20. Unexpected visits

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Natalia was excited.

She had been daydreaming about the kisses, she and Tyren had shared that morning. She couldn't focus on anything else. She didn't even mind that they hadn't talked about what that meant for them. She was just lost in how great it felt. How he had gazed up on her, like she was everything beautiful about life. And now he had summoned her to his office.

He must have been thinking about her, the way she was thinking about him. She didn't mind spending some time kissing before they talked. Every part of her was singing in anticipation of it.

Her lips tingled. And her heart quickened as soon as she reached his office door. She was so excited; she didn't let Soren open the door to Tyren's office. Instead opened it herself and started talking playfully.

"Let me guess? You couldn't get over how-" her eyes fell on her twin brother, hardly believing her eyes, she jumped on him screaming in joy and excitement.

She couldn't believe it.

how is he here?

"Pres!... Goodness! How are you here?" She hugged him some more, scared, if she let him go, he would disappear.

"A good afternoon to you too, sister." it is his voice. She pulled back to look at him, laughed, and then hugged him again.

"I missed you so much. How are you? How is everyone? Is everything fine? Why are you here?"

"Breathe sister, breathe. I have missed you, too. Everyone is fine.... What was your other question? Oh yes, I'm here because I missed you and wanted to see you," he answered in that good-natured way of his. Yet he looked slightly uncomfortable. Which was odd for Preston. She was about to ask him why. When she remembered that they were in Tyren's office.

For her brother's sake, she stood up, smoothened her skirts, and curtsied, sharing a look with Tyren.

"Your Imperial highness, forgive my insolence. I was lost in joy. I had missed my brother terribly." Tyren smirked at her and replied in a light tone.

"So long as it doesn't repeat itself, I will let it go. I will allow your brother to stay here for a day, but after that, he will have to go. I will let you use my office for privacy. A maid will be here to tend to your needs. I will see you later." With that, he stood up and left the room.


Preston watched his sister.

She had changed so much in just a month. 'The Natalia' of Demotia had been a strict, hardly smiling, sad, and dry woman. She had only smiled when he was around. And even those smiles had been forced to placate him.

The woman in front of him was happy. She was glowing. She looked more feminine and beautiful than she had ever looked in Demotia. If she was not in an enemy nation, he would have been happy for her. But she was in Athanasia. Calling it an enemy nation was the understatement of the year.

What had shocked him the most was her familiarity with the cruel Tyren. He had noticed the looks they had shared discreetly in his presence.

Are they lovers?

The thought revolted him to no end.

" Is all really well?" His sister asked, settling comfortably on a chair facing him. Though she did sound worried. Her eyes hadn't lost their light.

It is so unlike her. The old Natalia would have been frowning by now.

"I'm happy to see you. But I didn't exactly leave Demotia in a good place. What did you do about the general? Is Lord Rarthan still giving you hell?"

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