29.The unmasked masquerade

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Natalia was not happy.

She was ecstatic. And, she was beyond proud of the result of her plan. As the day's final event, the masquerade ball was the pinnacle.

The ballroom was a mixture of eccentric colors, splendor, and beauty. She loved how the candles hung all over the room, perfectly complimented several costumes of the contestants.

She wasn't even displeased that she was not the most dramatically dressed in the event. The title was taken by Lady Marilia, as always, who looked like a hybrid of a demon and an Angel in her white feathery dress, wings, and bright red lipstick. It wasn't difficult to recognize her, either. Her attitude and signature red hair screamed harder than the mask could conceal.

Franchesca was the second best dressed at the ball. She was sporting a delicate but elegant, glass-like dress that hugged her slim figure perfectly and left her shoulders bare. She was not dressing as a character much like Esmeralda. Yet she didn't look ordinary either. The design and material of her dress were unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. Some speculated that she had incorporated some of her father's rare jewels, for the hue effect of her simple but delicate dress. Even her mask was a dainty white thing, ordained by a beautiful combination of jewels no one had ever seen before. It was as if she was silently communicating her effortless power to everyone.

Looking up at the Emperor and the empress, who didn't do anything extra in their attires nor did they wear a mask, Natalia decided that no one could have it all in life. It was a blessing that the Imperial siblings wore masks and changed their hair colors and style such that one couldn't really tell them apart.

Except, of course, for Tyren. No one could confuse Tyren with anyone. He was in his usual dark clothes, standing taller than most people in the room. Big and strong, with a sword on his waist. He was a great show of power, danger, and hotness. Natalia could hardly take her eyes off him.

She wanted to hold him so badly her hands ached. When she felt this happy and accomplished, he was the first person she wanted to share her joy with. She loved the way his eyes lit up just for her as he listened to her. The way his lips would twitch slightly every time she said something. Or the way his voice was deeper, huskier, and yet gentler when talking to her than it ever was with anyone else.

Being with Tyren filled her with a strange but fulfilling feeling. She didn't know that she had missed such a feeling until Tyren. Now she felt barren without it.

As if he could hear her thoughts, he started walking toward her. She was standing next to her friends. Who, as always, were talking, well, more like Pauline was gushing and Esmeralda was giving some grunts and dry comments. But yes, they were being them.

Natalia waited until he reached them. Then she alerted her friends, and they all curtsied in unison.

"Your Imperial Highness," they greeted, waiting for him to nod before standing. It was strange for Natalia to wait for his permission before standing. She hardly ever curtsied in front of him anymore, except playfully.

"You all look very beautiful, ladies." His voice, deep and powerful, traveled throughout the room as he moved his eyes between the three ladies.

"Thank you, Your Highness," they again replied in perfect sync.

"Princess Natalia, a dance?" He extended his hand towards her, making her curtsy (again) before he took her hand and led her to the dance floor.

She was happy that for the first time; He had chosen her as his first dance partner. She hated sharing him. And she hated feeling like an option to him. But she was happy for just being able to spend time with him. To enjoy him more intimately than the other girls.

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