16. Time alone

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"Luffy don't press that-"

Your words were completely overshadowed when an explosion echoed in your house, you opened the large windows with difficulty, you thought that taking care of Luffy would be something simple, but you overestimated how little tranquility the boy had, despite being mad because he could not go shopping with Law and Kid, your request because you didn't want to eat meat for months, it was easy to distract him with some of your inventions at first, but he was already crossing the line of curiosity, like, he had blown up five of your creations in record time.

You rubbed your eyes tiredly, collapsing on the sofa, at least you could already put your foot on the floor a little, with the help of a crutch of course, if you don't, Law will cut you into pieces. You spent a few minutes thinking that you would have to deal with those pirates once the trio left the island, maybe it would be good for you to finish that project. With a malicious smile, you rubbed the palms of your hands, drawing the attention of a certain boy who came over to see you working on another of your inventions.

"Could you help me Luffy? I'm creating an interesting thing, I can make you the same if you want."

"Yes, I'm sure Franky will like it, I'll introduce you to my crew! I promise to visit you again."

"Sure you will, I would also like to meet your carpenter."

Strange as it sounded, strawhat kept quite quiet, helping you when he had to pass tools to you or just quietly watching you do your 'magic' as he called it. You decided that it would be better to have some entertainment instead of that rare silence, you stretched your upright posture to reach a sound dial where a melody was recorded, you had some others scattered around the house but this was your favorite.

It turned out that Luffy was only focused on not making a mistake when giving you a tool that you asked for, you laughed silently when the light music distracted him from his task as now his attention was focused more on following the rhythm of the sound than on giving you the tools. But you let him be while you continued to build the small endoskeleton that was hooked to your elbows, brushing your arms and reaching each of the fingers, it was a simple mechanical system that increased your strength, it was quite ridiculous but its name for the moment was 'ant' since with this device you could lift more weight than your own body just like those insects.

You felt a slight tug on your waist, you blinked confused when from one moment to another your body was held in the air making careless turns.

"Let's dance! This music is so good, I'll ask Brook to compose something just as catchy."

You were going to complain to get back to work but seeing Luffy's baby face along with his amused expression made it impossible for you to deny a silly little dance, more like him holding you up in the air so you wouldn't lean on the floor your foot while moving strangely. At least he wasn't blowing up your projects.

In one of his movements he jerked too abruptly causing your leg, luckily the healthy one, to collide with some cans that made a chain reaction throwing various things to the ground, effectively breaking a ramshackle invention. You should learn to keep your thoughts aside.

Seeing how he was going to do the same thing again, you moved on his grip making him stumble, he gasped, tightening your waist so that you did not fall on the ground, your face rested on the crook of his neck.

"That was close." noticing how the music was repeated at the beginning of the song he pouted "Oh, it's a shame at least it was a good dance, wasn't it? Shishishishi, I am the best dancer!"

"Sure, I've certainly never seen those dance steps."

You smiled against his shoulder, you were silent for a few seconds until Luffy sat up, making your body straddle his, you looked at him questioningly.

"Really why don't you want to join my crew? You are super cool and you cook meat when I want!"

Those were their reasons? Incredible, you denied placing your hand on his head, removing some of the black locks from him.

"I can't go by boat, believe me, it's personal," you murmured the last part, noticing a certain weight accumulated at the entrance to your stomach "but we can form a umh... what do pirates call it?"


"What did that have to do with it? No, it's not a party, it's a... alliance! Yes, we will be like teammates, but I will not belong to your crew. How about that?"

He remained silent for a few minutes, pretending that he was thinking something, however his characteristic smile did not take long to appear on his features, raising his hand.

"Deal! It will be the pirate-mystery girl alliance."

"And I thought you had already passed that name..."

You shook his hand firmly, sealing the covenant of the alliance, just as you were about to get up to do whatever you were doing again the door opened, Luffy simply stood up the two of you while you exchanged glances with Law and Kid, who blinked confused by the scene.

"Were you doing handyman or something?"


It didn't even give you time to speak when they were already interrupting you, really, you would kick the next person who interrupted you.

"It's a shame we interrupted your pampering session."

"Law! Fuck you, there was no pampering session and Kid, we weren't 'doing handyman' either."

"Luffy's actions-already contradict your argument."

You were going to discuss his statement but while you were talking you did not realize how the boy carried you, leaving you on the sofa, hugging your figure while he rested his head on your chest, watching as the chaos unleashed in silence. Sure you noticed now. If it had been one of the other two you would have kicked him right away, but, it's just Luffy so you let him be to the dismay of the other two.

"He only is a loving baby, ill-thought-out idiots."

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