Chapter 29 The hand

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Mugen train arc
Category: main quest
Difficulty: S
Clear conditions:
1. Survive the Mugan train arc
without getting killed
2. Help the others or kill the
demon that is in charge of this
3. Let nobody kill the main
Time limit: 2 days
Reward: 10.000 coins
Failure: death

Pov. 3rd person

~On another place in the train~

The hardly breathing of a person was heard as they run the hallway of the train downwards the place he needed to go.

All the other passengers he got by were sleeping peacefully as nothing was there that could bring them in danger.

The man opened the door fast as he stumbled inside of the room his destination was bringing him, of course it was not a place he wanted to be in the first place, but there was something he needed from him, something important.

Stumbling in the section of the train and than fall on his knees, tears poring out of his eyes as he looked straight in the air. Catching his breath after all the running and now the tears was not a easy task.

"I did as I was told! I punched their tickets and put them to sleep!" The man told with a broken voice, the one in this place as the tears were coming out of his eyes as there were no end of them.

Now putting his face on the ground he asked the one: "Please! Put me to sleep, too, now!" He pleaded the tears dropping down his chin and falling down on the wooden floor. Dark spots appeared where the tears touched the floor.

"Please let me be reunited with my dead wife and daughter!" Still kneeling the man pleaded for his release from his world were he saw no point in living anymore as there was nothing that kept him back.

"I'm begging you. I'm begging you." He spoke his final sentence as his voice left him.

"Sure thing." Another voice said calmly to the man that was still kneeling down.

The man opened his eyes, as he closed them unintentionally and looked up, the tears were still flowing down his eyes.

A hand landed in front of the man, grey as there where already dead and from no use, but still able to continue to live in this hell as there was no way for them to leave it that quick.

On this hand were two eyes, a darker grey than the hand but still like they were not seen to live anymore.

The fingers moved as they where an insect that fell on his back, after some movements the hand was able to sit up on the finger tips, the hand back was faced to the man that was sitting there and crying as there was nothing more he could do.

The grey finger polish of the hand was fitting to good to them, as the Kanjis for "dream" was tattooed to the hand.

The eye on this side had a more green coloured and a mouth that was up side down, smiling at the man in front of him.

"You did a good job." The hand told the man in a calm voice as he was really proud of the man, even when he was just a tool of him in his plan.

The hand was smiling even more after the words left there mouth.

"Go to sleep." The hand ordered the man with a smile as they did something great.

The man, that had stopped crying looked up at the words but pain was now in his body that drain every single life out of him as there was no use anymore in him and he wanted it so why not do it?

The eyes that where with color just a second ago were now white, but before that could even seen the face were shut down and the man fell down. The skin that was with a light red was now white.

The man was dead and now in his own dream forever.

"Have a nice dream where you can meet your family." The hand told the man that was lying dead in front of him.

Of course the words that left the hands mouth were just a lie, as if he would care over such things, he was just doing what was told him and nothing more.

"Excuse me." Another voice was coming from behind the hand.

The hand turned around to face the five children that where sitting on there knees there. Dark circles could be seen under the kids eyes as they slept for over two days in a row. The skin that was filled with blood and had a light rose color was now replaced with a white skin that looked like it was dead already.

"What do you want us to do?" Asked the girl in front of them.

"Their slumber will grow deeper in a little while." The hand told them.

"Wait here until then." He ordered them.

"Perceptive Demon Slayers sometimes wake up sensing the presence of bloodthirsty demons. When you tie the ropes, be careful not to touch their bodies. I will have to stay in the first car for a while. Hang on until everything's ready to go... so that you can have blissful dreams." The hand told them as they looked at the man that died a while ago.

"Okay." They told the hand quickly.

They just needed to wait until the Demon Slayer were a sleep to than do that what they got ordered to do.

Pov. Amilia

I looked around me. I was sitting inside of a room, a room that was so familiar to me and I would never forget this room.

"Amilia, why are you looking like that?" A warm voice called out for her.

I turned my head to the scours of voice as I saw a man in front of me that had a pot with some soup in it.

He looked at me with a worried look as I didn't answered his question. He got down in front of me and put down the pot with the soup on the table in front of me.

"Are you still feeling not good?" He asked as he put his hand on my forehead to check my temperature. The worried look on his face was still here.

"No, I am fine." I said with a smile as I hold his hands with mine.

A warm smile appeared on his face as he looked at mine.

"You really got me scared as your friend told me that you got a fever, but its good to see that it calmed down." He told me as he got some bowls for us.

"Thank you, Teiji." I told the man with a smile.

I looked at me warmly.

'Just how could I forget all the time I spend with him? I really miss my boyfriend...'


Hahaha! Finally! There is something interesting going on. I was quite a bit mad as I read that some of you not really liked the hero of this story even when I didn't plan to make her a two-face bitch... maybe that will make you think different:>

And thank you all for the 14 k! I am so happy

I will see you in the next chapter!

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