9. Jumbled?!

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"This situation is not good for my heart, I'm telling you...Just imagine, Lady Pauline of Derbyshire died at the age of 20, of a heart attack while she was waiting for her selection results. Utterly embarrassing"

"Then stop stressing about it" Esmeralda deadpanned, fed up with Pauline's constant whining. They were all nervous, on the brink of panic, and could hardly sit still. Having to hear someone whine about their fears every second of that day was outright infuriating.

"How can I not stress about it? You do realize that today may be the last day I'm sitting here free to be my own person?" Pauline looked shocked, someone would suggest she calm down.

"Well, at least you will be in the same country as your family. So, if you think about it, you don't have it as bad as others here. But somehow you are the only one who won't shut up about it!"
At Pauline's expression at Esmeralda's words, Natalia knew she had to intervene.

She was the only one there who knew her fate and had long accepted it. 

"Pauline, what Esmeralda is trying to say—but has used a poor choice of words—" she made sure to give each a look. She was feeling exhausted and defeated, but she needed to see her last day there with strength and dignity, "is that we are all as worried as you are. You complaining about it isn't helping. If anything, it's making it feel worse."

"Oooh...I'm sorry. I wasn't doing so purposely. I'm just so scared. You see, Esme, that's how you communicate with your friend."

"Don't call me Esme and I'm not your friend"

At moments like that, Natalia wished she could switch tables. Pauline and Esmeralda were constantly bickering, and it was emotionally draining. Especially since she had her own problems to consider.

 Why is the Imperial family taking so long?

As if she had summoned them, Hammond came in and announced them. Prince Tyren was looking as good as ever in his dark robes as walked in. Seeing him in the light, mere hours since they had met in the garden, made him look different. More human, even with the two gigantic swords strapped on either side of his waist. Or his cold eyes—that dared anyone to do something wrong and face consequences. To his stance that made the entire room and every in it, insignificant in comparison.

She was still watching him as he ran his eyes over the room, eliciting the fear he had confessed to wanting. Felt everyone shiver under his gaze. That's when she got the answer to a question that had been bothering her. The reason he said he hated his title. Maybe he didn't want to be that person—that feared monster—but had to be. Because of who he was. She found herself, despite herself, empathizing with the enemy.

Don't be naive, Natalia. He is a monster because he chooses to be. 

That voice in her head scolded. It wasn't wrong, but it wasn't right either. She understood being impenetrable for the sake of her duty to her kingdom. Could it be the same for Tyren?

Before you take his side remember what his choices and his father's choices have done to your people. To your kingdom. Even now, you are about to be a hostage because of them. 

Fine, the stupid voice won. She was being stupid and weak. 5 minutes of a heart-to-heart with His Imperial Highness didn't make him a friend, he was still the enemy.

"His Imperial Highness has an announcement before you start eating." Hammond announced, bowing before Tyren.

 Everyone was already sitting and as he stood there, to announce Natalia's fate, she hated him with everything she was. He had made this decision. Despite whatever they had shared, he was going to destroy her life.

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