On Hiatus?

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Bois, it is a sad day indeed as I am putting this book on Hiatus for I have no idea how long.


1. Bored: I am trying to make other books so it is getting harder to update this one as I am getting bored of update this book.

2. College: I am going to college which means I ain't got no time for write books though I will finish the second book for the first singularity. Read if you are interested.

3. Ideas: I am lacking ideas for this book so sadly it going this way.

Sorry for everyone who was reading this book as I am just tired of writing this book for now. I hope to write more in the future about this but seriously I am tired of this. 















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Okay, I am telling you the real reason for this book so-called hiatus.

I am actually not having time to write this book though the plan is to write in college more, it will take around a month to do this as I need to be a focus on College first. So do not worry I am not actually have this book on Hiatus though it will take longer for the chapters to be made for this book. So see you in the future. I hope to put one more chapter before I leave for College. So peace.

(I got to love this boi daily upload.)

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