Incident Starts and the Strongest Arrives

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Ah, the best part of the story is here which is the Incident has finally arrived, I hope you enjoy this.  Also, the opponents that he will be facing are in order Cirno, Meiling, ??? (Secret), Flandre, and Patchouli. He is not there to end the Incident and let say that it going to be fun for him. Either way, one last announcement I am happy that we reach over 200 views from this book as I am happy people enjoy this little book of mine. Either way, enjoy this chapter.


Raiden Pov

 It was been a while since I started my life in Gensokyo and I was really enjoying it as it being around a month's time since I arrived and it was going pretty well since then I have around 10k in Usd dosh which is pretty good though I did buy my own house in the village because I need a place and not to live in a hotel. You may have wonder how I complete the last task that you the reader have seen and that was simple. Flashback time everyone.


I click yes on the task and went to sleep before I go to donate because I am a tired boi. So after an off-screen sleeping and eating. I went to the shrine thanks to the Map function from the menu as it was able to tell a majority of the Genoksyo however it could not tell me some which lead me to believe that I need to wait until a certain incident to find out the location. Still when I went there to donate about 20 USD dollars worth of it. I had a slight feeling of worry. I push that aside and went toward the shrine and the moment I step on the shrine, I just time stop as I did not want to talk to her just yet. I went to put the coins in front of the box and went invisible to see her reaction when I unfreeze it. 

Invisibility: Ayo no pervert thoughts (One of the abilites he learns from someone.)

Raiden mind: "I wonder how she is going react to get a donation"

3 seconds have passed and she appeared.

Reimu: "I sense something in the donation box."

Raiden mind: "Damm the memes were true all along, she always knows."

Reimu went and check inside the box and saw my donation and was looking around who would donate something like this. She smiled which warm my heart as I understand what she has to deal with.

Reimu: "Huh who would have donated to me?"

Raiden mind: "I hope that I can make it your life to not that poor."

I went and time stop to leave just to make sure she can not hear me walk away. After that, I left the shrine and I turn off my invisibility. It is quite sad that she barely has any funds to feed herself, but she is willing to always have parties with the people who cause the incidents. I will try to at least give her the money to survive better than canon.

Flashback end

After doing that task the number of tasks that I got was weird like some were to pick up some mushroom or prank someone which I enjoy the number of times as I made someone question where they place their thing was amazing to do. I have even stolen a couple of Marisa borrow books which I will return in the future. Though I am weird out that Yukari has not appeared once to me. She usually appears in fanfiction and probably would try to stop me as I am basically the equivalent of an unstoppable force and a danger to Genskoyo. Still, it is only 1 hour left until the start of the incident and it seems like it might be the first incident which means the Scarlet Incident which is one of my favorite from the series.

Raiden: "I wish I was talking to Mokou or ??? as I am so bored right now."

Yeah about her, it has been going quite well with her we have been hanging out a lot after a couple of talks, I can see in her eyes that she enjoy my company. There was a lot of common about us because we are alone and I like to talk a bit about my past even though she does not talk about her past which makes sense. I have still not told her about my abilities because I feel like that might ruin it though hopefully after this incident I will tell her about it. I have noticed that sometimes she blushes when we are together, which makes me believe that she might like me, which if so I am happy. With ??? I enjoyed talking to and help her deal with a bit of her past as I can understand that she got betrayed very hard. Sometimes I open the portal so she can enjoy a bit in this world and I can tell she enjoys the talks we have. (Omake will tell you who it is.)

A Boring Reincarnation (End)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum