Chapter 27 Demons in the train

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Mugen train arc
Category: main quest
Difficulty: S
Clear conditions:
1. Survive the Mugan train arc
without getting killed
2. Help the others or kill the
demon that is in charge of this
3. Let nobody kill the main
Time limit: 2 days
Reward: 10.000 coins
Failure: death

Pov. Amilia

Some time has passed and Inosuke was still so amazed by the train as he was looking out of the window or be more correct he was leaning half body out of the window, Zenitsu had to force him to stay in his places and that was not a pleasant tasked to do.

Zenitsu was nothing against the harsh words that was said from Inosuke.

'he will maybe cry anytime soon...'

I looked back to the two boys I was sitting with, as they were talking about the flame dance or more the Hinokami dance that Tanjirou learned when he was young and saw his father doing this.

Rengoku, the flame Hashira on the other side didn't know anything about this dance that was Tanjirou talking about but offered him a great deal:

"You should become my Tsuguko, my apprentice! I will look after you!"

That of course was something for Tanjirou to say no and it was not the answer he was hoping for to get from the flame Hashira.

'Poor Tanjirou...'

I just looked at the boys and was just hearing what they were saying.

"Over 40 people disappeared in this train." I heard as I was only listend half eared as I looked shocked in the face of Rengoku.

'That were 40 people?!'

"WHAT?! WE WILL ALL DIE!!! NOBODY IS GOING TO HELP US!!!" Were heard from Zenitsu as he got tears in his eyes and started to cry.

'It happened faster than I thought...'

I just smiled at Zenitsu as I would know that nobody could calm him down at this rate.

'This pressure...' I got up from my seat as I was definitely felt the pressure that was given of by a demon.

As I was looking at the direction I the feeling of pressure was coming from the others also got up as they notice the presence of a demon.

I was about to draw my sword as Rengoku got in front of us. The lights began to switch fast from on to out as I kept an eye on the place a demon might be. The innocent people around us seem not to care about what happened with the light.

'Seems like they can not see what happened with the light.'

I slightly squeezed my eyes as I looked still at the place and than the demon popped up out of non where. A big one with more armes than a human would have and a gray skin color. His veins popped out of them as his eyes with a unique color looked at us.

Now even the normal human were able to see what was there and the terrified looks got on the face of them as they looked shocked at the demon. They might have thought bout running away but there was no way they could leave so they stayed with widen eyes on there seat. 

"Was it you blood demon art that hid that massive body?" Rengoku asked the demon even when he knew that he would not answer that question. The draw his sword and pointed it at the demon.

"I had a hard time to detect that."  He just continued as the air around him got hotter and I was sure that he had started his breathing technique.

"But if you bare your fangs at innocent people my bright red Flame blade will burn you to the bone." His voice still had a little bit of joy in it as on his face was still the big smile he always wore.

His sword was now on fire and was ready to burn the next demon it would met.

The demons seems to get angry about that and started his first attack as he was running downwards Rengoku. He leaved his spot in seconds and was behind him.

The sword surrounded by fire sliced through the neck of the demon as his head was falling of this head. An explosion as the body of the demon vanished in this explosion.

Tanjirou was totally amazed about what just happened and seems to understand now what it meant to be a Hashira that such a demon was nothing for him.

I also was amazed. I knew that Rengoku was strong but that... he was much stronger than I thought even when he was not that strong as he faced the third ranked demon. But this time I was here and I will definitely save him from that cruel fate that he has.

"It's still not over." Rengoku said as he faced us.

'Yes! I should not let my guard down!'

"Come." He said with is usually smile still on his face as we made our way to the next section of the train.

As we got there another demon had appeared and the people were trying to get away from that "thing" in there eyes. Children, women and man got behind us in the next section of the train only to get away from the demon.

It had longer armes and legs ans it looked like a spider just in green. Nothing pleasant.

A man who not get away in the right time was sucked between the demon as tears were coming out of this eyes.

"You will not lay a finger on that man!" Rengoku said as he spotted the man that the demon was about to eat.

He turned the head angry downwards us as he heard the words of Rengoku.

'This time I will show him what we learned!'


Thanks for reading! Sorry that I upload this a little late but I had some things to do and I needed to watch the movie again to get more informations for this chapter.... So yeah.

Have a great day :)

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