Chapter 6 That man

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Meeting with demons
Category: Main
Difficulty: S
Clear conditions:
1. find one of the upper moons
2. make them as your partner
3. find Kibutsuji Muzan and take
him on your side
Time limit: 1 month
Reward: 5.000 coins 
Failure: ???

Pov. (y/n)

"(y/n)-chan! Ume-sama is searching for you." Akio said when had she found me.

"She is?" I question and looked up from the floor, that I was cleaning.

I was only for some minutes away to help a little bit out and I told her about that.

She said it was ok form her side, but I should hurry up.

"Yes, she said it's important." Akio said and looked with a worried look at me.

She really was pitying me.

"Ok, I am coming than." I said and gave her a smile.

I quickly stood up and made my way to the room of Daki.

—at Dakis door—

"Ume-sama?" I question after I knocket at the door.


Is she not here?

Killing the enemy's
Category: Side quest
Difficulty: D
Clear conditions:
1. Kill all the demons in the
dungeon make sure that all
are dead
2. There will be no exit after you
got  in there. The only
way to get out is to
die or to finish this quest
Time limit: 2 hours
Reward: Stamina: Level 3
Sword fighting: Level 3
Blood control: Level 2
Failure: death

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A dungeon in here...?

Why know? Is there a reason? Why would here in the room of Daki be a dungeon? It doesn't make sense.

But... what if the game told me that something dangerous will come, that I need more strength for that... that would make sense.

Daki wants to meet me, what suspicious is and now the dungeon.

Three options!

First: Daki wants to eat me

Second: She needs me for something or wants only to see me and the dungeon is only here because I triggered something.

Third: That man has found out about me being Dakis little human pet.

If number third was the case... I was dead...

The dungeon can be my saviour or my death wish.

This is a risky game that I play now.

But... extra for that I should play save. Save is better than, when it's to risky.

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