22. Travel

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After you recovered from the drop in blood pressure, you hit Shanks for making fun of your ignorance, perhaps, ignorance due to memory loss, but you didn't think about it anymore, you'll check the diary more deeply when you get home, if you come home in one piece. Since, apparently the Yonko had planned to pay Whitebeard a little surprise visit, more like he planned to have a party to steal his sake. Wanting to see Ace was going to cost you more than you planned as Shanks insisted that he could take you on his ship, in turn bringing Mihawk closer to his island.

"I told you I have my own methods of getting there, and I can get Mihawk with me too."

"Aw come on, don't you want to know more about your caretaker? I have a lot of stories about him throwing wrenches at my head."

You rolled your eyes, denying again as you walked through the forest being followed by both men, you looked for the small clues you left to find your hidden plane, a few minutes later you find the broken branch that indicates the tree where you left your invention.

"I have not even seen another ship that is not ours or that of some merchants, how do you plan to sail?"

A smile made its way across your lips, grabbing the corner of the black cloth and tugging at it, you chuckled silently at the wonder in his eyes.

"I don't sail, I fly." you gasped as an arm came around you in a hug, noticing how a head was positioned on top of yours "What the-"

"You're like a mini him, how adorable, is this the legacy you left behind? He seems like he has taught her well."

"Oi, it's creepy that you talk about me like that when you're hugging me.

"I'm beginning to think you really are an old pervert."

"You can't say that when you're older than me!"

They started a little discussion about, again, old perverts, Shanks trying to defend himself against the objections, let me tell you, he still sober he was not able to defend his arguments. Not a minute passed after they stopped and the Yonko was sneakily trying to break some parts of your plane to make it dysfunctional so you had to sail with him, in turn make the warlord go too. This man was getting on your nerves and you barely knew him for a day, although the pirate behaved closely as if you were an old acquaintance, perhaps because you reminded him of his old comrade.

"Stop at once you redheaded bastard!"

You threw a wrench you had in your materials belt at him, making Shanks wince remembering when he was just a kid and that guy would throw the same tool at him but harder. You were like this for a long time until the one-armed man gave up trying to break your means of transport, although it was all a deal, you must stay close to his ship, you didn't understand why but you accepted as long as he didn't break your plane.

"I feel like maybe you're a bit tight there, I really didn't think about transporting other people."

"I don't really care, as long as I don't have to see Shanks this is much more comfortable than having a whole ship to myself."

You chuckled nodding at Mihawk's words, who was in the small back part that was made not for people but to transport materials or inventions, the man was lucky that you didn't have many things there but he still had to sit hugging his legs to fit.

The journey was made much longer due to obviously not going full speed as you were following the Red Haired Pirates ship which meant you had to stop at quite a few islands until you finally reached your first destination, Kuraigana Island was easy reaching, Mihawk thanked you for speeding up once he recognized the landscape without wanting Shanks to settle there, he just let you relieve yourself and change fuel so you could continue without problems.

Now you were a few meters ahead of the ship that was sailing calmly, you had just left an island where you got information that Whitebeard had been there just a few days ago, which cheered you up.

You rubbed your eyes trying not to get distracted in your thoughts looking at the vast calm sea, you looked up for a second, out of the corner of your eye you caught a slight movement, you opened your eyes when you saw how the vivre card moved restlessly on its support, pulling to the right. You smiled, excited to be able to meet that idiot again, without time to waste you slowed down, lowering the flight, letting the boat catch up with you, you yelled at Shanks that you were going to go ahead to get there earlier.

You didn't even let him answer when you were already taking altitude again, leaving a sulky Shanks who was going to ask you to travel with you to get there earlier, even if he had asked you sincerely you would have denied it, knowing that if he went up he could make you go down in dived into the sea in just five minutes.

Accelerating you followed the direction indicated by the small paper without taking anything more than a few minutes to see a huge, no, giant ship with a strange shape of a whale, your smile widened when analyzing the deck you saw the boy you were looking for completely asleep, your smile turned into a more malicious one when noticing that nobody seemed to have noticed your presence, since you were several meters above them. You chuckled, thinking of a fun way to wake Ace up, hoping you didn't blow anything up at least.

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