A Curious Vampire and RAGE

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Here is the end of the opponents that he will face and the time for the ending to come. Also, I am surprised by the increase in people reading this book so thank you very much. Also, the end of this arc is before my birthday though on my birthday get ready for a special chapter.

Raiden Pov

It's been 5 minutes since we were going to the library. I need to talk to Marisa because I need a buddy of crime as I have more plans for chaos in the future.

Raiden: "Okay this silence is getting boring. How are you doing Marisa."

Marisa looked relieved that I start the conversation kinda weird because I am used to seeing fanfiction of Marisa being a talkative type. I mean it's possible that the atmosphere is bad as it just feels tense as shit like I feel like I can cut it.

Marisa: "Oh I am doing good ze."

Raiden: "So what do you do here in Genskoyo? I am new to being here."

Marisa: "Oh you are an outsider well I usually just run a Magic shop that you should totally check out ze."

Raiden: "Well all I do is just relax in the village and try to collect magical items."

Marisa seems like she was interested in what I said.

Marisa: "So what did you have?"

Raiden: "Well I have this book."

It is the book that brings me to the City of Books though I do not really use it as I have not need to yet. I am happy no one can get in there though I need to go there sometimes as I check if anything is wrong in this universe because I have a feeling that someone might come as I am an anomaly and it is possible that other people might get in. (Kinda weird no fanfic actually had the idea that other beings might get in the universe if someone like the main character arrives.)

Marisa: with stars in her eyes "Oh can I borrow it ze."

Raiden: deadpan "No, as it is my most treasured one."

Marisa: "Aw, but I promise to return it ze."

Raiden: "Still no."

Marisa: "Aw you are no fun."

Raiden: "Eh it's not time to have fun though I do have fun by pranking people."

Marisa look interested

Marisa: "Did you ever  "borrow" before?"

Raiden: smirked "Why yes I have "borrowed" before."

Yes, I have stolen before things though it was not massive like a couple of food, books, tv, magical books. The normal stuff though I do keep in the inv.

Raiden: "I have a feeling that you have "borrowed" a lot."

Marisa: "I have no idea what you mean." trying to look innocent.

Raiden: "Do you want to prank people after this incident is over?"

Marisa: "Only if you help me borrow some things here in the library."

Raiden: "Deal" 

I put my hand up so we can shake on it. She did the same. We both are smiling as we both know we are prankish/trouble type and I have a feeling that is going to be the start of a beautiful relationship. Though it was interrupted as fairies start to attack us.

Raiden: "Well let end this."

Marisa: "Let us ze."

We both start to shoot Danmaku's bullets and end them quite easily though we did reach the library. We both went inside.

A Boring Reincarnation (End)Where stories live. Discover now