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You know they should say reading too much fanfiction can rot the brain and soul. (Sanity is gone)

Welp here is the start of the story/hell of our main character.

Before that here some things to know about the story.

I am new to this whole writing thing so if I make a mistake, please tell me.

The reason why I am doing a book is that I want to and as well it came to me to thank two people which they are Ridoux_Studio for making his story about Touhou that I enjoy even though it a bit weird at times and Azur_Rose for giving me inspiration to making something similar to the Frieza in Gensokyo story though it will be different in many ways because of a debate.

I am also completely new to Touhou series in the lore, but I will try to do my best and the same with the power that our character will have (In my opinion it is overpowered power) from a series that is not really known to English demographics.

So get ready for an adventure (not really) with a lot of action(wait we have action) and a lot of memes and references to internet videos. I hope people enjoy this book that I want to make for fun and my update schedule will be wacky but hopeful each week a new chapter depends on the mood. Though it probably I would have 10 chapters at least for all of the summer break.

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