22. Rumor has it

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"Are we missing something?"

Pauline, never wanting to be left out in gossip, inquired, eyes on the whispering ladies.

Since the morning of that day, everyone in the palace seemed to have something to whisper about. From the contestants to the maids, to the guards, all looked suspicious as they whispered among themselves. And because Natalia's circle was made of five people only. She hadn't the slightest idea of what was happening to have everyone so interested.

"We are the wrong company if you want in the ins of every gossip," Natalia offered with a shrug.

Though, she did want to know. After all, information was power. Despite spending every morning with Tyren—kissing, talking, and of course training. He kept their relationship very separate and distinct from the contest. She still needed to socialize with other contestants to know things, even about Tyren.

For some reason completely unknown to her. The more time she spent with Tyren, the less comfortable she was in expressing her genuine feelings and thoughts to him. Maybe, it was because every single day, she felt more for Tyren and less for herself. She found herself stuck in a cycle of bliss and confusion. She was ever-blissful in his presence and in utter-confusion when she was with the other girls as they competed for his heart and Crown.

"We really need to expand our circle. I can't be the only source of gossip here. It's tiring, draining, and exploitative," Pauline whined, huffing and glaring at her two stoic friends. When they all just rolled their eyes at her, she looked away as if searching for help. "Lady Luna! May I borrow you for a second?"

Lady Luna of Braheun, a tiny chirpy lady, sashayed towards them. She was the biggest gossip of their lot. The best thing about her was that she shared gossip with anyone. Whether you were close to her or not. You only had to pick a subject and she would flow like a spring of information.

"Ladies!" She greeted cheerfully, happy to be called to use. It was girls like her that Natalia wasn't sure how they would handle being Empress of an Empire as Grand as Athanasia. All she cared about was gossip.

"Lady Luna! You are looking radiant today," Pauline started with a sweet smile on her face. Luna flushed lightly at the compliment. Natalia watched in fascination as Pauline noted the lady's blush and went in for the kill. "I have noticed a lot of whispering. What is that about?"

"Oh! You all haven't heard?" She laughed hauntingly, probably finding them completely hopeless." You are all so lucky I am feeling charitable today." Gesturing for them to move closer, she started whispering in a conspiratory tone. "There is a confirmed rumor that the crown prince has made a lover of one of us already. This lady, I'm not sure if I can even call her that really, seeing as she is soiled already. But this chit spends the night with His Imperial Highness and leaves his chambers every morning in a black cloak"

Natalia felt her heart stop before all the information was fully digested by her brain.

 They are talking about me. The horrific thought crossed her mind and now she could hardly breathe.

"If this lady has been so discreet, how did the word get out?" Esmeralda, ever the cynic, questioned. Natalia was just trying to look unbothered despite how she felt inside.

If someone had seen her, and was telling people, then they knew it was her. Meaning it wouldn't be long before everyone knew it, too. It didn't even matter that half the rumor was not true. Everyone will believe it anyway. She was certain of it.

"The servants, my dear. They see and hear everything. The only reason the word has finally reached us is that two of Lady Gergiona's maids overhead it when the servants were discussing it while doing the laundry," Lady luna enunciated, as if talking to a dumb child.

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