"I'm so glad you're okay. " Kie told pulling him into a hug. "me too." he hugged her back."Yea man. that shit was intense." JJ shuddered, massaging the back of his head.

John B cleared his throat. "Yea, I'm just glad I got the survey before I fell." He said pulling it out of his pocket. My face fell and I looked at him with annoyance. "You do realize we can't search for this anymore, right?"

Kiara shared a knowing look with the boys, "how about we get John B some more orange juice?" I knew what they were doing but I wasn't going to stop it, when we were alone he looks in my direction with furrowed eyebrows. "Andie, We can't stop now. We've gotten so far."

I shoved a piece of hair away from my face, "and at what cost JB? Getting arrested, getting beat up, almost being killed." I swallowed down the thick lump in my throat and continued. "When do we stop? When it's too late?" I tossed my arms. "I want this just as much as you do but I can't lose you."

"And you won't. I promise you I'm not going anywhere." I laugh mercilessly. "You know more than anyone that you can't promise that," I whisper, my eyes blurring with tears. We both take promises very seriously and this was one I knew he couldn't keep, I used to think the bad things wouldn't happen to me, I mean I never would have thought that my dad would go missing at sea and then it happened and it changed my whole perspective.

"You're wrong, " He voiced, "I can't promise that I'll always be here Andie but I will do everything I can to make sure I am but this— I need to do this."

I let out a shaky breath, smiling approvingly. "Okay."


I nod acceptingly. "Okay. Let's do it." He replied with a half smile and the doors creaked open. "Not to interrupt you but someone's out here that wants to talk to you," Pope informed, I stood up from my chair to see Sarah Cameron in the doorway, she looked a mess, Her dirty blonde hair was thrown into a bun at the top of her head and she had mascara residue underneath her bottom lashes.

I stood up out of my seat and John B and I shared a look. "here take my seat." I offered her, reluctantly. she shyly smiled at me and walked further inside, and sat down in the chair I had occupied.

As I looked at them talking I noticed my brother's expression. he looked happy, happier than I've ever seen him, I mean he was laughing something I haven't heard him do since dad went missing. Who was I to stop him from being happy? I could tell he wasn't ready to tell me how he feels about Sarah but I didn't need to ask because I could see the love is written on his face and the deep smile they both shared when they looked at each other.. it was all too familiar.

Pope threw his arm around my shoulders, "You're a good sister."  I leaned closer to his chest and snuggle into my best friend's arms.  "I know." I sighed. Dragging my feet. A voice calls my name and I whirled around.  "hey, can we talk?"

I glance up at Pope and told him I'd just be a second before walking away with JJ. "How are you feeling?" He asks first, I loved that. I knew what he was thinking about because in the back of my mind that was what I was thinking about, our kiss, his hands on my body— Okay. Get a grip.

"Exhausted." I groan, tiredly. He nods and it gets silent again but comfortable silence. "You kissed me." I blurt out, and he chuckles. "I like you." He says in the same manner.

He stops. this time in front of me. "did you feel the way I felt?" He comes closer, and I feel my stomach swarm with butterflies all over again. "Yes," my breath hitches, I set my fingertips right above his bell button making space between the two of us. "But"

"Oh don't say but" He shakes his head, looking away from me."I just need a few days to think." He locks eyes with me and nods. "Take all the time you need, Andie." He said with a controlled smile. When I thought he couldn't get any more attractive he says things like that.

I stare at him in quite an amazement and I hear my name being called from down the hall. "I want to talk but-" —

"no, Go, I'll be here when you're done." His voice was soft with affection. I peek up my lips mouthing a thank you and walking back to the voices down the hall, there was so much more I wanted to tell him. I wanted to say how I loved tonight, with him at least, and that I want him, and only him but there was too much going on for me to handle right now.

"Sorry. I'm here" I smiled tensely at the woman behind the desk."No problem, you just have to sign the insurance forms." She said with simple directness, rummaging around the counter. My lips wavered insurance? shit.

The office lady picked up a white piece of paper and read it and after a moment of reflection, she looks back at me. "Well it says here that someone already signed for it," she states.

I glance at the tall teenage boy beside me. "Ehm who?"

"That would be me." A deep voice asserted, I curved my eyebrows and twirled back around what I recognized to be Ward Cameron. Today was full of shocking surprises but this one had to top all of them.

I stole a glance from Pope. "Why would you sign?"

I never had a good look at ward, I just knew him as the dick who fired my brother not too long ago, but weirdly he had a distinct appearance. An alarming smile and his expression were empty, just like his head, his shaggy brown hair surrounded his oval-shaped head and his confident posture screamed Kook. "John B seems to be important to my daughter Sarah. So I did you all a favor." He sounded slightly brittle.

I nodded slowly trying to wrap my head around the whole thing. "Well, I don't have money—"

"No need." He shut down. "Just remember I did this for you." His tone didn't sit right with me but I nodded appreciatively.

"Oh and I'm sorry about your father." Oddly, when he says that chills ran down my arms and his eyes gleamed with something dark. I press my lips tighter into a thin line, "thanks."

Pope nudged me and I looked over to Kiara and JJ trying to help John B walk out. "we should help them." Mr. Cameron smiles, "hope he feels better." He walks off and I look at Pope. "There's something up with him."


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