Pearl's Room

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This the first dare that i made up myself. I dare Steven and connie to sneak into Pearl's room and watch what she does in there.

Connie: are we really going to do this Steven? Pearl might get mad...

Steven: of course she'll get mad! That's the fun of it! Plus, Pearl needs to lighten up anyways.

Connie: *sighs* okay, but if we get in trouble, I'm blaming you.

Steven: fine... Let's just go! This is gonna be awesome!

*connie and steven sneak into pearl's room who's door is surprisingly open*

Steven: *whispers* alright we're in! C'mon lets get closer.

*steven and connie crawl to nearest water platform to pearl*

Pearl: finally some peace and quiet. Amethyst was driving me crazy today. I need to cool down. Let's see... where is it? Oh, there it is!

*pulls out mini fridge*

Steven: *whispers* why does she have a mini fridge?

Connie: sshhhh!

*pearl opens mini fridge and takes out a Cookie Cat*

Steven: *whisper yelling* what!? She took to Cookie Cats!? I just thought i ate them all! But Pearl, of all people, took it! Well she's a gem, not a person, but you know what i mean!

Connie: sshhh! *whispers* quiet! She might hear us!

Pearl: *opens wrapper and eats cookie cat* i cant believe that Steven and the gems thought i thought i hated eating! I must be a good actress. *takes another bite* oh Cookie Cat, you soothe my pain...

Steven: that's it!

Pearl: *turns around to see steven and connie* S-s-steven! Connie? What are you doing in my room!?

Connie: oh no... Pearl! It was his idea! *runs to door*

*door closes*

Steven: what are you doing with my Cookie Cats?! They were everything to me!!! How did you get more?!

Pearl: well... um... i may have used a Replicator...

Steven: WHAT!? But Garnet broke it after Onion used it! How did you get a new one?!

Pearl: well i was in Amethyst's room, trying to clean it up the day Amethyst stole my Replicator. I saw her walk in and quickly hid. Next to me i saw my Replicator. I knew she would find it in here some day so i replicated the Replicator and gave her the first one. Though i didn't know she would give it to you. It was a stupid mistake. I stole the last cookie cat, bought a mini refridgerator, and replicated the Cookie Cats. I didn't want you to know or else you may have gotten mad. But that does not explain why you are in my r-

*pearl looks around to see connie and steven disappeared*


I hope you liked this! Give me some ideas in the comments of another dare. Sorry this was long, but i had a lot to write...

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