Chapter 7: 'Night Of The Comet'

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure of this, are you sure that these demons walk among us?" An old male voice inquires to a relatively young man with a beard as dark as his hair and sharp eyes.

"I am certain of it." He states strongly.

"How do we stop them?"

"With this," The man reveals an object that appears to be a pocket watch. When he opens it the face is not one of a clock but of a compass with its arrow spinning aimlessly, "And this." He presents a different instrument. A music box with its corks turning...

A small glass bottle is passed between hands. The receiving hand pours clear liquid onto their palm, which quickly becomes scorched and blistered as if burned by acid at the first drop.

"What in hell?" A familiar voice hisses.

"Vervain." Another voice explains.

"Why is there ver-," a sigh of frustration, "They know."

The redness on her skin slowly starts to fade...

The clinking of metal chains...

The boom of bullets flying...

The roar of an angry crowd and torches set a flame...

The soft chants of a foreign tongue and the image of hands clasping a necklace tightly -the amber crystal at its centre dazzling...


The girl lowers her gaze from the passing comet and turns to the blonde, her eyes trying to focus on the present, "...What?"

"You totally just wigged out on me."

"No, I didn't. I was just-you know, stargazing." She shrugs and her friend rolls her eyes at the cover up.

"Well, candles still need to be lit so..."

"Alright, alright. I get it, I'm going." Bonnie walks away to get working before Caroline continues her nagging.

"Lose the attitude." She hears from behind her back.

"Aye aye, Captain!" She yells over her shoulder.

"You're doing great, sweetie!"

She secretly flips her friend off before plastering a hospitable smile on her face as she moves from person to person, lighting their candles. Putting her mind to something productive helps her forget about yet another set of images that she can't explain.

Twenty minutes into it her mind drifts off task.
She reaches for her phone impatiently. Flipping it open, she quickly grows bored at the screen: no new notifications.

Ugh, where is he?, she wonders to herself.

She has her attention on her phone so she doesn't notice when someone stands next to her. Her hand shifts slightly when their candle bumps her, setting it alight with her flame.

The movement draws her attention as her eyes slowly travel upwards and is met with a satisfied smirk and twinkling blue eyes illuminated by the candlelight.

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