50. Friends-Family-Alliances

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I have lost my mind.

Was the single repetitive thought running through Natalia's mind as they walked out of the throne room, with their fingers entwined. It was crazy how the same gesture felt different now that they were leaving the room from when they were entering it.

"Do you have a plan? Because there is no way we are getting those allegiances in two days. Trust me, I have tried this before." Tyren voiced the moment they closed the door.

Natalia knew it too. She had proposed an impossible deal. But, hearing Tyren's sincere confession, then his willingness to be banished and lose everything for her. She had felt a rush of confidence like no other and decided to take the chance.

And now, here they were, looking at each other. She found that her heart seemed to be mending splendidly. It was beating again. There was less pain in her chest, and it even had the strength to swell at his gaze.

It was in that newfound state that she asked her question.

"Before we discuss plans. I have a question," she replied, gauging his reaction. He was, of course, the epitome of patience as he raised his eyebrow. "Did you mean what you said in there?"

"What part? That I love you? Yes. That you are worth everything? Yes. That I am ready to give up everything? Yes." He sighed, then continued. " Listen, Natalia. I am sorry that throughout our relationship. I was a stupid and senseless asshole. All these feelings confused me and I didn't know what to do. So, I took the easy route. I hid behind my duty and little gestures of affection. It was selfish. I am sorry.

"But, Natalia, I want you to know that from this moment, I will consciously do my best to give you my best. I will love you with all I have. I may not always do it right. But I want you to know that I won't hide anymore. You have owned me for as long as I have known you. But today, I want to give you the reins to my heart. Please let me."

Natalia was crying. Full on. She didn't even know why she was crying when what she wanted was to tell him how much she loved hearing that. How much she loved him. And how she wanted to do that and more with him.

"Please don't cry. You know what that does to me," he pleaded, cupping her face.

She couldn't help the smile that curved her face.

"These are happy tears, my love." Nuzzling his hand with her cheek, she placed small kisses on his palm. "I love you too. And I want to do this with you. I want to be your woman, your wife, your princess, and your everything. Just please, don't lie to me again."

"I won't, I swear."

"No more cruelty. If someone does something, you consider wrong. Let us discuss it and decide what happens?"

"Okay, I promise. You are my best friend, Natalia. You're my partner. I want to live all my days and discuss everything with you and only you."


"Can I kiss you?"

He was grinning, and she was beaming. They both connected their lips in the sweetest and the most fulfilling kiss they had ever shared. But they couldn't keep kissing for long. Not when their relationship was on a sandglass.

"About the deal, do you have a plan?" Tyren asked the moment they separated.

"No. But I want us to give it all we have. This is our chance to get everything we need. We need your parents' approval and respect as much as we need a peaceful Empire."

"You're right. This is a golden opportunity. But the time limit is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it." Natalia voiced her own pep talk. She was nervous. But she needed them both at their best ."I have nothing concrete. But I think with the limited time, we will need help. We have to recruit people we can trust to work with us. My fastest thought is Preston, Pauline, and Esmeralda. If they will be on board, not only will we have more input and manpower but we will also have 3 out of the 29 alliances down."

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