Chapter Sixteen

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I watched as everyone filed into Syn's office. Atlas, her dad, and her all had a very long conversation before the doctor arrived. She had the foul smelling bottle like when she cleaned up Amoura. This time she had another male wolf, I learned his name was Herb and that he was a nurse.
Clara had canceled training but Orson and Jane were floating around the house studying. I decided that this conversation they were having didn't need me involved yet. I decided to convince her to tutor the teens and me while we waited. She of all people did not yet need to see what was going on. I was worried about how this would affect her.
She was trying to hide the fact she was on edge, it had been years since she had seen her brother. She didn't even know how he was found or that he may have found his mate and it was killing me not telling her.
We didn't need her to have her losing her mind when she was already on edge about seeing him again. Orsan noticed it and kept eyeing Syn's office hoping he could hear them. He was tense the entire time we were studying the properties of mugwort. Jane eventually couldn't take the tension and almost burst into flames once Clara got up to find her mate.
"Onyx, what is going on? Why is Herb prepping that room? Who is hurt?" She shot me a dirty look hoping I'd give her an answer.
"I do not know" I lied through my teeth hoping she would leave the topic alone "It is your alpha's business"
"But we literally live here. Well I do when my brother is gone and oh wow he is gone currently!" Her eyes turned into daggers
"It doesn't concern you two. The pack is fine. I promise." Syn didn't want anyone else but her cabinet to know about Clara's brother yet.
"My cousin is the alpha of the pack, I'd say it is my business since I'm family" Orsan eyed me and his eyes glowed red.
"Are you your cousins Luna, beta, gamma, or delta? No. So it is none of your concern for the time being, pups" I got up from the table to join the others in the room.
Val was sad that Ezra would not be coming back with Otr and Jane's brother, Fen, he needed to stay behind and lead the two species. Since they had a lead on what was going on he definitely needed to stay with them. They had a mission to complete and Ez wasn't the type of wolf to give up on something.
"Hey Onyx, do you want to come in?" Syn shot me her signature smile "You have a right to be here"
I walked towards her and leaned down to kiss her cheek "I'd love to my little wolf"
I pulled up a chair and watched as Dr. Harrison and Herb set the room up. When Lukas and Gia arrived I felt them enter into the pack barrier. I grabbed Syn's hand as the feeling washed over me.
"You haven't learned that yet have you? Even though you aren't a wolf, as our Luna you'll feel when members return home. Especially when it is close to the main pack" Syn smiled and stood up walking towards the door.
opened it. Lukas stumbled into the main room and landed abruptly on the floor.
"Welcome home, Lukas. What did you get yourself into?" Syn bent down to his level "Your sister isn't going to be happy you met your mate and didn't come home"
"We have bigger issues, Syn. She's stuck in wolf form, and whoever those people are we're in over our heads" he coughed so hard I thought a lung would come up and fall to the floor in front of my feet.
Syn nodded and motioned for Dr. Harrison to come help stand him up "Let's get you both fixed up and then we can talk. Deal?"
The wolf nodded and noticed me standing in the entryway of the office "Oh wow, You have a lot of explaining to do as well, Vina"
Syn rolled her eyes at him and set him on the table they set up. They grabbed what they called vitals on them both and Herb attempted to wake the small white wolf up. It was to no avail to his surprise.
"She has a pulse but it's weak. It's best you both leave here while we stabilize them both. Lukas will be healed in a few rned and I could tell she wasn't going to find anything good in that room. I sat beside Syn on the sofa, eventually everyone including Jane and Orsan joined us.
Otr came in to say hello but quickly left to lead one of the other groups with Ezra. Syn was on edge, we were getting close to finding out what was going on. However sometimes when it comes to sups, you have to expect the unexpected.
By nightfall the two were still going in and out. Lukas's body was fighting the substance and his strength was going towards it and not healing. Alice had left and took Evander into her office with a dreaded look on her face. My stomach dropped when I saw it.
"Onyx can we talk?" Orsan came into the living area alone and motioned for me to follow him.
I stood up and followed him into his room up the stairs "Yeah of course buddy what's going on?"
"I think somehow me and Syn need to get to Scandinavia. I did some reading from books I stole from Alice. It's where there may be a pack that are like me and Syn" He sat on the bed and put his head in his hands.
"You stole books from Alice?"
"That's all you got from that whole thing? Hello! There may be others like me and your mate there! We can get answers. Like why meeting our mates "awaken the beast" like the witch said!"
"Alice probably knows you took them" I shrugged "What if there's not though? We know your lineage now, why do you want more answers?"
"What if they know what is going on with me? Why I have Jane when I thought Angel was my mate? Why did Syn always had her gift before she met you? There's a lot of things we can learn. Plus what if they know what is going on with the daylight demons. The witch used an oracle with you and your pa, what if they can do that now?"
I couldn't argue with him, he had some solid points. "How do we get there? If you haven't noticed there isn't planes anymore"
"Oh that's why you're flying 'Dragon Air'." Otr walked into the room smirking "One of my men or I will personally take them. Most likely my second in command since I am needed in the war front"
"I thought you left, King" I rolled my eyes and looked at Orsan "You told him before you told me or your cousin"
"I needed to know where it was first. Or if anyone knew how to get there" Orsan shrugged "He came back when I shifted and followed for a bit. He thought something was wrong. Don't worry, he's leaving soon"
"Such a jealous little thing. I thought male wolves were bad, nope you a human have proved me wrong" Otr grabbed one of Orson's contraband books "You think these wolves have answers for Syn?"

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