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My dreams are weird. I think I was reliving an infantile memory. Eight and Two were carrying me around the room since I couldn't walk and the two laughed at my babbling.

 Eight and Two were carrying me around the room since I couldn't walk and the two laughed at my babbling

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Eight held on as we waited, and I kept grabbing at her raven hair with pudgy pale hands. A slot opened up and food slipped through. It was a cake-sized block, and they gouged out pieces. Eight broke off pinches and fed them to me. Just then the door opened, and I woke up quickly as a monster surged through, falling off the couch.

The blanket was tangled up in my legs and my head hurt. I sat up and went to Raph's room. He was asleep with Chompy on his pillow; Chompy opened his eyes and churred, jumping off the pillow. After picking him up I saw a framed picture of him and his family. Just then Raph woke up, looking at me in shock before it turned to disinterest. "What do you want, Zero?" He whispered, his thoughts angry. "I had a dream about.... about...." I wondered what to call them. "They..." He started getting angry and I bit my lip, "My family. I miss them."

"They're all gone." I choked up and Raph picked me up. "Well, you aren't alone, Zero. We can't replace them, but we can help you like they did." Raph said, rubbing my spine. "I miss Eight." I said. "I know." He replied softly. "Five kept saying everyone called me Zero because I was worthless. Eight and Two beat him up for it." I said responded. "I was wondering where you got that mentality from... Well, you are worth something." He responded. "Eight always said that too. But I am nothingness personified."

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