The Start

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??? POV

Huh, so this is my life right now.

In a very dark place that most people would say is purgatory consider I ain't in hell or heaven in my opinion because there is nothing here, though I wish it was an office building and I was meeting someone named Tony. (someone please get this reference)

I miss my time reading Twitter to wonder why humanity sucks and reading fanfictions to enjoy stupid or questionable stories.

??? (mind): "Huh the more I actually think about everything, do I even remember my name?"

Before I could think about anything I saw a blinding figure and I had only a couple of words to say.

???: "Oh lord the light, it burns."

God: "Hello there."

???: "General Kenobi."

God: good I got the right person. "Well, I am God but I really do not care about what you call me."

???: "So is it fine if I call you Actually Satan."

God: "Eh I don't really care, so anyways I know that you are wondering why you are in this place that looks like depressed people would enjoy being in."

???: "Yeah and also why can't I remember my name?"

God: "You need a new name for the new world that you are going to."

???(Mind): "Oh shit I am getting reincarnated or iskeai. I never really understood the difference between those two."

God: "Well that world you are going to is dangerous, so you will need a lot of help than most people which I will give you three different powers."

???(Mind): "Damm that actually surprising that I get three different powers. Usually, there is only one power and then yeet to the new world."

God: "Well I will let you pick one of them which is the ability to pick any character that you know of and have all their abilities and powers. The other two, well one you will know when you get there but there will be a twist, and the other is well start with a P and that is all."

???(Mind) "OH SHIT I get to pick a character that I know and get all those abilities and powers. But there is one more question in my mind right now."

???: "I have a question and that is do I have the experience of the character or do I have to learn it from scratch?"

God: "Yes you will have all their battle experiences though you will still need training to fully use them in the best way possible. Though I have to accept if I will give you that character abilities and powers because I hate giving anyone some type of cliche character like Saiyan or anything similar to that."

???(Mind): "Hmm, so Sans is a no because who would not want to be a funny bone man that gives bad times though he is actually really weak in certain worlds, but only if it is the original one may be Error 404 sans or KM sans (King multiverse sans) would be better but still there are stronger beings than them. Maybe Yukari but I am unsure how well that would be considering which world it is.  Wait a minute, why did I not ask about which world I am going to?"

???: "Which World am I going to?"

God: "You are going to Touhou Project or Gensokyo as it is known there."

???(Mind): "Shit why the hell that world, I mean there is a bunch of cute girls but with overpowered haxes and bullshit bullet hell. I need to think of something better than Yukari because no one wants two Yukari it's like having more Merlins from the Fate series. Cmon thinks me think what is an overpowered character that can handle the Touhou verse."

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