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~Third Person p.o.v~

Another day passed without Zwro showing any signs of coming out of the crystal. Raph sat in her room, speaking to both her and Chompy, and his brothers where watching TV when they heard footsteps.

Looking to the entrance, their jaws dropped as a familiar girl walked in. "Hello there, Hamatos. Can you please direct me to Raphael?" Mona asked. Shocked, the turtles all pointed to Zeros room.

~Raph p.o.v~

I heard the door open behind me. "Go away Mikey, I'm talking to Zero and Chompy." I said gruffly. "I am not Michelangelo, Raphael." A feminine voice said. I turned on his heels, eyes wide, and saw my ex. "Mona. What are you doing here?" I asked, stepping between Mona and Zeros crystal. "I wanted to see you. I missed you." Mona said, rushing forward and hugging me. When I hesitantly hugged back, Mona tried to kiss me, only for an invisible force to stop her, followed by a crack that filled the room.

A petite girl stepped out from among razor-sharp shards and glared at Mona. "I do not know who you are, but please do not make my friends uncomfortable. Especially in my room." Said an echoing, pissed off voice. Zeros eyes glowed the colors of mutagen, and a shadow fell over hey eyes, making them that much brighter.

"Raphael. Who is this?" Mona asked. "Uh, Mona this is Zero, a psychic we rescued from the Kraang, Zero, this is Mona, my ex girlfriend." I said quickly, the tension in the room rising like smoke, a blazing fire soon to follow.

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