Jungkook felt re-energized after chatting with Lisa. Earlier he was feeling a little down after his shower but now his mood was lifted. A girlfriend was indeed magical.

Right at that moment, "A Flower in Busan" texted him: "You rotten rascal, return my call right now!"

Jungkook's newly-charged energy deflated a little.

Sensing the stern tone of his mother's message, he did not dare to delay and immediately returned her call.

"Jungkook" Mama Jeon uttered his name. She spoke slowly but her tone was a little clipped. From her voice. She continued. "How can you behave that way to a girl".

Jungkook was confused, "What did I do?"

"What did you do? I saw those photos. Behaving like that to Lisa in public don't you feel obscene? How do you expect her to still  face the public? Do you think that you can fool around just because you're young? Don't you have any self-control? How do I usually teach you? Ah? I----"

"Mom" Jungkook drew in a deep breath and cut her off, "That was a misunderstanding. I did not expect someone to secretly take photos". Not to mention how that person had godly editing skills that made it seem like they did everything when they did nothing....

"Think" Jungkook explained patiently, "I just had my first kiss today and it was interrupted by you...."

After summoning up the courage to pleasure himself with much difficulty, it was interrupted as well.

This was simply....a tale that would make anyone weep.

After thinking for a while, Mama Jeon felt that her son's usual behaviour was indeed quite pure and not as lewd as the pictures showed. This was something that could not be faked. Thus, she said, "Jungkook, sorry, Mommy was too worried".

"It's fine".

"However, your behaviour was still wrong. That incident might perhaps be nothing for you but it is very damaging for a girl. I hope that my son is a person with a sense of responsibility. At the same time, I also hope that he would not, because of impulse, do something that he would later on regret".

"Mm, I understand".

After Mama Jeon concluded this topic, she added, "Oh right, I will be visiting you at your school this weekend along with your father".

Jungkook was startled, "Why?"

"Can't I miss my son? Do you need a reason for everything?"

"Actually, you two just want to see Lisa, right?"

"Mm, if it's convenient, we can meet her as well. It's been years since I last saw her. I wonder how she is like now".

Jungkook was a little hesitant, "We only got together very recently. Is this too soon?"

Mama Jeon unsatisfied. "Oh? So are you saying that Mommy is making things difficult for you?"

"That's not what I----"

"Jungkook, remember how wilful you were as a child. Back then, it was always mommy, I, who helped you to be more likeable in front of Lisa. This was why you had an edge in pursing her".

"....Ok, I'll let her know".


When Mama Jeon hung up, Papa Jeon who was beside her closed the book in his hands and put it on the bedside cabinet. He helped his wife to tug up the blanket. "Sleep early".

"Sigh" Mama Jeon exhaled. "Rotten rascal, always making us worry".

"To be fair, Jungkook has caused us less worry then other children" Papa Jeon defended his son.

Mama Jeon suddenly laughed, "Fate is indeed amazing. After being apart for so many years, they still ended up together in the end. It's as if they were always tied together. No matter how far they drifted, they'll always end up going back to each other. Mm, that's thread of fate".

"You always mention Lisa but after so many years, she definitely changed quite greatly. Dear, keep your expectations in check. What if...." What if you get disappointed?

"Hubby, though I don't know how Lisa is like now, I thinks there's something worth nothing".


Mama Jeon picked up her phone, searched for Lisa's Weibo and clicked into that video for her husband to watch.

The trauma in Papa Jeon's heart was as big as the Pacific Ocean when he saw his son singing "Chrysanthemums strew on the ground".

Mama Jeon said, "Lisa handled this very well".

Papa Jeon's face was filled with doubts. "Are you sure?"

Mama Jeon waved her hand. "You don't understand how those children think" She shared her experience from lurking in the fan groups and continued explaining. "Those young fans are innocent but fragile, and easily incited. Ultimately, they're still Jungkook's fans and on the same side as him. By responding this way, Lisa managed to prevent Jungkook from being torn between both sides and at the same time allowed him to express his stance. At most, he merely sacrificed his image but that's not important. The way Lisa handled this is not only tactful but also humorous, displaying great PR skills".

"The world of young people these day's so complicated".

"All right, go to sleep. We'll pick a meeting gift for Lisa tomorrow".



The next day, Lisa encountered some stray cats on her way to class. She and Chaeyoung fed them some snacks and took some photos. She promptly sent the photos to Jungkook.

Lisa: "Cute?"

Jungkook: "Still all right, I've seen cuter".

Lisa: "Do you have photos? I want to see it".

Jungkook sent her a photo of her.

Lisa's heart fluttered for a few beats. She had the urge to see him and listen to his voice.

Right when she had this thought, Jungkook's call came in. Mm, they were that in sync.

Over at his side, Jungkook was smiling. "I dreamt of you last night" His voice was a little hoarse and he spoke slowly. It felt like he wanted to say more but was leaving some words unspoken.

Lisa was tickled, "What a coincidence; I dreamt of you too".

"Mm? Dreamt of me doing what?"

"Jungkook, I dreamt that you turned into a pangolin and my dad bought you back from the market".

"Then? Released me back into the wild?"

"Then cooked a pot of stew".

"...." What an amazing story direction.

"I cried while I ate. It was terrible" Thinking of that immensely sad scene, Lisa's voice could not help becoming a little sorrowful.

Jungkook was utterly speechless. "Then why did you still eat...."

"I don't know, couldn't help it in the dream".

Jungkook thought for a while and summarized, "You ate me in your dream".

"Ah, that's the gist, I guess....So what was your dream about?"

"Around the same as yours. I dreamt that I ate you".

Lisa did not think that anything was wrong. She sighed, "That's really such a coincidence".

Jungkook held in his smile. He thought something and said, "Oh, right, My parents are coming over this weekend"

"For what?"

"Meeting their daughter-in-law".

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