Chapter Twenty

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    "How did you know we were here?" Ryder came beside me and Orsan and eyed the three wolves.
    To my surprise one spoke in their wolf form and their more masculine human voice came out instead of a growl. "We heard rumors there were more of us, we've been awaiting your arrival. A witch by the name of Ash sent for us."
    "Her name was Ash?" Ryder looked at me "What did she say?"
    "She said she was looking out for a friend of hers, she saw you guys leaving your packlands and followed. Unlike you she didn't stop to rest so she could beat you to the house of horrors as she calls it"
    "What do you mean?" Ryder sat down on a rouge chair and cocked his head at them.
    "She said whosoever house you were at were working with bad people. She doesn't want to work with them apparently" another wolf said in a more feminine tone
    I shifted back and grabbed a shirt from Ryder "She is not to be trusted. She used my mate to get close to me. They know what me and Orsan are, they are dangerous"
    "We know, little wolf. We may be hidden in plain sight but we do hear rumors swirling around in the air" The third wolf said "However what's odd is we were not informed there were two more of us. Now that's quite odd. Wolves from our line are supposed to tell our leader when new wolves are born"
    My stomach clenched at the thought of my mother "My mother died soon after I was born. She was murdered by what my father think are the daylight demons"
    "And his?" He looked at Odin who was on his haunches bathing in the fact he was right.
    "We believed she was killed as well. He doesn't remember much of her or before he was taken by them" My voice slightly broke at the thought of both of our mothers being gone.
    "Hmm. I wonder if they thought they were the last ones, since no one knew of your existence" The smaller of the three wolves with a boyish voice said.
    "How old are you" Orsan cocked his head at him "You sound young compared to me"
    "I'm about 15, I was born prematurely. My mothers mate died before she gave birth to me and with that it weakened her wolf."
    "Where is she now?" Ryder asked "Ouch! Syn why did you hit me? That's just rude in front of company"
    "Stop acting like a pup and being rude to him. He's a kid" I growled at him, warning him not to push it.
    They eyed me as I got onto my gamma in shock "You're an alpha?" The female asked
    "Yes. Of the River Lotus pack in North America. Have you heard of it? My father is-"
    "Evander, you're Cleo's daughter? And you're Lilac's son? How is that possible? We lost them in the battle-"
    "Lost them?" "Battle?" "Lilac?" The three of us looked confused and tried to piece together what was said.
    "They were taken before the uprising. Your grandfather and grandmother will be delighted to see you both here and alive. We've searched for ages!" The female wolf exclaimed and her tail wagged.
    "Your mothers were lost before the uprising happened. Your father came back to tell us she had passed. She told him to come here once she passed, he didn't mention a child" The leader of the three said "He needed to tell us about you."
    "I wouldn't blame him" Ryder spoke up "He had to hide what she was to the best of his capability. They're targets you know that"
    The leader nodded his head "Do you remember where you were born?" He turned to Orsan
    "I don't remember much but it's starting to come back with Alice's help. Do you think I could have been born with the daylight demons?"
    "Anything is possible with them. Evander said Cleo only got out because his pack attacked a camp where she was at. They rescued her from the brink of death." My heart broke at the thought of my parents being in that situation.
    "So that's why me going wasn't that big of a fight, he knew who I was going to." I shrugged missing the old wolf
    "How many of you are there? We would like to accommodate you all" The female wolf asked me
    "There are us three, three or four dragons, their king, Ryder's mate, and Alice. They're back at camp though." Orsan answered "Will we get to see more of us?"
    "You'll get to meet your grandparents as well! They are going to be so excited!" The younger wolf
    "Paavo, that's enough. I have alerted them they have not only one but two grandchildren they have to meet. They have granted your party's stay here" He looked around "My name is Rafer, the female is named Nissa. And the boy is named Paavo."
    "Well it took you long enough to introduce yourselves" Ryder rolled his eyes at them.
    "I apologize for the hesitation, I needed to ensure it was safe to bring you here and speak with you in the first place." Rafer threw back a him "The red eyes were enough but I didn't trust the rest of you"
    "Syn? Orsan?" Otr called "Ryder? Where are you- Oh hello"
    "This is Paavo, Nissa, and Rafer. They're our family!" Orsan shifted back into his human form "I told you there was more!"
    "So the future dragon king makes his grand entrance" Paavo teased "Nissa want to say hello?"
    She sat on her haunches and cocked her head, eyeing Otr. She looked like she was in a daze, or in love with him. Love at first sight, how sweet. Davina stirred and wagged her tail at them. Nissa started walking towards him with caution, not wanting to spook him in any way. Dragons can be very touchy beings sometimes.
"Oh no way. That is NOT possible Nissa! You can't leave me here with mom and dad!" Paavo fell to his knees dramatically
    "You belong to me" Otr's eyes filled with fire and I felt the need to back up from them both "Mine."
    Nissa inched closer to him still being cautious and sized him up "How is that possible? Interspecies mating is a myth!"
    "It's extremely rare," Orsan smiled at them, "but it is possible. It hasn't been talked about in any books in over a thousand years. You can't count Ev and Alice even though they may have well have been mates"
    "Oh look, the littlest dragon found his lover" Ryder teased him earning a grunt from Otr "My bad bro, I'll just sit here and mind my business. Oh! A rock"
    I rolled my eyes at him "Go get the others and bring them here. Tell them we found what we were looking for"
    "Onyx, come to the office please" I heard Evander call for me pulling me out of my head
    "Coming! Let me finish cleaning this all up" I yelled back and turned back to putting away the weapons from class today.
    "It's important. We'll be waiting for you in my office when you're finished" He turned and went back into the house.
    I grumbled, missing Syn was harder than I initially thought. My wolves cocked their heads and walked into the house. I followed soon after wondering what was going on that was so important.
    Atlas, Amoura, Ezra, and Val were all sitting around Evanders office waiting for me to sit so they could begin the meeting.
    "Is Syn okay?" I asked nervously, my stomach did a spin. Worrying about her was becoming a regular passtime.
    "She's more than okay. She found her family." Evander said proudly "However, Ash was the one to warn them. She went to Anita's on a mission for the demons. What they didn't know was she did it to ensure they left before Anita could hand them all over"
    "Ash is working for us now?" I asked out loud accidentally. I was in a state of shock. "Why would she do that?'
    "She might be one of the witches that are being forced into helping them. However if they really wanted the power they would need Alice since she is the supreme witch now." Evander twiddled his thumbs "We need to spare her life when we go to attack. Understood?"
    Ezra nodded reluctantly at the request. He wanted revenge for his alpha. Atlas grumbled something to himself, his mate heard it and squeezed his hand. She and others scoffed or kept silent on the issue. Which was probably for the best.
"Do you think she was trying to protect me from them? She never let them meet me. Like you said they could have been trying to use me as a pawn but she wouldn't let me"
    "Most likely, now that she saved my daughter and nephew from them. I think we thought wrong about her possibly. Her family? I'm not sure."
    "What is the news?" Amoura was getting impatient with the conversation and wanted an update on her family.
    "They found who I knew they would find. Their mothers pack, the true wolves" He looked at me "They're with them now"
    "Now?" my heart fluttered with excitement for her.
She and Orsan had completed what they set out to do. I was proud of them both for just going for it. She was strong in that way, just acting and not caring about the disappointment that could have followed.
    "Yes, they found their family. Nissa and Paavo are leading them to their homes now. Rafer notified their grandparents"
    "Grandparents?" Val cocked her head at the titles "I thought you said they were all dead?"
    "No, I wanted to protect Syn from everyone imaginable. It was easier to say they were dead. If they knew about her when she was born and after her mother died they would have come and taken my daughter." he paused "I couldn't handle losing her as well. This pack needed their future at the time we lost her mother. It would have fell apart if Syn had been taken."
    "How did you know about them?" Atlas legs shook, his voice filled with rage against the ex alpha
    "Cleo told me where to find them before she gave birth to Syn. In case anything happened. It was also in case she met her mate, they would know how to handle her. They still would know better even though we have Alice who knows all."
His eyes seemed sunken in and filled with regrets for hiding her, I assumed. "Those wolves were the only family she had left since her sister died. Well we thought she was dead.
    "But she wasn't because now we have our lovely Orsan" Ezra groaned "I kinda miss that kid and his antics."
    "He's the one who found them actually. His curiosity never ceases to amaze me, but if he could avoid pissing off Rafer we'll be okay"
    "Where is Orsan's mom now?" I asked
    "Lilac is either dead or with the daylight demons. That's where I found Cleo when we attacked one of their camps before the uprising. They had set up camp on our land without permission"
    "So she could still be with them?" Val asked gripping Ezra's hand "That could be good, they've lost enough family you know"
    "When will they return home?"
    "Onyx, I don't know. I do know that one of them might have to stay and take their grandfather's place in his pack.  He needs an Heir. Syn is the oldest, and from the oldest child. Meaning that it is her birthright to inherit that title if she so chooses to do so"
    My stomach dropped, I didn't want to lose her just yet "What do you mean? She would have to stay there? What about us?"
    "One of them may not return home, or call this home ever again" Evander closed his eyes "For my sake I hope it's not Syn."
    "So to wrap this up, Luna's ex-girlfriend isn't bad. Syn's family has been found. She may not come home. Orsan's mom may be alive. Plus they are the rightful leaders to the pack in norway. Am I missing anything?"
    "No, we think Onyx's grandfather could be alive" Atlas stood up "From what I've gathered he was taken and he was too knowledgeable to kill. With the blood being used for sustenance by the vampires, I think they're using him."
    "For what now?" I gapped
    He had been used before the uprising by the military. He had been involved in the human government before working with the supernatural division. Both sides used him constantly and it boiled my blood thinking he could have been being used all this time.
    I should have looked for him a bit harder than I did. I have failed him. I should have tried to rescue him. I failed as his only grandchild.
    "To create some sort of super vamp, or on the off chance Orsan is correct to wipe out all other supernaturals and take over the world."
    "Beast uprising 2.0, anyone?" Amoura rolled her eyes "We have dragons we'll be fine. Plus Blair is currently hiding us. I'm not worried"
    "You should be, he knows much more than he ever let on. It is possible that they're using him. He studied blood, all species of blood."
    "Not just humans?" Evander asked, looking concerned "Who did he work with? The human government?"
"They paid for him to go to school and study it" I shrugged. "He was a researcher first and a doctor second. The historical part came last as it was his hobby"
"That explains how he knew to warn us about the uprising then." Ezra looked over "We need to prepare for anything now. Who knows, what if they're trying to awaken some ancient god to aid them"

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