Express Yourself

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Ana and Sirus were at the lair. Sirus left to play with Michelangelo, and Aja sat on the couch, staring at a mirror. "What is that stuff?" I asked her,  watching as she spread something over her lips. "Lipstick." She replied. "What does it do?" I asked her. "Um... some people wear it to make themselves feel prettier, some people use it to hide scars, and some people use it to express themselves." She said. "Can I try?" I asked her shyly. "Sure. Sit down and I'll put some on you." She said. I screwed my eyes shut and she brought a pencil over the edge of my eyelids, which kind of tickled.

"You know, people change their hair color sometimes too. Your hair would work, it's soft, pale, thick, and manageable." She said softly. "Can we try that, too?" I asked, peeking open the eye Aja wasn't working on. "Sure. We don't have any dye, but we could use ink. We're actually going to use it to darken Sirus' hair for his play next week." She said, running a hand through my hair.

"Okay Zero, can you open your eyes?" She asked me. I opened my eyes and Aja smiled. "Ooh, eyeliner looks good on you! Now, pucker your lips please." She said, making a face. I copied her and something was spread over my lips. "Do I... look nice?" I wondered as she put the makeup away. "You look amazing now, let's do your hair." She said, taking out rubber gloves, a bottle of ink, a brush and comb, bobby pins, and a paintbrush.

She snapped on the gloves and started pinning locks of my hair back. "Now, since your regular hair is lovely, I think it'd look nice to just dye a lock or two, is that okay?" She asked me. "Yes." I replied. She held the only loose tresse in her hand and ran the ink-tipped brush over it in careful motions again and again.

~Raph p.o.v~

Aja came into the dojo, where all of us had been hanging out, and smiling proudly. "What do you look so happy about?" Donnie asked. "Zero let me give her a makeover!" She replied, ending it in a singsong voice before stepping to the side, revealing Zero.

 "Zero let me give her a makeover!" She replied, ending it in a singsong voice before stepping to the side, revealing Zero

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She had a happy little smile on her face, the first time I've seen her smile, and I dropped my weight. Goddamn... I thought, staring.

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