The Dark Lord spoke up, "Burn this land to the ground if you have to, leave nothing left. One way or another, we will find the Doom Slayer." The scientists did as told and continued with their search as they redirected their attention back to the Super Doom Hunter's screens.

It was approaching another village and all of the civilians there fled for their life at the sight of the gargantuan beast. The beast raised one of its arms carrying a large cannon and pointed it towards the village. With a simple squeeze of the trigger, the large weapon unleashed an enormous blast of energy that spanned a large section of the village, incinerating everything it passed through. The creature managed to disintegrate most of the villagers with that blast while some that were outside the blast radius narrowly escaped with their lives. With its path clear, the Super Doom Hunter proceeded forward until it noticed a Meathook digging into the remains of the buildings it destroyed. The cameras built into the creature moved to follow the source of the meathook until they found the Doom Slayer swinging into action as the warrior performed a brief twirl in the air with his doom blade extended before the warrior stated his attack, "Blood Breathing: Second Form, Flash Blood." and slashed at the Super Doom Hunter.

The Doom Blade couldn't hit the Doom Hunter as it made contact with a protective energy shield that enveloped the Super Doom Hunter. It was standard for Doom Hunters to have an energy shield of sorts but those shields fell before the might of the Doom Slayer. However, this one was different, this shield reflected the Slayer's attack and blew the warrior away. The Warrior stabilized himself mid-air and slid against the ground while on his feet. The Super Doom Hunter focused on the Doom Slayer as it turned its entire body to face the Hellwalker. With its target now in-sight, the demon raised all of its weapons in anticipation to kill the Doom Slayer.

Doom Hunter by Mick Gordon

Several dozen missiles emerged from the hoverpad of the Super Doom hunter, rocketing into the sky as they began redirecting themselves towards the Doom Slayer. The warrior turned away from the village and began bolting across the landscapes as the missiles crashed in the ground behind him and exploded with enough force to shake the ground slightly. This did not stop the warrior as he blazed across the burning landscapes caused by the Super Doom Hunter. Despite it being in the middle of the night, the flames made everything as bright as day. The Creature raised it's arm cannon again and pointed it in front of the warrior to intercept him before firing another energy blast.

The Hellwalker spun around and pointed his makeshift shotgun towards the floor behind him and fired the meathook, yanking on the chain to propel himself away from the incoming energy attack. The warrior needed to get in close and start dealing some damage, so he began advancing on the Doom Hunter's position. The creature revved up its two chainsaw blades and swung at the Doom Slayer. The warrior used the Praetor Suit's thrusters to dash out of the way of each incoming blade that slammed into the ground where he was. Every attack the Super Doom Hunter made had enough force to rattle the ground. The warrior leapted towards the creature now that it's guard was down and fired his Shotgun directly towards the demon. The Nichirin bullets were useless, just as expected. The warrior struck with his Doom Blade once more but he was blown away like last time. This was going to be difficult without his arsenal. He would normally blow the shield away with his strength but this would require more strategy. The shields were normally susceptible to energy-based weapons such as his plasma rifle but that wasn't an option at the moment. It also didn't help that the creature's shield was abnormally stronger than usual. No doubt that the Dark Lord had a hand in this, this had to be a new model.

The scientists controlling the Doom hunter reported to their master, "Shields are working as planned, the Slayer's attacks aren't getting through, my lord." The Dark Lord didn't seem impressed, focusing on the screen as the Doom Hunter continued to attack the warrior but missed every time. The Slayer was simply far too nimble for the Doom Hunter, not surprising considering who they were dealing with but they needed to think outside the box. The Dark Lord announced to his loyal followers:

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