12. Advances

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"I really appreciate that you tried to make dinner, but... this is not even edible."

"But it's good! It's a special recipe that even Sanji doesn't know."

You slapped your face, nodding helplessly as Luffy filled his face with his 'special' food, which was basically a mix of all the ingredients you had in the kitchen. You decided to do something simple with the leftovers, hopefully enough for Law, kid and you to eat decently. Once you were home you calmed down a lot more, you couldn't be angry about something that you knew would end up happening one way or another.

You leaned back on the couch staying in your own thoughts, it wasn't long until the boat was finished, the log pose was practically done so tomorrow you could finish it, as for your project... you rubbed your palms smiling dark way, you were so excited to try it so tomorrow you'd get up before your time to do a few checks. You yawned noticing how fatigue hit your body, when you came out of the bathroom completely changed into your comfortable pajamas, some rubber arms wrapped around your waist making you collide with Luffy's body.

"(Y / n) join my crew!"

You blinked, frowning, was that even a question? It sounded more like an affirmation, you opened your mouth to express your opinion however you were cut off by a mocking laugh.

"Idiot, she would be better off with me, she has good hands to build useful things."

Attention was focused on Kid when he spoke, gloating that you would have a better performance with him and his teammates, you were going to complain but again you were cut off before you could even open your mouth.

"I don't think so, (y / n)-ya would already be a good medical apprentice if she proposed it, I'm sure that her mechanical knowledge will also be of great help if she combines them."

"I tell you that she will be my nakama!"

The grip on your waist intensified, without hurting you, you closed your eyes when everyone started arguing about who you would be better with, after a few minutes you decided that it was fine, you wanted to sleep not having three men screaming for you.

"Guys I-"

"Shut up, we are discussing an important topic!"

A bump appeared on the heads of the three while a mark of irritation throbbed on your forehead, their bodies rested on the ground by your blow looking at you as if you had become their worst nightmare. You rubbed your temples, taking a blanket from your closet.

"I am not going to be part of any crew because I don't want to be a pirate."


You raised your index finger to silence Luffy, leaning back on the couch, throwing the blanket over your body, turning to them to accommodate you as best as possible.

"No pirates, period. Now let me sleep, I'm tired."

They did not talk more about the subject, within them they were disappointed, although they began to argue simply because they were against each other, the idea of having you on their teams did not displease them either, but you seemed very firm in terms of your decision not to be a pirate. You really didn't have a super deep reason with a meaning, you just didn't feel like dealing with idiots chasing you if they put a price on your head, no matter how minimal, you were already a magnet for problems, you didn't want to add more.

The next morning you woke up a little before the sun's rays came out, as if the enthusiasm exceeded the fatigue that you had been dragging on all these days, you jumped up, getting ready quickly, you looked at the sleeping form of the three men with a slight smile, letting them sleep peacefully, you headed towards the cave with quick steps. You pushed your invention out of the cave, its appearance changed a lot, because the directional sail had been removed, instead, on the sides you placed some kind of not very heavy metal wings, as if they were the wings of a bird, you had to create a new rudder that was connected to those wings to be able to change the direction and height, but the rest of the mechanisms such as the engine remained intact, you also added a pair of small wheels to be able to move it on the surface, although you did not think about it too they would serve for the landing.

You took It to a clearing in the middle of the forest, a place long enough so that you could take a certain speed, you slid into the only seat, checking that everything was correct, you placed the glasses that rested on your neck in their corresponding place, stepping on the pedal that operated the motor, immediately your creation came to life, moving slowly at first, however in a matter of minutes you obtained the speed you thought would be necessary, moving the control upwards so that you slowly began to take flight. Your lips stretched into a huge smile when you felt the air brush your face, it took you a couple of minutes to stabilize completely but when you did, you were amazed at the sight, everything looked so small from up there.

You did a couple of control tests, everything seemed fine, maybe it was a little slower than you thought, it didn't spin that fast, but they were details that you could polish over time, after a while flying in circles or making patterns of short tours you decided it was time to go down, you descended gently looking for the clearing in which you had taken off, the landing was made somewhat rough so you would also think of something to fix that.

You were so damn happy, you had finally made a breakthrough, you couldn't wait to try it to travel to the nearby island on your own, if all went well you could start going further and further and traveling the world. You screamed against the palms of your hands, bursting out of enthusiasm, you knocked on the door of the house making the boys, now awake, could contemplate your expression of pure happiness.

"We will have a great meal, we are celebrating!"

𝗚𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 & 𝗯𝗼𝗹𝘁𝘀 ┃One Piece [HIATUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora