Character Bio/ Questions (Update 7/26/2021)

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Insert Character Bio.exe















Me at this moment:

Okay, memes aside here your character bio.

I am also trying to figure out how to put pictures so I am currently put them in the comments for now.

I lied here the stats of the character meme edition.

(Help me I think I got a bit in deep with my character powers. Legit Umineko series is characters that are so broken that it normal like if everyone is unbalanced that is fair. Like the Humans over there can beat most Touhou girls if they go to a certain place.)

Stats: A couple of stats are actually irrelevant as he can go higher in existence and transcend certain concepts.

Strength: you can carry planets like god damm KitKat bar. (Let just say if you get to the Sun you can bench press it and even throw it to the earth in less than a nanosecond which is not even a percent of your real strength.) IRRELEVANT.

Speed: What is Speed. (Mate he is beyond the concept of speed and distance, though he will not use it in every fight to be FAIR, I mean cruel to the opponent.) IRRELEVANT.

Def: Nothing can really harm you. ( Unless they can bypass the Highly godly regen, forcefield, and Acausality. Even then you just need to think, in general, to come back.)

Stamina: I can do this all day. ( Irrevlant as he can never get tired, though mentally yes.) IRRELEVANT.

Range: Marth grab range. (Remember when I said beyond the concept of distance though it actually Outerversal.)

Intelligent: BIG BRAIN (This one can be beaten as he would be at least the top 10 smartest people in Gensokyo because of the Battle Experience and His Common Sense.)

Luck: E/EX (Luck is just really good or bad.)

Name:(Fake/Picked) Raiden  (Real) ??? (He will remember.)

Titles: Unstoppable Force and Immovable Object, The Puppetmaster, Lazy jackass, The Storm, and The Judge.

Age: Before death (18), After Death (18?) (Let just say age nor time does not matter anymore.)

Gender: Male

Race: Human? (Yes and no. Let just say he consider himself human.)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Birthday: 8/7/XXXX (Same as mine)

Personality: Caring/Helpful Asshole, easily Bored, Lazy, Forgetful (Kinda), Kind, In battle Cocky (Fake), and Serious (Real). ( The reason why is that he knows not to underestimate his opponent though he can be tricked but like to put an act as being the strongest.)

Likes: Life, Harem, Sleeping, Games in general(fav are tower defense, RPG, and fps. ),  Eating Food, Chaos, reading fanfics, browsing the internet, M O T I V A T I O N, Music, and Acting.

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