Chapter Eight

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    Clara was waiting for Ryder to come back from where he went with Syn. We decided to cook dinner for us because training had us both starved.     She was excited to show me how an oven worked, and how to grill steak. She loved cooking, she and Ryker did it together a lot. A part of me hoped me and Syn would have something like that one day.
    We watched as Evander and Alice came through the door, the anger radiating off of him. Alice looked extremely concerned, her face paling more by the second. They ducked into her office and I heard the lock click into place.
    "What was that about?" I scoffed at Clara
    "Wolf business I'm assuming. I'll bet Syn and him got into it again. You'll hear about it later. You should find Syn, for them mates can help them stay grounded. If Davina feels like he disrespected her it'll be another blood bath" she shrugged like this was a normal thing. "You'll learn as you step up into being her mate, when they let you that is"
    "What do you mean? Why would her wolf kill her dad?" I cocked my head, I could never.
    "Davina isn't a normal wolf. She's very valuable, being an alpha of course" Clara ignored my question and went back to her appetizers.
    My gut churned, knowing something was up I left her to find my wolves. I hadn't spent much time with them lately and I missed them. I needed some space to think about what Clara could be insinuating and hiding from me. Amoura had mentioned Syn being special when I first arrived here.
    I found them under a willow tree enjoying their freedom. Flame was on his back rolling in the grass, thoroughly enamored with the smell. Tera and Snow were watching him, taking in the view, ignoring Flames' antics.
    I watched as Val and Ryder left the hospital and walked towards the house. My wolves perked up and started whining. Behind them was a young boy, carrying a small hospital bag. His dark hair looked matted, as he got closer I could see scars on his frail frame. He seemed scared of Ryder, and curious about Val. Where was Syn though?
    I walked towards the house to meet them there, who was this kid? My wolves followed suit, curious about him as well. They needed to know if he was a threat or not. The shirt he was wearing emphasized his frail body, the drawstring sweats were tied as tight as possible but still fell off of his hips. Tera whined as she sniffed the air at him, probably at the hospital smell even I as a human smelt. She determined he was safe and took her pups back to the tree.
    "Where is Syn? Who is this?" I questioned them both, the boy hiding behind Val.
    "I don't know, we thought she came home. She wouldn't just leave without letting one of us know." Ryder clarified "This is Orson, her cousin I guess"
    "Cousin?" my head tilted and I eyed the boy suspiciously "I guess I could see it."
    His features resembled my Syn, his hair was a few shades darker than hers. Their eyes are the same shade of green, but his lacked the luster that hers had. Even I could sense a feeling of power similar to Syn's. I found it odd that my wolves did not bow to him like they did her. Maybe he's not an alpha but a beta or gamma; they don't bow to the ones here. Hm.
"Hello, I'm Onyx. I'm staying here for a while." I offered my hand to him.
"Human I may be sickly but I am not dumb. I smell her all over you. You belong to her" he rolled his eyes. Fucking teenagers. "You will stay here as long as she's here, I know that. Her wolf is drawn to yours and even I know how it works I think"
"Now now, be nice to our luna" Ryder hushed him, teasing me "You know about pack order? But not where you came from?"
"The lady who freed me? She taught the young wolves about packs. Alphas, lunas, councils or orders, mates, vampires, and she even helped everyone shift for the first time if they hadn't yet. Before some lost their wolves" he whispered, scared.
"Lose their wolves?" Ryder cocked his head
"Yeah- some are wolves but their connection is severed. They think we're weaker in that state" He seemed angry "I think I met my mate there, but I couldn't tell because she had lost her wolf."
"What was her name?" Val asked, crossing her arms and furrowing her brow in curiosity of the boy.
"I call her angel, because she is one. She didn't remember her real name or anything. My wolf Odin is convinced she belongs to him but we can't confirm it without her wolf being present" a tear fell down his cheek, my heart hurt.
"Let's get you home. We'll find Syn after that." Ryder nodded and led us towards the house.
Atlas was getting back from adult training heading up to Amoura obviously. He stopped once we saw him. I took him to the spare room next to mine and let him fall asleep before I slipped out. The guys were all three downstairs trying to figure out where the infamous alpha had gone, this time as they said.
"Any luck?" I asked Clara who was eyeing her mate, ignoring me. If looks could kill Ryder would be laid out on the floor in utter agony.
I sat by her, and looked at Amoura and Val trying to read their expressions. Amoura was bouncing her leg watching Atlas groan in frustration.
"You don't think she went there do you?" Ezra questioned
"Why would she? You know Otr isn't here this time of year!" Atlas groaned and put his head in his hands. "Where is good ole Evander when you need him? He's the one who caused it, wasn't he? I don't care what happened but he's going to find her."
"He's um in the office with Alice" Ryder choked on his water "I heard them fighting"
"You've got to be kidding me. Ev my boy get out here! Syn is gone, again!" Atlas shouted "I refuse to be stand in alpha without her permission!"
"Good luck, she has it sealed" Clara rolled her eyes and went over to Ryder holding his hand.
His body went limp, letting go of the storm of anger surrounding him. So that's what she was talking about. Val was stroking Ezra's arm trying to console him. Amoura sat in her seat and waited for Atlas to calm down before she went to him. Her hand rubbing her stomach, thinking of her friend being missing.
"She wouldn't go anywhere but to him" Val huffed "Just contact them!"
"You don't contact dragons! Syn is the ballsy one who does it! They respect her! We're barbeque to them!" Ryder obviously was scared of them? I didn't think any of them had fears.
"Do you want our alpha back or not?" Clara pushed more, smacking his arm. "If you don't, we won't see her again for a while."
"She's right, I'll send them a message. They aren't home this time of year so I doubt we hear back from them." Atlas shrugged and kissed Amoura's forehead. "Otr may be on his way there. If she's made it by now"
"Who is Otr?" Jealousy seeped from my voice.
"He's her best friend, other than us. He's the dragon prince, which is why this wolf has become a puppy" Ezra poked fun at Ryder, who was not amused by this
"Have YOU seen a full grown dragon prince angry? Barbeque I'm telling you!" Ryder attempted to defend himself. "I have, and I don't want to see that again!"
His mate rolled her eyes "Babe he wasn't even that mad!"
"That's the point. Who let her befriend him in the first place?" he groaned "I don't want to see him any more angry than he was"
"How does she know him?" I asked Amoura who was still next to me
"He helped us the last time the vampires were taking our people. He and Syn are great friends. She used to escape to his home in the mountains when shit hit the fan. I'm sure this time is no different" her eyes laser focused on Atlas again "Do it, love. I need her back here. This pup needs their aunt."
"For you? I'll go there myself and drag her back by her neck" he growled and his eyes darkened to a deeper shade.
I stood up angry at his words, no one will hurt MY Syn. Not while I was around to protect her. Even if she didn't need it. Ryder eyed my hands balled into fists and seemed to get nervous. He looked at Atlas and then back at me trying to gauge the intensity I think.
"Woah there loverboy, don't threaten the beta" Ryder stood in front of me "Ace give Atlas back control. You threatened his mate. Imagine if someone did that to yours"
He looked over at the to-be mother and cleared his throat, "I apologize Onyx" he mumbled and slumped next to her.
"Now how do we send this message?" I scanned them all waiting for an answer.

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