Blitz (Finale part 1)

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~Raph p.o.v~

We crept through the halls of the TCRI building, looking for the room full of surgical supplies and medicines. We just had to get one bottle of pills, and Zero would be safe.

We dodged into the shadows whenever a bot marched past. We got to the medicine room and took as many bottles as we could. Then shit went south. And then sideways.

An alarm began to scream, and before we could react, we where surrounded by robots aiming guns at us. We could have taken them on, but them hulking shells of battlebots with saws, guns, and torture devices. They lead us to the room we rescued Zero from, still bloodstained and padded.

"The ones known ad Kraang will send what is known as an ultimatum. The ones known as the turtles for Project Zero." A bot said, cuffing us to the wall.

~Aja p.o.v~

I was sitting in my boyfriends lab, checking Zeros vitals and adjusting her defibrillator mask to help her breathe. Just as I checked the heart rate monitor my phone rang. Donnie.

But it wasn't. "Mutant, we have captured the ones known as the turtles. Give us Project Zero, otherwise they shall be desposed of." A Kraang said. My heart stopped and I set the phone down. I heard something clatter behind me, and I turned to see the defibrillator mask on the ground, the physcic nowhere to be found.

I hate when she does that.

~Third Person P.o.v~

Zero stumbled haphazardly through the halls of the TCRI building, panting heavily. Her legs where weak, her mind was muddled, and a trail of blood splatters followed her path. She had never been in such a condition before, and she coughed frequently, her palm bloodied as she choked on her own life force.

 She had never been in such a condition before, and she coughed frequently, her palm bloodied as she choked on her own life force

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Her powers where too dangerous to use like this, and she was having difficulty navigating. Her eyes where blurry and she didn't know why. She had bitten her tongue in her flailing, and blood vessels in her eyes burst.

She collapsed as another fit wracked her body, clutching her core and gasping. She was nearby. She could hear the buzz of their thoughts. She stumbled and tripped the rest of the way, feeling the concrete of the walls transition into cold metal. She drew her hand back and punched the door. It flew off it's hinges and stuck in the opposite wall, but she couldn't see that. She only heard the turtles exclaim and call for her. She fumbled over and felt the first cuff, tearing it in two before crawling over the turtles lap to the next, getting them one at a time.

"Zero- Zero! We got the medicine, you have to take it, c'mon!" Raph said, fumbling with the lid and feeding her the oversized pill. His hands and fingers got a thin coating of her blood, and he scooped her up.

She began hacking and coughing on the pill, a glob of solidifying blood hitting her stomach acid with it. The turtles ran down the hallway, looking for a window. They finally found on and Zero pushed herself out of Raphs grip, holding her palm to the wall. A small flame formed and the wall caught fire. "The... the.... chemicals... will.... ex-x-lode." She said, gasping for breath before Raph grabbed her and jumped out the window. They got a few buildings away and turned as the TCRI building imploded in what could only be called a glorious blitzen of fire. Zero shielded the nearby residential buildings from the burning debris, and glass rained down, tearing her skin.

A small force of the hulking robots came from the building, charging to the group of ninja. "Where are they?" Zero asked, grabbing onto Raphs hand. She saw through his eyes, hers still blurred, and dropped the debris on them.

They did not break, but they where slowed, having to dig through the rubble. Zero's blood pooled arou d her feet, drenching her clothes and coating her skin as another seizure raked her nerves into a fit.

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