Syn's room and walked into my own and threw myself back on the bed. I don't get why she wants to hide us being mates, as frustrating as it is I feel connected to her. It took me years to feel anything romantic towards Ash. Syn, she's different. It really did cut deep that she couldn't even tell me why other than that it's for my protection.
    I was lost in thought when I watched Davina with Alice latched onto her back lead about seven or eight wolves running towards the left side of the woods. I took note that Clara was not with the group which means she's probably in the house, as there are only two of us humans currently living here.  I needed to find out what was going on, and she would be the one person who knew.
    I didn't want her or anyone in danger, by the looks of their wolves shot a chill through my spine. Their fur on the napes of their neck stood up, and they assumed what I thought was a battle position. Davina had been at the front of the pyramid like shape, being the true leader everyone raved about.
    I found Clara in the main room area on the couch, her nose was in a book and she had a bow sitting beside her. She seemed quite unbothered by whatever was going on, like this was a norm for them. My body swelled with anxiety about Syn, as mad as I was I was starting to care deeper about her.
    "Before you ask, we stay here." she muttered not looking away from her book
    "How did you know I was going to ask that?" I grumbled back and sat on the chair opposite of her.
    "I know that look, I've been there before. We're safe here. Davina will rip Dantes' throat out if we go after them" She looked at me and pointed at a very large man with tattoos going up and down his arms. His brown eyes were scanning the area, he seemed more uptight than any other warrior I had seen around the home. He almost looked made of stone, the only movement his body made was his chest rising and falling every few seconds.
    "Are they all so.. Intimidating?" I asked still eyeing Dante standing there
    "Most are at first, you have to get to know them. You may have a rough go, the pack can be a bit standoffish if you're a newcomer and not someones' mate" She gave me a sad look and sat the book down beside the bow.
    "I am someone's mate though" I put my head in my hands in frustration. I barely understood this feeling, but it was growing on me.
    "For now you are not. Do you think this is easy for her either?" she scoffed, her voice quiet but full of malice, "Syn has wanted a mate since the second she knew they existed. I may not have known her then like my mate did, but know this. She wants you. She needs you. The pack needs you. Now stop pouting and get it together for her."
    "I didn't know that" I looked up at her "Do you know why she can't tell anyone yet? If no one can know how come you all know?"
    "I do, but trust me you do not want to see an alpha crossed over by her best friend. Once you earn everyone's trust, and the situation they have going on is handled she will be the happiest wolf anyone has ever seen" She smiled at me "She's special. One in a million honestly. As for your other question, we're like her council. She trusts our judgment and needs us in order to do her job"
    "Okay so what do I do? What do you mean special?" I asked "A council huh. That's kinda cool."
    "In due time she'll tell you. If she does, know she fully trusts you. There aren't many alpha's like her left" She smiled at me "Just support her, be yourself. It'll be easier for you especially if you take it slow. Their world can be a bit much at first."
    "What was meeting your mate like, like what's your story?" I was curious now, and curiosity killed the cat.
    "My brother Lukas left to find his mate. He's only part wolf from his mothers side. His dad was his moms' mate, she died heroically in battle when he was 2. He met my mom and had me, they got married." She looked saddened by the story. "My mother loved him so much, when she thought he was just human. It was very rocky for a while. By the time he was 13 and I was 11 he got his wolf. At 16 he learned about mates, and wanted to find them. My mother was not very welcoming of him anymore."
    "How did you end up here though?" I asked after she paused for a long time.
    "My brother decided that he was going to leave. We had a nice little cottage in what was Canada. Our parents lived off the land way before the uprising so they were prepared." she looked out the window at Dante "When we found this pack I was nearing 16 myself. Ryder was 19 then, and more than ready to have a Gamma female."
    "So you're the baby of the group then?" I mused "wait you would have been under age then?"
    "We we're friends for two years before. But yes, anyways once he found us camping in the northern border he brought us to Syn. She was such a young alpha then. She granted me and him to be a part of the pack, he still is but he's out there still searching for his other half." she said "I miss him dearly, he's due next year for a visit unless he finds his mate sooner. You'll get to meet him."
    "How was Ryder at first?" my heart hurt thinking about mine and Syn's meeting
    "Male wolves are possessive. Imagine how we feel as humans about them but times a thousand. He tried to kill Lukas on the spot, not realizing that he was my sibling." she laughed at the memory "Once he realized it, he's been the most loving and endearing mate. Once Syn approved me to stay he introduced me to the pack. I got to do the ritual to be a part of the pack, and to be the female gamma. Our bond consummation ceremony took place a few months after I settled into my role and turned 18. It's like their version of a wedding."
    I nodded at her pondering what she said. We sat there in silence as I watched for any movement. My wolves had nested beside me and by my feet, protecting me no doubt. They couldn't protect me from my thoughts, my stomach dropped more as I thought about Syn.
After quite some time I watched as Dante shifted and left his post, I debated on getting up and looking or staying where I was. Clara made the first move, we walked to the window and saw the group was walking back, their heads hanging low. Clara ran out of the room and out the door and headed towards the group. I followed suit trying to see what happened, was Syn okay?
    "What now Syn? What can we do? We have no leads. None. This just adds more of a danger with them involved" Ezra had shifted back and was coming at her, Davina rolled her eyes in response.
    "Don't push her Ez, she's already upset enough." Alice tried to calm him down, but seemed upset as well.
    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Atlas's wolf, Ace carrying his mate on his back. He whimpered as he placed her on the ground and she started coughing up red septum. What just happened? They had only been gone 30 or so minutes.
    I decided to bite my tongue and walk up to Davina who at first seemed to welcome the advance. I started to put my hand out to touch her and she growled and walked away. She shifted back into Syn and she walked over to Amoura who was trying to stand.
    "No baby, sit down. The doctor is coming, you're going to be fine. How did they even get you with that?" Syn asked her with concern
    "I was waiting to strike at one of them when another came up behind me and I remember it burned, so bad. I tried to fight them off but there were so many. I don't remember much else, everythings fuzzy." Amoura coughed which earned a whimper from Ace.
    "It's okay my love, Dr. Harrison is coming. She knows best remember" Amoura teased him and patted his head which was in her lap "Such a good wolf"
    A tall woman in a white coat came through the back door and assessed the wolves around me. She nodded at Syn and walked down the steps, her dark skin glistening in the fading sunlight. Her hair was covered by a scrub cap and her eyes were as dark as night. She smiled showing a perfect set of white teeth, as she looked towards me. I was enamored with her. She looked perfect, and had no flaws whatsoever. Why are all wolves so perfect? How do they do it so effortlessly?
    "Ah my Amoura, what have you gotten yourself into this time beta female?" She crouched down next to her and assessed the gash that went down Amoura's back.
    I watched as she grabbed a pair of gloves and a cleaning agent, I had never seen actual medicine or a doctor before. She grabbed a cloth and a fowl smelling bottle. She wiped the wound, clearing away the blood and dirt. Amoura's skin seemed to have a large welt, like a burn, instead of what I thought would be a stab wound to her left shoulder blade.
    "Evandar, come here. Syn, come closer." She motioned for them to look at the wound, her eyes laser focused on the mark.
    They looked at the wound and shock filled their faces. Evanders face drained and he looked pale, almost ghost-like. Were ghosts real too? I would not be surprised if they did walk among us. However, not being able to see them frightened me.
I cocked my head at them, but tore my gaze away from Syn. The rejection earlier stung quite a bit.
    "Do you know what it is?" The doctor asked them her voice slightly panicked "I've only seen this in my books"
    "I have only seen it in ours before, not in person." Evandar admitted "What does it mean for her?"
    "Her wolf is fine, the pup will be fine. Atlas just needs to monitor her for now. The symbol just means they're back." Dr. Harrison stood up and helped Amoura get to her feet. "They also took some blood while she was disoriented. There's a prick on her arm."
    "What symbol sir?" Ryder asked
    "The symbol is ancient, it's the mark of the daylight demons. It's a cult in a sense." he rubbed his face and looked towards Syn "This is worse than we realized"
    Syn nodded and assisted Amoura in getting into the house. I got a look at the now clean symbol and instantly recognized it. The dagger with blood dripping down it with a sun surrounding it. 
    "Wait, I've seen that before! Ash has one on her hip bone just like it!" I ran up to get a closer look. "I always thought it was a tattoo though"
    "What do you mean? I thought she was a witch? Witches don't work with vampires love. We barely work with wolves as is" Alice came up beside me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure? Witches being a part of that,well, cult can result in losing their magic, which as you know is worse than death for us.
    I nodded as we walked in the doors with everyone following us. Ezra and Ryder both looked on edge. Valentia walked up and gave Clara a hug trying to stifle her tears. Whatever happened was not good.
    "Alice why is the mark not good?" I followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the bar.
    "It's the ones who first started the uprising. They are the ones who pushed the idea on many packs, covens, and clans. The humans attacked the mysticals who wanted peace, reform. Saying none could be trusted. This pack being the one they hit the hardest. No one had any choice but to fight back." She looked up from the coffee she was making and handed me a cup. "So yes it was because the humans were very controlling, but it was our fault it happened. Your pa knew that fact, he helped those who did not want anarchy."
    "So my grandfather sided with you all and helped you beat the humans? Why would he do that?" I sipped the coffee
    "He knew our abilities well from our records. He hated that it came to the uprising and started to try and protect the good mysticals. He even worked for this pack, he's a key reason why we're still standing strong today" She took a long drink and walked into her office smiling.
    So the demon cult started the uprising, every mystical being was blamed for it and humans attacked even the good ones. My grandfather helped the good ones, and still ended up being taken, but I get to be safe? It makes no sense. Why would a few bad apples convince others to do their bidding?
    I walked upstairs to go shower and get some sleep, I needed to think about everything and after Davina growled at me I wanted absolutely nothing to do with Syn right now.
    I was sitting in Atlas and Amoura's room watching my pack doctor patch up the now fading mark. Thankfully for us all it wasn't deep enough to leave a scar of the mark. She got very lucky this time, most are banished and shunned if it stuck. It's a mark of being a traitor, at least that's how we perceive it now. The group may have given us freedom, but it caused so many others pain. Though I didn't like humans very much, so many were innocent in the war, just like my pack.
    Davina felt bad for the humans, I did too in my own way. They knew that we had power, especially if we worked together. They chose this path, and if my people are safe and happy because of it so be it. They knew what we were capable of, hell they probably knew about the demons cults plan and did it anyways.
    I needed to know why the vampires took her blood. They can't feed on wolves, our blood can be toxic to them in high quantities. My stomach churned thinking about it. She comes from beta blood, so her blood is more potent. Not as much as an alpha of alpha lineage does, but a fairly close second.
    It was nearing midnight by the time the wound faded and her skin went back to normal. I let the beta mates be and retired to my own room, my heart sunk at the thought of Onyx being upset with me. Though I was being awful, and just wanted to protect him.
    I got into the shower and cried before I sulked over to my bed and tried to fall asleep. I regretted not stealing one of my mates shirts to sleep in to calm me down. After awhile I whined and shifted into Davina, we made our way over to his door and layed down in front of it, the scent finally lulling us to sleep.
    I woke up to Onyx yelling about how I scared him. Davina groggily sat up and gave him a confused look and stuck her tongue out at him. He scowled and slammed the door, bonking her nose in the process. She grunted in disapproval and decided to get revenge.
    She let out a low growl and busted through the door, I attempted to stop her but had no avail. She backed him into a corner and rolled over, begging for his attention now are we?
    He shook his head and leaned down to pet her, she let out a happy yip and licked his whole arm.
    "Ah man! Now I have to shower again, slobbery mutt" he grimaced and shook the slobber off.
    She growled at him for the mutt comment, and did it again. He smiled at her and patted her head.
    "How could I be mad at you? Though you both deserve it" he sat down on the bed and we followed. "Can Syn talk now?"
    She nodded her wolfy head, gave him one last kiss and we went to my room to change. I rushed back into the room and awkwardly sat beside him, I tried to slow my heart rate but to no avail. Thankfully he couldn't hear it as a human.
    "I want to apologize for how that came out yesterday" I started "I just want to keep you safe. There's something going on, and being an alpha's mate adds a huge target on you. With this threat going on, I need to be careful."
    "I felt rejected, like never before. I didn't know emotions could be that powerful" he admitted "I just don't want to feel that way again. I understand that you want me safe, but I'm a grown man. I was alone for so long with my wolves. I can protect myself pretty well."
    "I know that. You don't know this world like I do, or like your pa did. It's dangerous. Why he wanted my pack to keep you safe but away from it" I held his hand in my lap "My dad found more paperwork on him, and what he did for us. Things aren't adding up, we only found your paperwork when you came here as you know"
    "So now what?" he cocked his head, his beautiful face scrunched with confusion.
    "Alice is looking into it. She thinks the witch who you were with may have something to do with it. The aura of their magic is gone, you just have hers around you now" I smiled at him "I know it's a lot to process, but know everything I do is for your safety."
    "I think it would be good to start slow then. Clara said it can be overwhelming at first. So, friends?" He shot me a wicked smile and his eyes sparkled
    "Friends" I'll admit, it hurt my heart just a little to agree with that.
    I left him to find Alice and my dad, I needed updates on everything going on. With the attack last night we needed to increase security, more wolves were needed. I found them in the alpha office with my beta, gamma, and delta all waiting for me. I sat down in my chair and smiled at them
    "So now what should we do?" my voice was dripping with venom. I wanted revenge for what they did and what they have done.
    "I increased each patrol from 20 to 40 wolves. Shorter guard areas means less of a chance for anyone to slip through" Ezra grabbed a stack of papers and handed it to me
    "How many shift changes?" Altas asked peering at his own copy of the stack
    "Three, rotating times. Normally they're at 7am, 3pm, and 11pm. For now till we can gauge what is going on, they will rotate between 6am to 9am, 2 pm to 5pm, and 9pm to 1am. Each a different time every day, the wolves have a schedule and they have reminders on the hour about the time stamps. During changes Ryder or I will be rounding." Ezra's brow arched, waiting for my response.
    "Alice, the magic detectors?" I flipped to another page of the pile, with her plan on it.
    "Ah yes, Clara and I have made the most sensitive alarm for it. Someone with even .0001% of magic blood will make it go off. In addition we have decided to use some of my power to create a shield again so even if I leave the border it will stay." She was cautious with how she spoke, knowing I was unstable. "I know it failed last time, but I am sure I have the power to do it this time."
    She flashed her blue eyes and I nodded, she was the supreme. No one could disobey her now. Being the supreme meant she handled who lost and who kept their magic, a checks and balance system. She retained the role from her mother, a role she didn't want. We didn't know who her betrothed was, but I'm sure she rejected him because of the power. We'll probably never know, but that's her story to tell.
    "I have upped the training sessions as well. Clara and I are taking groups throughout the day" Atlas spoke up while flipping another page "There will be multiple sessions. Pups will have 45 minutes, teens will have 2 hours, and adults all will have 3 hours of training a day. It has been made mandatory."
    "I shall oversee them I suppose?" I arched my brow, and smelt Onyx coming closer.
    I heard him rummaging in the kitchen, hopefully it keeps him occupied for awhile. I didn't know how long this meeting would last and I felt bad that I couldn't spend time with him. I hated this feeling of guilt when it came to leaving him to tend to my alpha duties. The faster this was over the faster I could see him and that helped Davina to calm down.
    "Valentina, how are the security cameras doing? We keep missing them, we should not be" I growled growing frustrated with being here
    "We are updating them as we speak, Alice has enchanted them so they cannot be tampered with." She spoke with pride, which irritated me today
    "Thank you. I hope it works." I snuffed and looked at my dad "What will you be doing?"
    "I will be helping you oversee this all. There are many moving parts, so we will also be trying to figure out what is going on and why they are hitting packs now." He gave me a 'do not challenge me' look.
    "Fine, I suppose. Any updates on the files Alice?" At this point I didn't care if the rest knew about them or not.
"Yes, red eyes, it is linked back to Ash's family. Like we thought they were going to hide him and if we found them, use him as protection. They must have known about him, but the magic that links the wolf to him, and the aura of protection is mine. He must have thought it was her since he had the shield from her." She matched my gaze "If they are working with the daylight demons I personally am going to strip them of their magic."
"We need to know why his grandpa wanted us and your coven to protect him. Have you contacted them?" I asked her
"I have, they are coming tonight. I trust we can let them through the border?" She rolled her eyes, not wanting to see her family.
"Do you think your mother did it?" Clara piped up after being silent the whole meeting.
"It is possible, my aunt Jade would know more. She worked closely with my mother." She shook her head "If she did there is a way for me to know why. It may be a risk but I am willing to do it."
I nodded, she was going to use one of the gifts. Her aunt Jade would also be using hers, which could easily offset the balance. To Alice doing so was worth the risk, plus she would be able to speak with her mother again hopefully.
"Where is Amoura? She better not be doing a damn thing to harm the pup." I growled at Atlas
"She is resting, and doing research on the daylight demons. She's going to assist you in finding out why they took her blood." Atlas stood his ground. "The pup is safe, we are very lucky."
"When did you think you were going to tell me, your alpha, that the future beta was on their way into this world? Don't you think that's a bit important?" I smiled at him, I was so proud.
"We were waiting till we knew it was safe, and till Dyna was ready to share the news. She's possessive of the pup already" He beamed, their child was my pack's future.
"Of course she is, it's a pup. A beta pup." Ryder busted out laughing "Are we really that old?"
"The next generation is upon us and we are just really getting started! Not fair!" Ezra piped in
My father rolled his eyes in response, leave it to Ryder to break the serious fog looming in the office.
"Now you know how I felt" my dad rolled his eyes "Now take this seriously before you each have pups replacing you."
"Oh you old wolf, hush you love watching them work" Alice smiled "Syn may be a better alpha than you soon"
"You are correct. Everyone you know what to do, let's get to it. Dad I would like to speak with you" I looked at him and shot him one of my looks
"Yes everyone get going! We are wasting time before your replacements get here!" He joked with them as they filed out of the office.
"Did you tell Bane it was off?" I asked, nervous for the response.
"Yes I did. He's not happy however he wants to meet him before it is officially called off. See if you all can work together, after that a blood treaty will be considered" he spoke calmly, not settling my nerves.
"But you said no one can know about Onyx and me?" I dropped my hard gaze "What are we going to do?"
"You didn't let me finish, the reasoning for why the blood pact is on the table. Before he wanted you, now he has his pack to worry about." he rubbed the back of his neck "Three of his she wolves have been taken."
    "What do you mean?" my voice was shaky
    "The same way ours have been, with no trace. No warning. No trail. No scent." he growled "It is ridiculous. However he needs our help, and even being the largest pack left we need his. His warriors are highly trained, you know this."
    "So about Onyx?" I wasn't sure how it was going to work.
    "We have to be honest. If you do the blood pact you have to be honest with each other or it's null and void in the eyes of the universe" he explained "he'll be here within the next few weeks. He has to do the same as us, and either of you leaving territories is dangerous."
    "Don't you think it'll be a bit touchy? My mate's a HUMAN" I exclaimed knowing Bane's temper.
    "He has agreed to keep an open mind." he cleared his throat "Let's just hope he doesn't blow a fuse"

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