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"What's on the back of her neck?" Sirus asked. I pulled my hair over my shoulders to revel the small, purple diamond ringed with metal. Donatello got a small item and scanned the back of my neck. The screen has  QR code and they went to the site. It was a private record about me. "Okay... so.... Zero is fourteen, weighs sixty four pounds, and is four foot eight. The Kraang gave her weekly injections of various mutagen formulas until recently. She was born in some kind of experimental Kraang incubation. That stasis pod she came out of had an amniotic fluid that kept her fed." Donatello read off my information.

"So... She's a super malnourished teenager who got dosed with mutated every week." Aja summarized. "Can the Kraang track her with this thing?" Leonardo asked. "I'm looking..." Donatello said, "The chip can't be tracked. She was so obedient during their testing, and they thought the pod she was always in was so secure they never saw a reason to track her." Donatello said. "I never saw a reason to escape. They created me." I said, "I had no other purpose than to be a lab rat. I am nothing."

"Well, you're not nothing. You're a person." Sirus said, wheeling over and patting my knee. "Hm." Compared to the ever expanding universe, I was nothing. The girl like me watched as I made things float. "Child, do you know what you wish to do?" Asked a rat named Splinter. "I am nothing, so I have no need of wish or want." I replied. "Well, we can't let the Kraang get a hold of her." Raphael said. "Do you want to stay here, child?" Splinter asked, bending his knees to meet my eyes. "I do not want, but I would like to see what this world has before I decide what to do." I said.

"Well then, you may stay here." Splinter said, standing and patting my head. We can monitor her. Donatello thought. If she tries anything, I can probably take her down. Leonardo pondered. Suddenly he was floating in the air, held by an invisible force around his neck. "You can not kill me, Leonardo Hamato. You have not the constitution to take the life of one you consider an innocent." I said, and he grasped at his neck, gasping.

I released him and he fell to the ground. They stared at me in shock as I walked out the door.

Project Zero (Raph × OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ