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~Raph p.o.v~

Zero was following me, again. She trailed a few steps behind me, and whenever I tried to turn around I ran into her... kind of. Whenever I did turn around she made it so she phased through me. The feeling was just so damn creepy I snapped.

"Will you leave me lone, you creepy little gremlin!" I finally hollered at her. I fucking hate this! I thought. Then a cold, creeping sensation flooded my senses. Zero was reading my mind.

She blinked slowly and vanished. Like, she was staring at me one moment, then, without a poor or flash or any indication, she disappeared.


~Zero p.o.v.~

I laid on the roof of a building, staring at the clouds. I knew they didn't like me, they tolerated me so they could convince me not to split their world. Even so, it was kind of fun with them. My legs dangled over the edge of the building, swinging and kicking the brick gently. Plip. A raindrop fell on my cheek and trailed behind my ear. The drumming of rain became uniform and calming. Why do my eyes sting?

More raindrops fell and the stinging in my eyes got worse. More raindrops fell and streaked my hair, but I didn't feel some hit my face. My throat was closing. With a gasp I swallowed rainwater and coughed. I turned on my side and gagged. Whatever I had eaten recently came up and spilled onto the ground. I kept gagging and choking until they turned into sobs. My sides heaved and my body shuddered violently.

I felt familiar consciousness nearby, and a as four green figures appeared over the roof, I disappeared again.

~Raph p.o.v~

"Goddamnit!" I yelled as the girl disappeared again. I had been following her for the better part of ten minutes, but she always vanishes right after I see her. The fact she can read my goddamned mind makes it impossible to sneak up on her. I kicked a trashcan and looked around. Something colorful caught my eye and an idea clicked in my head.

I set a pile of candy on the ground. I leaned against the doorway into an apartment building and a tiny blonde appeared from nowhere. She walked over to the candy and started unwrapping it and stuffing her face. I rushed over and latched onto her. She tensed up and in half a second  we where somewhere else. She tried to shake me off. First underwater, then a forest, inside a building, a field, and then freefall. I glanced down and saw we where miles above the ground.

"AGH! ZERO, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" I shrieked as the ground got closer. The sensation of free fall vanished and I peeked open my eyes. We where on the building again, and I was shaking violently. I flinched away and stared at her. "You where mean." Zero said, crossing her arms. "I know, I know, I'm sorry for that! It's just a bit irritating having you follow me everywhere. You tried to follow me into the damn bathroom, Zero!" I said, and she finally looked up from her hands. Her schelara was tinted pink, and the tips of her pointy ears where red.

"I did not know." She said. I was confused for a moment before images flashed into my mind, accompanied by a chill behind my eyes.

A younger, smaller Zero with shorter hair sat in a cell with a strange, transparent, forcefeild door. The room was barren and dim, and as Zero stared out the door at Kraang interacting with each other an overwhelming sense of loneliness and empathy make my heart hurt. The scene changed and Zero stood in a room with a large, angry mutant with a collar around his neck. Fear made my heart beat wildly, Zero's fear, Zero's memories and emotions. The mutant lunged and the young- eight years old at best -Zero cried in pain as a large, sharp talon dragged across her chest, leaving a sticky trail of blood.

I snapped back to reality, and Zero's hair clung to her face because of the rain. She followed because she was lonely, and because she imprinted.

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