26. Ballots to die

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You groaned bringing one of your hands to your face to cover the sunlight that fell directly against your eyelids, trying to find a little shade so that the discomfort would cease but it was impossible when the sun was at its highest point and the sky was completely clear. You tried to get up to at least do something about the headache that had started minutes after your brain started turning the gears of consciousness.

Turning your body to the right, you felt how your entire left arm had an unbearable tingling, you opened your eyes once and for all when you noticed your lack of mobility, trying to assimilate the position you were in, your arm was being completely crushed by Ace's head, while your legs were entangled with each other, the blanket that once helped you with the cold of the night was completely out of reach of both of you due to the struggles for it.

The events, or at least the ones you remembered the most, from the night before crashed into you like a bullet inches from a body, honestly, you wanted to hit your head against a wall, but regret wouldn't do you any good at this point, so you pushed the man's head with your free arm to seek some relief from the pain.

"Finally someone who wakes up, you're one of the first, how are you-yoi?"

"As if all my bones had been broken to dust, thank you."

You appreciated the pill he offered you, passing it down your throat without the need for water, you made a face of disgust at which Marco laughed slightly, you chatted for a few minutes, although basically it was him reminding you of the stupid things you did in your drunken state. You wanted to cut his four remaining hairs so desperately when he showed you the photo of the "kiss", but you didn't want to blow up and repair a part of the ship so you could only swallow your embarrassment.

At a certain point you got tired of his teasing and decided to get lost inside the ship, unintentionally you ended up in the kitchen, seeing how a hurried Tatch cooked more things than you thought a normal human could take care of.

"Do you need help?"

"I said no one-! Oh, is the pretty lady." You raised an eyebrow noticing the change from his stressed to a softer one, denying at his behavior "I wouldn't want you to have to do this, but the truth is that a little help wouldn't hurt."

"Don't be ashamed to ask me for help, it's normal."

You worked in silence most of the time, which you were grateful for your headache, which gradually subsided throughout the morning, you only shared a few words so as not to mess with the ingredients or organize your space, he even gave you some tips to improve your skills in the kitchen, in conclusion it was a pleasant time.

A time that went down the drain when you began to hear men's voices and burps, babbling complaints, a verbiage that overshadowed all the tranquility that the sound of pots or pans made when they hit the cutlery. This is why you sometimes preferred women, the vast majority were not so disorganized or chaotic, although of course there is everything in these seas.

Tatch offered you to stay inside the kitchen so you could eat without the excessive noise or raucous laughter of those whose party still ran through their veins. However, it seemed you couldn't have half an hour to yourself when the kitchen doors slammed open, almost causing you to choke on the piece of chicken you were eating.

"I'm sorry!"

You looked confused at Ace who got on his knees hugging your calves, if you looked at him from another angle it seemed that he was praying to you. You put your plate aside, silently questioning his words, since he wasn't looking at you he thought your silence was angry, he raised his head at the same time you lowered your palm to touch his hair, resulting in you hitting his nose, sensitive point that made him stumble backwards, his legs pushed your feet also dragging you towards the inevitable fall.

You didn't yell because you knew you were going to fall on top of him, so you just smiled as the air left his lungs for a microsecond as your body collided with his.

"I'm sorry...! Again!"

"No, that's fine."

You buried your face deeper into his pecs, not even knowing why he was apologizing, but now you couldn't care less. Seriously, you had a problem with other people's breasts.

"Aren't you mad at me? Marco has show me everything we did, god it was so embarrassing..."

"Why would I be? Yeah now it's embarrassing but never mind, we enjoyed the night, stay with it."

You let out a sigh that sounded like a schoolgirl in love, turning your head so your cheeks moved up the man's torso, you didn't even care when he picked you both up to eat the rest of your food, he didn't seem to care either so it was a win-win.

Although you stopped because he fell asleep bumping his head against yours just like some of the chicken fell out of his mouth staining your clothes, you smacked his cheeks until he woke up, you left him alone for the time being, noting that all the noise had disappeared by now. At the time, the pirates had returned to their routine or had decided to rest a bit, taking advantage of this you went up to the deck to give you some air on your face.

You enjoyed these little moments alone contemplating the endless horizon, but it seems that today nobody can leave you alone for a minute because a certain redhead approached you with a mischievous smile, you were already thinking about having to call Marco because Shanks was going to give more headache than a binge.

"So, do you know how you're going to get home?"

"What kind of question is that? I have my own-"

You stopped your sentence when you saw the look in his eyes, you blinked once, twice, three, four consecutive times... no, this idiot wouldn't have dared would he? You pushed his figure by walking quickly to the edge of the railings to the right, gasping at the sight of your plane ─or what was left of it─ strapped to a part of Whitebeard's ship, not as bad as Mihawk's, but definitely you were going to kill that faulty.


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