28. Friends to keep

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Natalia heard Pauline's overdramatic announcement before she even saw her. And had to close her eyes and pray for patience before she turned her dressing chair around to look at her friend.

She had been getting ready for the masquerade ball with the help of her maids. And was already on edge( Empress for the day's stress) and didn't need more pressure from anyone else.

"Woooow! I don't know what you have in mind, but it looks promising," Pauline started, commenting on Natalia's face.

Pauline was, of course, just flattering her. As always. Because nothing much had been done on Natalia's face. Her maids were still trying to recall the best way to apply the exotic powders and fruit extracts onto her face. They had been practicing with each other for the past two days, but hadn't mastered it yet. So they were pretty much winging it. Which was the other reason she was on edge. Though she trusted her maids would be successful.

"Anyway, you must be wondering what we are doing here, instead of being in our own rooms getting ready."

By we, Pauline, meant she and Esmeralda. Though the latter was silent beside the over-cheerful Pauline. Both ladies were still in their day gowns.

"I know the suspense must be killing you, so-" Pauline went on as Esmeralda muttered. "Or you wasting her time.."

"Esmeralda don't be rude. I am not wasting her time. Anyway, Esmeralda and I-"

"You mean you," Esmeralda muttered again.

"Esme, stop interrupting me," Pauline paused to glare at their friend before continuing. "Anyway, where was I?...oh yeah....the two of us—," She made sure to stress on the 'two of us'."—thought it would be a great idea to get ready together for the ball tonight. We think it will be good for our friendship if we get ready together. Also, since thrill is the theme of the masquerade ball... I think you can't have more fun alone, right?"

"Right!" Natalia muttered more to herself than Pauline. She preferred being alone, especially when she was so tense.

But, Pauline ever-obvious of what is happening around her, started ushering more ladymaids inside to dress them both.

"You can put our chairs on either side of Nat here. She doesn't mind. We can talk, gossip, and have a great time together."

As Natalia was taking deep breaths to calm herself. She felt Esmeralda's gaze on her and looked up to meet it.

Unlike Pauline, Esmeralda was observant enough to read Natalia's mood. So, in her eyes, Natalia read an apology. Which instantly drove a sinking feeling into her gut. Both her friends were just trying to spend more time with her. Nothing was wrong with that. Something was wrong with her. No normal human being would prefer being alone to being with friends.

So, still holding her gaze, Natalia gestured for Esmeralda to sit on her left.

Esmeralda strode and sat beside Natalia in that quiet, contemplative way of hers. Before she finally spoke.

"We shouldn't have barged in like that. But you know Pauline when she gets an idea in her head—"

"It's all right. It is not a bad idea. I just need a minute or two to warm up to the idea."

Natalia gave a small smile to Esmeralda before sitting straighter to let her lady's maids proceed with doing her face. Taking her cue, the other ladies got settled and did the same.

They stayed like that for like five minutes before Pauline couldn't tolerate the silence any longer.

"You know, I think of all the girls here. We have a lot of potential to build something real and long-lasting. We are all smart, rational, and beautiful ladies. We don't have silly catty attitudes and we have made it this far. Doesn't that count for something?"

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