The Start of Problems and Relaxing

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An Hour after the Incident. Sakuya woke up and check if Raiden was anywhere in the mansion and this is after checking everything.

Sakuya Pov

Ugh, who was that person? How did I fall unconscious so quickly and how did I not see him hit me. This is not good now that the person is out of the mansion and could cause more problems in the future for the mistress. Everything in my body is hurting, I still need to warn the mistress about my failure to stop the intruder.

Timeskip brought you by Sakuya serving her mistress some tea.

I saw the mistress was in her chair contemplate the failure of the Incident. (Technically she foresaw that she would lose but not Raiden being there.)

Remilia Scarlet

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Remilia Scarlet

Race: Vampire

Weakness: Her fate manipulation is not perfect. Also, Sunlight weakens her.

Info: Hey Mister.  Here is the other sister of the Scarlet Family. She is quite dangerous with her fate manipulation and is unknown how strong it is though it not perfect. Still quite childish if interested in someone.

(You might wonder why I put this even though Raiden is not here because we will see her soon and Raiden will technically see this if he analyzes her. So I just want to give him that. She is one of many that you will see in this Arc.)

Remilia: "Sakuya how did you do with the intruder and do you know anything important about them."

Sakuya: "I was defeated instantly by the intruder and all I know is that is male and was wearing a blue and white jacket."

Remilia: "That is not good information. I tried to check if they are fated to be here but nothing came."

(Remember Raiden is not bound by fate. Acausality is pretty good on that.)

This is not good we have someone dangerous outside of the mansion that could cause problems that not even the mistress can foretell. So who was that person?

After the Second Omake Raiden Pov on Friday

Ah, finally the author brought it back to me. I am the supposed star of this book so no more spoilers about anything else for this chapter. Either way, I am still inside my house because I ain't leaving outside for a bit even though it might make me seem like a weirdo. I was always one so nothing really changes though I feel like I am forgetting something or someone. Wait a minute I forgot to talk to Lucia for a while now. We usually fighting every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She improves way quicker than most people because I increased her potential. Thank you very much Truths for being equal to the law of the universe. I was using the laptop to see some good memes.

Raiden: "Hmm, what do you think about this Basic Cat." 


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