Chapter Eleven

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    I watched as Syn shifted into her wolf, I approached Davina with caution knowing her power. She had shown it already, and I did not want to be caught in line of fire ever again. I slowly put my hand out to her snout, she gave me a wolfy grin and slobbered my hand. I shot daggers at the wolf, who seemed pretty proud of herself for drenching my hand in slobber.
    "Arg, why do you always do this!" I waved my hand to get it off her tail wagged in approval.
    She crouched down to my level so I could climb on her back, she playfully growled causing me to lose my footing and fall to the ground. Davina craved the reaction she caused from people. I had learned to know this pretty early on and sometimes it was entertaining.
    "Syn! Knock it off dammit!" I scowled at her, she gave a wolfy life laugh and motioned for me to get back on.
    I huffed at her and took my spot, and then she took off. I instantly grabbed her scruff and held on. She whizzed through the trees like they weren't even there, it felt like I was flying. My adrenaline skyrocketed, and I let go of her with one hand and put it in the air.
    She skidded to a stop and looked at me, saying "do not let go" with her eyes that went a few shades darker than earlier. I shook my head and grabbed hold of her again. She slowly trotted this time through the woods, not trusting me whatsoever.
    She stopped when we got to the top of a large hill and I climbed off of her, my face frozen in place from the wind of her running. It may be warm out but her speed made my face frozen like it was last year when we had a bad winter.
    I watched as Davina motioned for me to turn around so she could shift back and put clothes on once again. As I waited I smiled at the view, taking in the beautiful sight of her land. There was a monstrous river flowing through the forest, I found peace hearing the sounds of it roar. Wildlife scurried around it, there was a group of deer nested just behind the tree line, hiding from the wolves patrolling around it. So that was where the boundary was.
    "It's beautiful up here isn't it?" She came up and grabbed two of my fingers. I shivered at her touch.
    "It really is, thank you for showing me it. I'm honored to be able to see it" I peered down at her, she was smiling proudly at the wolves running around.
    They nodded at her and went back to work. We sat down at the edge of the hill and watched the world spin around us. Eventually the deer left their place and wandered deeper into the woods outside of the boundary, and that's when I saw her. Ash was watching me sit with Syn, her eyes glowing a darker shade of pink than I had ever seen.
    I shifted uncomfortably and moved away from Syn, Ash smiled and motioned me to come closer. I felt my feet move against my will, as much as I tried to scream nothing came out. Syn shifted and growled, taking a protective stance in front of me. She saw the same thing I did at that moment. I tried to dig my feet into the ground underneath me and I closed my eyes, being blocked by Davina's large figure.
    I don't know how long my eyes were closed but when I opened them Ezra and Alice were standing above me. I didn't remember when I fell to the ground but this was a normal occurrence at this point.
    "Onyx are you alright?" Alice sat beside me and assisted me into a sitting position. My bones ached and my body ached for me to go back to sleep.
    "I think so, what happened?" I rubbed the back of my neck and looked at Ezra whose expression was more than worried to say the least.
    "We officially know how they're taking our pack members, and we know whose power Alice here needs to strip" Ezra growled "I'm just glad you gave my warriors protection amulets"
    "Ah yes, Clara is gathering more. Syn has made it an alpha order that everyone has one now. We thought that the warriors would just need them since they're so close. You were not that close to the line and she called to you, so everyone needs one"
    I nodded and looked around me "Where is Syn?"
    "She's trying to track them down with Atlas and Ryder, so far there is no scent. Otr is flying around as well but he's come up short unfortunately. Meaning they probably have a shield like you did, but I can't locate it." Alice's defeated voice pulled on my heart "My niece is our locator, so I believe she can help us even though she's young"
    We sat and waited for them to come back, I was becoming restless and paced around the top of the hill. Waiting for her in any capacity was like hell. She had made me care about her more and more as the days went on.
By dusk I watched as three shadowy figures entered the boundary. Once safely inside Syn shifted back, I could see wounds on her upper body. Her shoulder had blood slowly dripping down it and I winced at the sight of it.
I admired her body, the toned muscles showing more as she came closer to me. I watched as Atlas helped her walk over the riverbank. Hints of jealousy swarmed inside of me, she was wearing nothing in front of three other males. She was mine.
    I ran up to her, my heart beating out of my chest. What happened next was something that I could not stop. Something awoke inside of me and I needed to be as close to her as possible. I needed to show them she was mine, which was something I never felt with Ash. This was primal and nothing but need for her and only her.
    I embraced her, careful not to touch the open wound. I cupped her face and stared into her eyes that were shifting from green to her brilliant red. She was fighting Davina for control.
My gaze dropped down to her full lips, I analyzed a small cut on her lower jaw. I leaned closer, and I pressed my lips to hers softly scared to hurt her. The river seemed to have hushed its roaring and was taking in what this meant for her, for me, and for this pack.
    After a few moments I pulled back and smiled at her, our first kiss. She smirked and threw her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. Her lips crashed into mine, and sparks erupted from my chest. The feeling was completely euphoric and I couldn't get enough of it. I could do this forever and a day.
Ryder coughed pulling me out of my daze, my smile lopsided as I looked at him. "Finally! I won the bet! Clara owes me! Thank you Onyx!"
I busted out laughing at his victory dance "Do I even want to know what she
owes you?"
"No you do not, lover boy. Just know, go big or go home. She decided to bet with the wrong person" he snickered, shifting into his wolf.
I watched as he and Atlas shot ahead of us, no doubt going home to tell their mates what just happened between me and Syn. She had shifted back and Davina gave me a longing look. I got back onto my spot, and softly played with her fur. She shivered in approval under my touch.
Alice climbed onto Ezra who had shifted and was ready to go and tell his own mate what happened with his alpha. They were all excited and I could feel it in the air. Their wolves knew we had accepted each other, without words. I was proud to be their leader by my Syn's side after all.
    Alice had a wide grin on her face and nodded at me in approval. I couldn't help but smile back at her, I felt happy for the first time since my pa was taken. I was in a daze the whole ride back home. I felt slightly drunk off the emotions that were swirling around me and I felt more connected to the pack than I ever did before.
    I kissed Syn goodnight in front of some of the pack members, they howled in response. I went to wave goodnight and watched as they hung their heads to me. I looked at Syn wide eyed.
    "They are showing you respect, you are their leader now" She released them and hung her head back. I followed suit, not knowing any better. They cheered and ran home surely to tell their families.
    I watched her go back into her office and I climbed the stairs and slid into bed. My wolves happily moved over and sniffed me. Their tails all wagging in response I couldn't help but chuckle at them because they loved her.
    "Oh you smell Davina don't you? She's your friend huh pups?"
    They all three attacked me with kisses, and tore down the stairs to find her. My mate. The one who despite what had happened, accepted me even as a human. I was in pure bliss as my eyes slowly closed. This was just the beginning.

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