The End

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Third Person Pov

Raiden: "Ugh... where am I?"

Raiden looked around to see that he was in a white void.

Raiden"Last I remember was the Date a Live stuff and then see Mokou... now I am here? In a white void... well time to use the Red Key to escape this prison."

He pull it out and proceed to slice it but nothing happened.

Raiden: "... what?"

He keep trying to slice with the red key but nothing happened... nothing changed.

Raiden: "What is happening?"

A bright light appeared in the White void.

???: "The end has arrived."

A blob of light was in front of Raiden.

Raiden: "Okay... so you are the guy that put me here. Explain now!"

As he points his Red key at the blob of light.

???: "The end has arrived to your little story."

Raiden: "So you are telling me, I am done? That my whole existence is being erased."

???: "Yes."

Raiden: "No... No."

He grab his Red Key and proceed to slash at ??? which did nothing.

Raiden: "What! That should be impossible... how could you deny something that denies concepts itself."

???: "Fool... I am God/Ẳ̶̢̨̛̛̖̯̝̖͚͎̖̽̇̔̏͜͠ű̷̝͑͑̈́͂̈́͌t̸̨̯̫̭̝̦͎͉̹̘̄̈́͐ḩ̶̨̗̻͓̘̝͈̘̜̣̘̈́̔̓̏́͛̌̀̆͆̀̒̄̓̕o̸̰̯̱͓̣̍̋̓̔̊̓̄̉̈́̓͌̀͘͝r̶̢̢̪̝̬̘͕̅͑͐͛͆̑́̚ͅ."

A bright light shined and Raiden felt tired.

Raiden: "What... is... happening?"

???: "Too bad I am tired of this. So time to end this."

Raiden: " No! NO!"

He grabs his Red key and summons his Blue Key

Raiden: " Well then I will make you stop from end-"

Suddenly he disappeared.

???: "Fucking idiot... Do you really think I would allow monologue? A shame he was used to it. I hope that the next bois I face don't do that... would really make it funny to me."

The bright light morphed into a familiar green person.

The bright light morphed into a familiar green person

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(Hahaha... oh lord.)

Noim: "Quiet me... Well, this is the end of this story. I really gave up on my first story... a shame as Raiden was things I have now disliked as I have grown a lot in over a year. Yet help me improve a lot as a writer and how I want to improve myself... I still see myself as a rookie even now. Well enough about this boi... time to do my other books and hopefully not canned them... maybe time to touch that certain book."


Yeah, sadly bois I am tired of this story... I realize how much I dislike this and found little motivation to even try to rewrite this story so I am leaving it like this now. Though I am happy for making this story as I realized that this was a stepping stone to making better stories so I won't delete it. So hopefully my next projects are not left like that and I will try to do the other Touhou story soon. (Remastering it as well... it needs a bit of a rework.) So see you all and hopefully don't make it too bad.

Meanwhile in the Anti void

William: "Huh... I have the feeling like something bad has happened."

Surtr: "Yeah well it does not matter... time for both of us to fight now."

William: " One hit... that is all you need to do to win against me."

Surtr: "Well I will win this time."

William: " Bring it on!"

Theresa: "You can do it, you two."

William: "Well then let's not disappoint now."

Next Chapter:  Memories in Trials of Flames

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