16.worth it!?

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"Well oh well! Look what we have here."

Natalia curtsied, purposely going too low, praying with all she had that he would just let her go without causing a scene.

"Isn't my brother the luckiest man in Athanasia? He has you dressed like this, just to see him." He was now standing right in front of her. She internally sighed because he hadn't said that part out loud. Now her prayer was that the guards wouldn't think much of the prince harassing the maid. Which was nothing new to Curran. "It's so enticing."

He whispered the last part, leaning on her ear suggestively. Natalia closed her eyes, resisting the urge to punch him. The urge was so strong; she had to clench her fists not to do anything stupid.

"What do you say? We can head to my room instead, Natalia." The sound of her name on his lips revolted her. Especially since he had said it with a taunting tone as if he was a cat playing with a mouse. But she refused to be his mouse. Refused to be his plaything. There was no way she was going to his room. NO WAY.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. But your brother is expecting me. Now." Feigning humility, she made sure to stress the now to let him know that Tyren would be angry if she delayed. She had personally never seen Tyren angry. But she had seen the fear he elicited, even from his siblings. She needed to bank on that.

"You know," he started, caressing the skin of her neck. "My brother doesn't mind sharing. You can come with me. I will tell him that I couldn't resist it. Trust me when I say he will understand." Heat birthed from disgust and anger arose in her. She almost accepted his offer so that she could teach him a lesson in the confines of his room.

 But at what risk? They were on his turf. If he even made a sound, she would be caught and eliminated from the contest. It was not worth it.

"I'm sorry. But I can't do that, Your Highness." At her firm refusal, his face contorted in anger at such a supernatural speed, it scared her.

what will he do? 

She needed to think of a quiet way to get out of the situation. But before she could come up with anything, he pounced on her.

"You want to do this the hard way? Good!.... I don't mind." She tried getting away, but he caught her. Gripping her face, with his eyeballs dilated, he sneered, "You think you are too good for me, don't you? I will show you." Then, he forcefully unhanded her.

She had to fight to stay upright, which was futile considering what he uttered next.


She looked up at him in shock, but he only smirked at her in a deranged manner.

Should I run? She internally debated but before she could decide. He threatened.

"Do it now before I call the guards on you. We wouldn't want you eliminated so early in the competition, would we? Not with how well things have been going for you."

She had to suppress the urge to punch him yet again. The urge to glare at him lest she piss him off even more. He only needed her to kneel. She only had to swallow all her pride and dignity for a few minutes and kneel before him.

So, swallowing slowly, she went down and kneeled. His smirk was tangible. She had to clench her fists to resist the urge to stab him with one of her daggers. She had to remind herself that it wasn't worth it. He wasn't worth it. And when she became empress, she would make him kneel.

"Now, undo my breeches and put those lips to good use."

"Excuse me?" she heard herself exclaim before she could stop herself. Her face was already grimacing in disgust. Was he serious? There was no way she was going to do that. NO WAY. To hell with swallowing her pride.

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